Praying Thro 2 Chronicles (Sep 30)

Friends, since start of this year,
we have systematically meditated
through the bible to understand
God’s Word better, see how the
Mega Theme dev thro each book;
& know the chronological context
of the redemptive plan of God.
That man’s greatest problem is
unbelief and the solution is to
trust the Lord & believe in Jesus.

So, we chronologically covered
five books of Laws: from Genesis
to reach Deuteronomy (at the
edge of The Promised Land);
interspersed by Matthew gospel,
before meditating 6 historical bks
(Jos, Jdgs, Ruth, 1-2Sam & 1 Chr)
up to the reign of King David
– the high point of Israel’s history.
And for the past 13 weeks, we’ve
meditated on Psalms where we
learn to pray, thank & praise God;
as well as Gospel of Luke which
presents Jesus as perfect Man
who came to save sinful people.
Next, we revert back to OT on
2nd Chronicles to continue the
second phase of Israel history.

The book of 2Chronicles spans
four centuries of Judah’s history
from the glory days of Solomon
& the building of the magnificent
temple to the conclusion of the
Babylonian Exile. Following the
death of Solomon, a succession
of good and bad kings rises to
power; until finally the spiritually
bankrupt nation is carried off
into captivity. But the final verses
of 2nd Chronicles sparkle hope.
After 70 years, Persian King Cyrus
decrees the rebuilding of God’s
house & the return of God’s people.

The Purpose of 2 Chronicles
is to unify the nation around
the worship of God by showing
His standard for judging kings.
The righteous kings of Judah and
the religious revivals under their
rule are highlighted and the sins
of the evil kings are exposed.
The Theme verse is 2Chron 7:14:
“If my people, which are called by
my name, shall humble themselves,
and pray, and seek my face & turn
from their wicked ways; then will I
hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land.”

We cover 2Chron over 2 sections:
Reign of Solomon (2Chron 1-9)
– A King’s Glory
Kingdom of Judah (2Chr 10-36)
– A Kingdom’s Disgrace
Look out for it/Chris