Praying thro Minor Prophets (Dec 16)

Jonah, Amos, Hosea & Micah

To boost understanding of the
context of each Biblical book,
we have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
For chronology sake, poetry books
were inserted to Israel history.
OT1: Five Books of Laws
including Poetry Book of Job
OT2A/B: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
OT2C: Reign of King Solomon in
2nd Chronicles & Wisdom Poetry

In the Third Phase, Solomon’s
pagan wives turn his heart
away from godly worship. The
next century sees the decline
of the two nations, indifferent
to prophets, especially the
northern kingdom, with Israel
finally dispersed by the Assyrians.
For chronology sake, prophetic
books inserted to Israel history.
OT3A: 1 Kings: United & Divided
Kingdom and Obadiah & Joel
OT3B: 2K1-17: Israel Dispersion
and Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah.

We’ll cover four minor prophets
chronically over two weekends.
Listed below are the contextual
background conditions in the
northern kingdom during the
ministry of the four prophets.

Jonah (About 760 BC)
God calls Jonah to warn Assyrian
city of Nineveh of impending
destruction. However, the brutal
Assyrians are Israel’s bitter enemies
and Jonah both fears & despises
them. Instead of heading to
Nineveh, Jonah sets sail in the
opposite direction.A storm ensues,
Jonah is tossed overboard and
is swallowed by a great fish.
After three days the fish deposits
Jonah on dry land. Jonah then
goes to Nineveh and preaches
as God had instructed. When the
people repent, Jonah’s resentment
grows until God must teach him
a lesson in compassion.

Amos (760-750 BC)
Externally the northern kingdom
was marked by flourishing business
and stable government. But
internally the nation’s condition
was grim. Idolatry, injustice, greed,
hypocrisy and arrogance indicated
deep-seated sin. Amos makes
God’s message crystal clear
to those who had grown lax in
luxurious living: Repent or Perish.
The storm clouds of judgment are
soon to break over God’s people.

Hosea (755-710 BC)
Hosea prophesies to a corrupt
and idolatrous Israel from the
pulpit of his own experience.
Instructed by God to marry the
harlot Gomer, Hosea finds mirrored
in his domestic life an accurate
portrayal of the unfaithfulness
of God’s people. Drawing a striking
parallel from his marriage and
his wife’s defection, Hosea carries
God’s powerful message to the
streets: The wickedness of Israel
will bring swift tragedy & certain
calamity. But though God’s love
must discipline, it will surely
also restore. For His love
desires the best for his beloved.

Micah (735-710 BC)
Sin had infiltrated every segment
of society. Immoral princes
oppressed the poor and corrupt
judges allowed injustice to rule
the land. Micah pleads with his
countrymen to turn away from
sin and back to God. But the
message falls on deaf ears
– ears that will soon instead hear
the clamour of invading armies.
But within the hardness lies hope.
When justice is accomplished,
God will restore His people
to their covenant land.

Friends, Look out for them as they
will enable you to have a better
understanding of the contextual
background and appreciate the
mega themes of the prophets
besides nudging u to Fear the Lord.