Praying thro Exodus (Feb 11)

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
as we approach the end of
the Chinese New Year season,
just a sneak preview that we
will be meditating over the
next two weekends, on Exodus
the second book of the Bible.

During the nearly 400 years
since the close of Genesis, the
descendants of the patriarchal
family have grown into a nation
numbering several millions. But
they became oppressed slaves
in the land of Egypt. Exodus is
thus the book of redemption
from bondage to Pharaoh into
a covenant relationship with God.

For better perspective on
our meditation, we will cover
Exodus over four phases:
Exo 1-12: Israel cries in Egypt
E12-18: Israel complains in Desert
E19-24: Israel receives law at Sinai
E25-40: Israel builds Tabernacle
Join me in Exodus. Look out for it!