Praying thro Jeremiah (Jan 21)

Querying God in Tough Times
(Prayer Walk thro Jer 11-20)

Backgrounder: For centuries,
prophets had come to God’s
people with the ultimatum:
Shape up or God will ship you out
in judgment. But their message
falls on deaf ears & stony hearts.
At last it is time for God to show
His words are no idle threat.
For their idolatry & disobedience,
the people will reel in judgment
at the hands of the Babylonians.

Dear Lord, even as Jeremiah
was tasked to announce your
tough message of judgment,
he had many questions which
he had no answers. Help us
to learn from your prophet
during difficult circumstance,
to Be Honest before You;
to Hunger for Your Word; and
to Cling to You. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Honest before You:
Lord, you always give me justice
when I bring a case before you.
Now let me bring U this complaint:
Why are the wicked so prosperous?
Why are evil people so happy?…
Your name is on their lips, but
in their hearts they give you
no credit at all (Jer 12:1-2).
Lord, I know You are always good
and just, and I don’t question
Your ways. But I confess that
sometimes I wonder why certain
people seem to get away with
murder while others, who are
Your servants, and seem to have
done nothing wrong, have so
much suffering in their lives?!”
Help me to see these things from
Your perspective so that I may
help others do the same. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Hunger for Your Word:
O Lord, You know. Remember
me and visit me… Know that for
Your sake I have suffered rebuke.
Your words are what sustain me.
They bring me great joy & are my
heart’s delight, for I bear Your name
O Lord God Almighty (J15:15-16)
Lord, we gratefully thank you
for your holy and powerful Word.
Build in me a deeper hunger for
it and reliance for it day by day.
Lead me as I consume & meditate
your instructions and promises.
Through them you will sustain me
and they will indeed be my joy
and my heart’s delight. Amen.

Lord, we Cling to U in hard times:
Cursed are those who put their
trust in mere humans and turn
their hearts from the Lord…
But blessed are those who trust
in the Lord and have made the
Lord their hope and confidence.
They are like trees planted along
a riverbank, with roots that reach
deep into the water. Such trees
are not bothered by the heat or
worried by long months of drought
Their leaves stay green & they go
right on producing fruit (J17:5-8)
Lord, I put my total trust in You.
You are my hope and confidence.
Let me never turn from U. Instead
Draw me ever closer to you and
give me a passion to seek you.
I want to be fruitful even during
life’s hard times. Help me to put
my roots deep into you and your
Word so that I am able to endure
dry spiritual times. Amen.

Dear Lord, just like Jeremiah
we may have no answers to the
questions and problems facing us.
But Help us Be Honest with You,
Hunger for Your Word & Cling to U.
Help us to be confident in You,
for You are Good, Able & Faithful.
And You Will Make A Way for us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.