Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 16)

God Watches Over You

Backgrounder on Psa 31-36:
A proper perspective can help
you face any circumstance and
can bring you from gloom to
glory (P31), from failure to
forgiveness (P32), from false
security to confident trust (P33),
from affliction to adoration (P34),
from persecution to praise (P35)
and from darkness to light (P36).

Lord, You Watches Over Us:
You are my Hiding Place; You
protect me fr trouble & surround
me with songs of deliverance…
The Lord says: I will Guide you
along the best pathway for yr life.
I will Watch over you. Do not be
like a senseless horse or mule
that needs a bit and bridle to
keep it under control… Sorrows
shall be to the wicked but he
who Trusts in the Lord, mercy
shall surround him (Psa 32:7-10).

Lord, thank you for giving us
security in the midst of insecurity,
peace in the storm of life, and
above all a Hiding Place in
Your safe and loving arm. For
he who dwells in the shelter
of the Most High will rest in the
shadow of the Almighty. Amen.

Lord, You promise that you will
Guide your people along the
best pathways for their lives.
So, Guide me day by day Lord.
And give me the strength to step
out with courage and faith as
I sense your leading. Amen.

Lord, guard me from being
like the senseless horse who
pushes against your control.
Thank you for your assurance
of direction and protection,
especially your promise that
your unfailing love surrounds
those who trust you. Amen.