Praying thro Matthew Gospel(Apr1)

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
since the beginning of this year,
we meditated on 1st gospel to
be written, Mark which portray
Jesus as Obedient Servant;
and the first five books of Bible
(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Num
and Deut) where God unfolds
salvation plan by faith for creation
Covenant Relationship with God;
how to live as His Holy people;
God disciplines for our good &
Necessity of Obedience to God.

Just a sneak preview that we will
meditate over 3 weekends on
the Gospel according to Matthew,
which introduces Jesus as
the Messiah the prophesied King.
Opposition to His ministry grows
as religious leaders deny His
claims & prompting Jesus to
turn increasingly to His disciples.
Through miracles, parables and
sermons, He prepares them for
the climax of His earthly ministry,
His sacrificial death, burial and
resurrection. Prior to ascension,
Jesus commissions His disciples
to continue the work He began.

We’ll cover Matthew over 6 parts:
M1-4: Arrival of Messiah
M5-7: Teaching of Messiah
M8-15: Healing & Reactions
M16-19: Sermons of Messiah
M20-25: Parables & Prophecies
M26-28: His Finished Work