Praying thro Psalms (July 1)

Friends, from start of this year,
we have systematically meditated
through the bible to understand
God’s Word better, knowing how
Mega Theme dev thro each book;
appreciate the chronological
context and the key milestones
in the redemptive plan of God.
That man’s greatest problem is
unbelief and the solution is to
trust the Lord & believe in Jesus.

So, we chronologically covered
the books of Laws: from Genesis
(inclusive book of Job time-wise)
to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers
to reach Deuteronomy (at the
edge of The Promised Land);
Interspersed by Matthew gospel,
before meditating 6 historical bks
(Jos, Jdgs, Ruth, 1-2Sam & 1 Chr)
up to the reign of King David
– the high point of Israel’s history.
Thus far we are quarter way to
pray thro Bible within two years.

Continuing we will meditate on
Psalms, written mostly by David.
Over a period of six centuries,
inspired hymns of worship were
composed and compiled to form
the anthology known as the book
of Psalms. Authored by David and
six other writers and used as the
temple hymnbook, these heart-
stirring pleas and praises capture
the essence of what it means to
walk daily with God. Each of the
5 sections bears topical likeness
to a book of the Pentateuch and
closes with doxology of praise.

We’ll cover Psalms in 5 sections:
Psa 1-41: These psalms resemble
Genesis with redemption theme.
P42-72: These psalms resemble
Exodus with recovery theme.
P73-89: These psalms resemble
Leviticus with holiness theme.
P90-106: These psalms resemble
Numbers with kingdom theme.
P107-150: The psalms resemble
Deuteronomy with praise theme.
Look out for it/Chris