Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 4)

God Helps the Overwhelmed

Backgrounder on 2 Chron 17-20:
Jehoshaphat institutes a peace
treaty with the king of Israel. And
it causes Judah being entangled
in a war between Israel and Syria.
But his reaction to divine rebuke,
his appointment of judges to rule
for the Lord and his Godward
response to crisis point to the
day-by-day reality of his faith.

Lord, we look up to U our Friend:
Are you not our God, who drove
out the inhabitants of this land
and gave it to the descendants
of Abraham Your Friend forever?
And here are the people of Ammon,
Moab & Mt Seir…O our God, won’t
you stop them? For we have no
power against this great multitude
that is coming against us nor do
we know what to do, but our eyes
are upon You ( 2Chron 20:7-12).

Lord, help us to understand the
implications of being Your Sheep
and being in Friendship with You.
Thank you for your provision and
protection for you faithfully feed
and guide your flock. And when
I am afraid or tired, you carry me.
So I purpose to be loyal and
committed; and walk with U daily.

Lord sometimes I feel so over-
whelmed, all I can say is “Help”.
When I don’t know what to do,
but I am looking to You for help.
And help me to fully trust You.
When trouble comes, help me
to keep my eyes solely on you.
For the battle belongs to the Lord.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.