Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 29)

God Is the Source of Wealth

Backgrounder to Deut 8-11:
Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
throughout their 40-year
wilderness trek. God’s provision
in the past provides confidence
for the future. He will continue
to do great things for His
people if they continue to
walk in obedience to Him.

Lord, U are the source of wealth:
When you have eaten and are full,
then you shall bless the Lord your
God for the good land which He
has given you. Beware that you do
not forget the Lord your God by
not keeping His commandments…
And you shall remember the Lord
your God, for it is He who gives
you power to get wealth, that
He may establish His covenant
which He swore to your fathers,
as it is this day (Deut 8:10-11, 18).

Lord, thank you for your material
provision. Keep me from being
greedy or selfish. Help me find
a God-honouring balance in
my stewardship of the resources
that you have put in my care.
Show me practical and creative
ways to use my money to do good.
For I remember 1 Tim 6:17-18:
Command those who are rich
not to be arrogant nor to put
their hope to wealth, which is
uncertain, but to put their hope
in God, who richly provides us
with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good,
to be rich in good deeds & to be
generous and willing to share.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.