Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 11)

God Gives Strength & Security

Backgrounder on Psalms 13-18:
Many blessings accrue to those
who serves God wholeheartedly:
joy (P13), fellowship with God (P15)
satisfaction (P16), preservation (17)
& confidence in facing future (P18)
Psalm 18 was written by David
on the day that the Lord delivered
him from the hand of all his
enemies and from the hand
of Saul (cf: 2 Samuel 22:1-4).

Lord, U Give Strength & Security:
I will love You O Lord my strength.
The Lord is my rock & my fortress
and my Deliverer; My God
my strength in whom I will trust;
My shield, my stronghold.
I will Call upon the rock; so shall
I be saved from my enemies…
In my distress I cried out to God;
He heard my voice… It is God
who arms me with Strength.
He makes my feet like the feet
of deer (Psalm 18:1-6, 32-33).

Lord, be my rock, my fortress,
my security when everything
around me is insecure.
When I am overwhelmed with
difficulties, be my rock, my source
of security in an uncertain world.
Help me to trust You to carry me
throughout each day of my life.

Lord, when I am in danger, be my
stronghold where I find protection.
And be my shield of protection
from those who intend to harm me.
Be my strength when I am weak.
And make my feet like a deer
when I am unsure and unsteady.

Lord, thank you that U are a God
that hears and answers prayers.
Thank you that You act on behalf
of those who seek you for help.
And I bless you and praise you
at all times for you are faithful and
a very present help in time of need.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.