Seeking God thro Gospel Truths

Believe & Obey the Lord (Dec 31)

Friends, we have completed series
on Seeking God thro Gospel Truths.
The Gospel is the good news that
God in Jesus Christ has fulfilled
His promises to Israel, and that a
way of salvation is opened to all.
But the Gospel is not just about
salvation & abundant life, it’s also
about the power of God & learning
to live Gospel Truths in gratitude.

Lord, I pray even as Your People
meditate on the precious Gospel
that Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Energise them;
that they Will Experience
the blessings of a praying life;
that their Faith Will Arise and
they Obey You more each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Friends, the Gospel Truths from
for past 3 months are listed below:
Mark prompts us to respond to
life’s challenges In Faith not fear.
Matthew’s Gospel portrays Christ
as King & is a Discipleship manual.
Luke challenges and teaches
disciples to reach out to the lost.
John proves Jesus is Son of God
& believers in Him have eternal life.
For Today’s Devotion, pick a post
that addresses your current need.
Click to home
page & Scroll to calender for post.

Gospel Truths (Wk 11)
Dec30: Christ Redirects Us (Jn 21)
D29:Christ Teaches Blind Faith(20)
D28:C Models Finishing Mission(19)
D27: C Cares for Failures (Jn 18)
D26: C’s Intercessory Prayer (Jn 17)
D25: C Promises Helper Spirit (J16)
D24:C Teaches Abiding In Him(J15)

Gospel Truths (W10 John)
D23:C Promises & Gives Peace(14)
D22: C Models Humility & Love(J13)
D21:C Models Glorifying Father(12)
D20: C the Resurrection & Life (J11)
D19: C the Good Shepherd (Jn 10)
D18: C Teaches Power of God (Jn9)
D17: C the Light of the World (Jn 8)

Gospel Truths (W9 John)
D16: C Source of Living Water (Jn7)
D15: C the Bread of Life (John 6)
D14:C Models Following Father(J5)
D13:C Satisfies Deep Longings(J4)
D12: C Given for Eternal Life (Jn 3)
D11:C Turns Lack to Abundance(J2)
D10: Christ Reveals the Father (Jn1)

Gospel Truths (W8 Luke)
Dec9: C Present thro Spirit (Lk 24)
D8: C Models Forgiveness (Lk 23)
D7: C Cares for His Disciples (Lk22)
D6: Christ Is Coming Again (Lk21)
D5: C Subj to Man’s Treachery(L20)
D4: C Came to Seek the Lost(Lk19)
D3: C Teaches Childlike Faith(Lk18)

Gospel Truths (W7 Luke)
D2: C Teaches Prayer of Faith(Lk17)
D1: C Teaches Faithfulness (Lk 16)
Nov30: C Models Compassion (L14)
N29:C Patience Calls Response(13)
N28: C Teaches Being Ready (Lk12)
N27: C Teaches Persistence (Lk 11)
N26:C Gives Witness Authority(L10)
N25: C’s Word to be Believed (Lk 9)

Gospel Truths (W6 Luke)
N24:C’s Word to be Responded(L8)
N23: C Teaches Gratefulness (Lk 7)
N22: C Urges Firm Foundation (L6)
N21: C Cares for those In Need (L5)
N20: C With Authority For Us (Lk 4)
N19: C’s Obedience to Father (Lk 2)
N18: C Teaches Faith In God (Lk 1)

Gospel Truths (W5 Matthew)
Nov16:Go & Make Disciples (Mt 28)
Nov15: Obey Father’s Will (Mt 26)
N14: Do God’s Assigned Task(M25)
N13: Be Ready for L’s Return (M24)
N12: Avoid Pride,Be Authentic(M23)
N11: Seek/Love His Kingdom (Mt22)
N10: Trust & Obey In Action(Mt21)

Gospel Truths (W4 Matthew)
N9: Have Mindset of Servant(Mt20)
N8:Be Trusting & Eternal Minded(19
N7: Be Humble & Merciful (Mt 18)
N6:Hv Faith Nothing Impossible(17)
N5:Seek God’s Reveln & View(M16)
N4:Seek Justice & G’s Will(M12-15)
N3:Come,Receive God’s Rest(M11)

Gospel Truths (W3 Matthew)
Nov2:Don’t Worry God Cares (M10)
Nov1:Be Merciful,Compassionate(9)
Oct31:Kingdom Mission By Faith(8)
O30: Don’t Be Judgmental (Mt 7)
O29:Pray, Forgive & Seek First(M6)
O28:Be Merciful,Light,Perfect (M5)
O27:Prophesied King Arrival (M1-4)

Gospel Truths (W2 Mark)
O26: Obey Father’s Will (Mk14-16)
O25: Lord Coming Back Soon (M13)
O24:Love God Wholeheartedly (12)
O23:Pray Without Doubt/Grudge(11
O22 Trust God & Pray In Faith(M10)
O21: Don’t Doubt, Pray In Faith(M9)
O20: Christ who Meet Needs(Mk8)

Gospel Truths (W1 Mark)
Oct19: Be Sincere & Humble (Mk 7)
Oct18: Be Compassionate (Mk 6)
O17: Don’t Be Afraid; Believe (Mk 5)
O16:Be Wholehearted & Trusting(4)
O15: Put the Lord In Priority (Mk 3)
Oct14: Be People of Faith (Mk 2)
Oct13: Seek God’s Will (Mk 1)