Reflection on Historical Books

God thru Thanks & Praise

The path to intentional discipleship
is to grow towards spiritual maturity
by nurturing key disciple attitudes.
So for past two years, we had been
Seeking God thru biblical prayers;
and Trusting God thru His Promises.
And for the past three month; we’ve
been Adoring God through Thanking
Him for what He has done for us
and Praising Him for who He is.

From the earliest days of the church,
the singing of hymns and spiritual
songs has been an integral part
of Christian worship. It is a means
for believers to express praise to
their Creator and Saviour. And it’s
also a way for us to communicate
with God using more than words.
For it enables us to pour out the
grateful feelings of the heart and
to express commitment to God.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History… Prophets, Gospels…
Before we continue into Poetry,
for variety sake we will have the
Second Gospel interlude in Mark.
But here’s the key thoughts
from the 12 Historical books;
which shows God’s hand in the history of the people of Israel.
Feb25: God Gives Courage(Josh 1)
Mar3:Praise the Faithful God(Ru 1/2)
Mar10:God Is Our Strength(1Sam30)
Mar18:God Provides Directn(2Sam5)
Mar25: God Gives Wisdom (1Kgs 3)
Mar 31: God Strengthens the Committed (1 Chronicles 15/16)
Apr 7: Faithful God In Control(Ez 1-3)
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