Praying thro Gospel of Luke (Sep 9)

Friends, since start of this year,
we have systematically meditated
through the bible to understand
God’s Word better, see how the
Mega Theme dev thro each book;
& know the chronological context
of the redemptive plan of God.
That man’s greatest problem is
unbelief and the solution is to
trust the Lord & believe in Jesus.

So, we chronologically covered
five books of Laws: from Genesis
to reach Deuteronomy (at the
edge of The Promised Land);
Interspersed by Matthew gospel,
before meditating 6 historical bks
(Jos, Jdgs, Ruth, 1-2Sam & 1 Chr)
up to the reign of King David
– the high point of Israel’s history.
And for the past 10 weeks, we
have meditated on the five books
of psalms whereby we learn how
to pray, thanking & praising God.
Thus far we are two-fifth way to
pray thro Bible within two years.

Continuing we’ll meditate on the
Gospel of Luke, which presents
Jesus as the perfect Man who
came to save sinful people.
Luke builds his narrative on
a chronological presentation
of Jesus’ life, tracing the twin
themes of growing belief and
growing opposition. While Jesus’
followers are challenged to count
the cost of discipleship, those
who oppose Him are plotting
His undeserved death. But His
death and resurrection validate
His claims, thwart His enemies
and empower His disciples to
continue His ministry to the lost.

We’ll cover Luke over 3 phases:
Birth & Prep of Saviour (L1-4)
Message & Ministry (L4-21)
Death & Resurrection (L22-24)
Look out for it/Chris