Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 22)

The Lord Who Covers & Protects

Backgrounder to Exodus 16-18:
When Israel left Egypt, there
were two things the people could
do well: make bricks & complain.
So as supplies decrease, their
complains increase. When their
resources run out, God supplies
manna, quail & water in abundance
to demonstrate that He is their
reliable supply. And when in
danger, the Lord helps Israel
fights and wins its first battle.

Lord, You’ll Cover & Protect us:
Joshua fought with Amalek
while Moses, Aaron and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
And so it was, when Moses held
up his hand that Israel prevailed
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’
hands became heavy. Aaron and
Hur supported his hands & his
hands were steady. So Joshua
defeated Amelek. And Moses
built an altar and called its
name: The LORD Is My Banner
Jehovah Nissi (Exo 17:10-15).

Lord, praise U for being the banner
over us for when we face troubles,
we can look to you to cover us.
There’s days when I had wasted
fearing for things that I should
have looked to you to handle.
Forgive me for the times
I have doubted by turning to my
fears rather than turning to You.

Jehovah Nissi, U are our strong
banner and you care for us.
You promised that I will find you
if I will seek you as my banner.
And U have said that in the world
I will face tribulation but that
You have overcome the world!
I ask that you translate all these
knowledge into my emotions.
Then I’ll feel secure in the midst
of life’s storms even as I look to U,
my banner and my strong arm.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.