Prayer Thot for the Day on Phil 3

God Helps You Press On

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging letter
in the midst of persecution. There
is much for Paul to rejoice about
especially the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel. Though
that testimony is threatened by
divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored
as they imitate the humility and
servanthood of Christ. And Paul
urges Rejoice in the Lord always.

Lord, we will Focus on the Goal:
I am still not all I should be, but
I am focusing all my energies on
this one thing: Forgetting the past
and Looking Forward to what lies
ahead, I strain to reach the end
of the race and receive the Prize
for which God, thro Christ Jesus,
is calling us (Phil 3:13-14). (For)
our citizenship is In Heaven. And
we eagerly await a Saviour from
there, the Lord Jesus (v20). Amen
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