Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 27)

The God Who Rules

Backgrounder to Deut 1-4:
In the first of three sermons to
the nation, Moses begins with
a review of the past. God had
promised His people a new home
land but Israel failed to possess it
because of unbelief. For 40 years
they had wandered and died.
Now with the passing of that
unbelieving generation, God
has led the nation in smashing
victories over Sihon and Og,
bringing them to the threshold
of the land once again. But before
they are ready to enter, they must
learn a crucial lesson from the past
– that obedience brings victory
and blessings while disobedience
results only in defeat & judgment.

Praise be to the God who Rules:
At that time Moses pleaded
with the Lord: O Sovereign Lord
(Adonai) God, You have begun
to show Your servant Your
greatness and Your strong hand;
for what god is there in heaven or
on earth who can do such works
and mighty acts as Yours? Let me
go over and see the good land
beyond the Jordan (Deut 3:23-25

Dear Adonai, we worship You
Lord as the God who Rules
and The Master Over All.
Who can do the amazing and
powerful things you can do?
We acknowledge your actions
to do as you please for You are
our Owner & owner of all things.
You made us at creation;
bought us at Calvary; and you
have the right to rule our lives.

Lord, I ask for your forgiveness for
failing to honour you as I should.
Forgive me for the many times I
have gone about the day without
considering that you are the Lord
and Master over all. Forgive me
for shortsightedness and lack
of faith in you and your power.

Adonai, align our thots, desires
and actions to yours & your rule
so that we can fully experience
your blessings. May we live in
such a way that we discover the
calling you have given to each
of us. And empower us to impact
the lives of those around us
with your kingdom agenda.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.