Prayer Thot for the Day (Sep 27)

Precious Lord Take My Hand

Backgrounder: Precious Lord
was written by black American Thomas Dorsey. Much great poetry is inspired by personal tragedy & this modern hymn, which started the Gospel genré, is his greatest composition out of about 400 songs. Thomas Dorsey had religion and music in his blood; he was born in 1899, the son of a minister and
a piano teacher. Unsurprisingly,
he became a professional musician, and in 1925 married his first wife Nettie. The following year he turned to religion in a big way, and took up the post of Musical Director at the Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago.

In August 1932, his wife died during childbirth and his newborn son died the following day. Dorsey’s faith took a severe blow: “I felt God had done me an injustice. I didn’t want to serve him or write gospel songs. I just want to go back to the jazz world, he said. In the midst of despair, a friend visited him and
left him alone with a piano. Then
he experienced peace & revival.
I found myself playing a melody, and words just fall into place.”
The song was an immediate
hit and by 2003 it had been translated into 32 languages. Although Dorsey is generally credited with writing the music,
he adapted the melody from
the 1844 hymn Maitland
composed by George Allen.

Precious Lord, Take My Hand:
My heart was grieved and I was
vexed in mind. Nevertheless I am
continually with You; You hold me
by my right hand. You will guide
me with Yr counsel & afterward
receive me to glory..There is none
upon earth that I desire besides u
God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever… It is
good for me to draw near to God;
I have put my trust in the Lord
God, that I may declare all
Your works (Psa 73:21-28).

Lord, I want to know, see and
experience you in fresh ways.
You are the strength of my heart.
And I am thankful that U are mine
forever when I accepted you as
Lord and Saviour. Nothing can
separate me from your love:
not good things, not bad things,
nor any circumstances. Open my
eyes and grant me vision to see
your beauty and your love for me. And be with me & hold my hand.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Precious Lord, take my hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Through the storm, thro the night
Lead me on to the light
Take my hand, precious Lord
Lead me home

When my way grows drear,
Precious Lord, linger near,
When my life is almost gone,
Hear my cry, hear my call,
Hold my hand lest I fall:
Take my hand, precious Lord
Lead me home.

When the darkness appears
And the night draws near,
And the day is past and gone,
At the river I stand,
Guide my feet, hold my hand:
Take my hand, precious Lord,
Lead me home.

Prayer Thot for the Day (Sep 26)

Abide With Me

Backgrounder: Henry Lyte wore
out when he was 54 years old,
an obscure pastor who laboured
for 23 years in a poor church
in a fishing village in Devonshire
England. This hymn was written
shortly before his death in 1847,
was inspired by the words of
the two disciples met by Jesus
on the road to Emmaus: Stay the night with us, since it’s getting late (Luke 24:49). It was eventide
for Lyte & he felt very much alone.
But he was not alone; for the Lord
is “the help of the helpless”,
our guide and security. And He
will never leave us nor forsake us.

Lord, abide with me:
The one thing I ask of the Lord,
the thing I seek most – is to live
in the house of the Lord all the
days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire
in His Temple. For in time of
trouble, He shall hide me in the
secret place of His Tabernacle,
He shall set me high upon
a rock (Psa 27:4-5).

Thank You ALMIGHTY GOD for giving us the hymn: Abide With
Me for it soothes and heals the
soul. It reassures hope beyond
yet unaccomplished desires.
Such a powerful song and cry
of helplessness that the Lord cannot turn His back but attend to. For Surely Help comes to the
helpless who Looks to the Lord,
who is both Loving and Almighty!

Lord, at times when I feel weary
as burdens lay heavily as not having the solution yet & fear the
future, this hymn speaks to me.
It gives hope & encouragement,
and reconnects me to the
Source of hope and peace.
And heaviness of heart gives way to relief & hope as I listen to the song and join in singing the lyrics.
I can only say that our God is real, caring, faithful & He has touched me with His love. For in life and
in death, the Lord Abide With Me!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Abide with me; fast falls
the eventide;
The darkness deepens;
Lord with me abide !
When other helpers fail
and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless,
O abide with me.

I need Thy presence every
passing hour;
What but Thy grace can foil
the tempter’ power?
Who like Thyself, my guide
and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine,
Lord abide with me.

Hold Thou Thy cross before
my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and
point me to the skies;
Heaven’s morning breaks and
earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord,
abide with me.

Imploring God thro His Promises (Nov 13)

Dear Friends,
We have ended our third series
of weekday topical devotion
on Praising God thro Hymns
following two earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving
& Knowing God thro His Names.
Praising God is the key reason for
our existence for we were made
to worship Him! And hymns with
their meaningful lyrics are great
means to give due glory to God!!
Hope that the backgrounder and
the scripture inspiring the hymns
have enhanced your emotional
understanding of the hymns;
and together with the application
prayers help raise your worship to
God to a higher level than before.
Continue reading “Imploring God thro His Promises (Nov 13)”

Praying thro Song of Songs (Nov12)

A Wedding Song of Love
(Prayer Walk thro Song of S 1-8)

Backgrounder: Song of Songs
is a wedding song honouring
marriage. The most explicit
statements on sex in the Bible
can be found in this book.
It has been often criticised thro
the centuries because of its
sensuous language. The purity &
sacredness of love represented
here are greatly needed in our
day where distorted attitudes
about love and marriage abound.
God created sex and intimacy,
and they are holy and good
when enjoyed within the bounds
of marriage. A husband and wife
honor God when they love
and enjoy each other.
Continue reading “Praying thro Song of Songs (Nov12)”

Praying thro Song of Songs(Nov 12)

Dear Friends,
Since start of the year, we’ve been
chronologically meditating through
the bible to see how the Mega Theme develops thro each book. So, we covered 5 books of Laws
& Job; before meditating on 6 historical books up to King David
(the high point of Israel’s history)
and Psalms where we learn
to pray, thank and praise God.
We then go on to to 2 Chronicles
spanning 4 centuries of Judah’s
history from the glory days of
Solomon & building the Temple to
the conclusion of Babylonian Exile.
And we covered Proverbs, teaching
us application of truth to daily life
and how to live to please God.
Continue reading “Praying thro Song of Songs(Nov 12)”

Praising God thro Hymns(Nov 11)

From the earliest days of the church,
the singing of hymns had been an
integral part of Christian worship.
In the book of Acts, we find Paul & Silas
“praying and singing hymns to God”
(Acts 16:25) while chained in the
Philippian jail. It was also the apostle
Paul who charged believers with these
words: Be filled with the Holy Spirit,
singing psalms, hymns & spiritual songs..
making music to the Lord in your hearts.
And give thanks for everything to God
(Eph 5:18-20).
Continue reading “Praising God thro Hymns(Nov 11)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 10)

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

Backgrounder: Edward Perronet
(1726-1792) was not an easy
person to get along with. After
being a minister in the Anglican
Church for some time, he became
fed up with what he felt was the
church’s “Nonsense” and joined
with the Wesleys. As a Methodist
he faced persecution. Perronet
soon broke with the Wesleys over
the issue of who could administer
the sacraments. He joined a group
called the Connexion but later
broke with then as well. It was
as this majestic hymn. Whether
Perronet intended or not,
the hymn points to the time all
believers in Christ- irregardless
of petty disagreements will join
together in a celestial chorus.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 10)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 9)

Victory in Jesus
Backgrounder: Eugene Bartlett
was born in December 1885 in
Missouri and grew up in Arkansas.
He was educated as a music
teacher at Hall-Moody Institute
in Tennessee and William Jewell
College in Missouri. In 1918,
he established Hartford Music
Company. Over his career, Bartlett
wrote more than 800 songs.
In 1939, Bartlett had a stroke
that left him partially paralyzed.
After the stroke he was bed ridden.
Bartlett continued to study his Bible
during this difficult time. Although
he dealt with the physical strains,
he also looked towards the eternal
victory he knew was approaching.
During this difficult time after his
stroke, Bartlett wrote the words
to Victory in Jesus, which was the
final song he wrote. The hymn is
an optimistic reminder of the hope
of heaven. In the second stanza,
there are references to the
healing ministry of Christ.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 9)”

Praising God thro Hymns

Praising God thro Hymns

Content by Books:
1) Psalms: 15
2) Isaiah: 5
3) Matthew: 5
4) John: 10
5) Romans: 5
6) Ephesians: 5
7) Philippians: 5
8) 2 Timothy: 5
9) Hebrews: 5
10) 1 John: 5
11) Selection: 15
Total Count: 80

Part 1: Psalms (15)
Psa 16:5-6: Be Thou My Vision
Psa 23:1-3: The Lord’s My Shepherd
Psa 27:4-5: Abide With Me
Psa 31:1-3: He Leadeth Me
Psa 33:6-8: This Is My Father’s World
Continue reading “Praising God thro Hymns”