Prayer Thot for the Day on 1Tim 2

God Desires Peace and Unity

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we will Pray In Unity:
I urge you first of all to pray for
all people. As you make your
requests, plead for God’s mercy
upon them, and give thanks.
Pray this way for kings & all others
who are in authority so that we
can live peaceful and quiet lives…
This pleases God, who wants
everyone to be saved (1Tim 2:1-4)
I want men everywhere to lift up
holy hands in prayer, without
anger or disputing (v8). Amen.
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