Praying thro 1 Timothy (Jul 22)

Managing God’s Household
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Tim 4-6)

Backgrounder: Timothy, a young
disciple discovered by Paul on
his second missionary journey,
enjoyed a unique relationship
with the apostle. Referred to
by Paul as his “beloved son”,
Timothy ministered alongside
with Paul as a missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the church
at Ephesus. Paul’s first letter
resembles a manual for building
church leadership and principles
to impact the lives of others.

Dear Lord, we realise that right
belief and right behaviour are
critical for anyone who serves.
Help us manage Your household
by knowing Your Word, obey it;
and be wholly committed to Christ.
Lord, help us Be Example of You;
Care and Honour our Elders and
Fight the Good Fight. Amen.

Lord, we aim Be Example of You:
Be an example to all believers
in what you teach, in the way
you live, in your love, your faith,
and your purity… Give attention
to reading, to exhortation,
to doctrine. (1 Tim 4:12-13).
Lord, help me not to shy away
from using the gift that You
have given me. And make me an
example of your love, faith & purity.
Thankful that your opinion of me
is more important than anyone
else’s opinion. And that the work
You accomplish through me is
effective whether in my gifting
or in my weaknesses. For my
weaknesses cause greater
dependence on You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Care & Honour Elders:
Learn to show piety at home and
to repay their parents; for this is
good and acceptable before God…
If anyone does not provide for
his own, and especially for those
of his household, he has denied
the faith and is worse than
an unbeliever (1 Tim 5:4 & 8).
Lord, thank you for our children,
who are gifts from God. We pray
that You God will give all parents
the grace and wisdom to teach
their children in loving-kindness.
And may the children honour
their parents in gratitude for all
they have done for them; and
recognise the privilege they have
in being part of a godly family unit.
Help them realise their faithfulness
will be rewarded by You God
so that all will be well with them.
Lord thank you for my family and
into your hands I commit. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
O man of God, flee these things &
pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, patience, gentleness.
Fight the good fight of faith.
Hold tightly to the eternal life that
God has given you, which u have
confessed so well before many
witnesses (1Tim 6:11-12). Amen.
Lord, I realise the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to hold fast and stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in the
battles I face; but instead seek
You continually to fight the good
fight on my behalf. And grant me
faithfulness and perseverance.
Thank You for your promise of
eternal life in your presence. Amen