Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 19)

God Delivers Those Who Wait

Backgrounder on Psa 37-41:
Psalms is not merely a book of
praise; it’s also a book of practical
counsel. And in the last 5 chapters
of Book One, you will learn how
to deal with fretfulness (P37)
and failing strength (P38-39);
how to rest in God’s faithfulness
(P40) and respond to a friend’s
unfaithfulness (P41).

Lord, we Wait Patiently for You:
I waited patiently for the Lord
to help me, and he turned to me
and heard my cry. He lifted me
out of the pit of despair, out of
the miry clay. He set my feet on
solid ground and steadied me…
Be pleased O Lord to deliver me;
O Lord make haste to help me!
You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay (Psa 40:1-2, 13-17).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 19)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 18)

God Blesses When You Trust

Backgrounder on Psa 37-41:
Psalms is not merely a book of
praise; it’s also a book of practical
counsel. And in the last 5 chapters
of Book One, you will learn how
to deal with fretfulness (P37)
and failing strength (P38-39);
how to rest in God’s faithfulness
(P40) and respond to a friend’s
unfaithfulness (P41).

Lord, we’ll Trust & Delight in You:
Trust in the Lord and do good;
Dwell in the land and feed on
His faithfulness. Delight yourself
also in the Lord, and He shall
give U the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him, and He shall
bring it to pass (Psa 37:3-5).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 18)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 17)

God Hears & Delivers You

Backgrounder on Psa 31-36:
A proper perspective can help
you face any circumstance and
can bring you from gloom to
glory (P31), from failure to
forgiveness (P32), from false
security to confident trust (P33),
from affliction to adoration (P34),
from persecution to praise (P35)
and from darkness to light (P36).

Lord, U Deliver When We Pray:
Lord, we will Seek You for Help:
I sought the Lord & he heard me
& delivered me from all my fears.
They look to Him and were
radiant, and their faces were not
ashamed…The angels of the Lord
encamps all around those who
fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord
is good, blessed is the man
who trusts in Him (Psa 34:4-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 17)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 16)

God Watches Over You

Backgrounder on Psa 31-36:
A proper perspective can help
you face any circumstance and
can bring you from gloom to
glory (P31), from failure to
forgiveness (P32), from false
security to confident trust (P33),
from affliction to adoration (P34),
from persecution to praise (P35)
and from darkness to light (P36).

Lord, You Watches Over Us:
You are my Hiding Place; You
protect me fr trouble & surround
me with songs of deliverance…
The Lord says: I will Guide you
along the best pathway for yr life.
I will Watch over you. Do not be
like a senseless horse or mule
that needs a bit and bridle to
keep it under control… Sorrows
shall be to the wicked but he
who Trusts in the Lord, mercy
shall surround him (Psa 32:7-10).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 16)”

Preview on Isaiah (Dec 30)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In Phase 3, we see the decline of
the two nations, with Israel finally
dispersed by the Assyrians.
OT3A: 1 Kings: United & Divided
Kingdom and Obadiah & Joel
OT3B: 2K1-17: Israel Dispersion
and Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah.

Next, we will meditate on Prophet
Isaiah’s Ministry which spans
the reign of four kings in Judah.
This book is like a miniature Bible.
The first 39 chapters, like the
39 books of the OT stress the
holiness of God and pronounce
woe & condemnation on Judah.
The final 27 chapters focus on
the future, calling forth the theme
of NT: that the Messiah is coming
to bring comfort to His people.
Continue reading “Preview on Isaiah (Dec 30)”

Praying thro Minor Prophets (Dec 16)

Jonah, Amos, Hosea & Micah

To boost understanding of the
context of each Biblical book,
we have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
For chronology sake, poetry books
were inserted to Israel history.
OT1: Five Books of Laws
including Poetry Book of Job
OT2A/B: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
OT2C: Reign of King Solomon in
2nd Chronicles & Wisdom Poetry

In the Third Phase, Solomon’s
pagan wives turn his heart
away from godly worship. The
next century sees the decline
of the two nations, indifferent
to prophets, especially the
northern kingdom, with Israel
finally dispersed by the Assyrians.
For chronology sake, prophetic
books inserted to Israel history.
OT3A: 1 Kings: United & Divided
Kingdom and Obadiah & Joel
OT3B: 2K1-17: Israel Dispersion
and Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah.
Continue reading “Praying thro Minor Prophets (Dec 16)”

Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 9)

To help PrayerThots viewers have
a better understanding of the
context of each Biblical book,
we have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase.
It also deepens our insight on the
development of the mega themes.

We begin with the 5 books of Laws
(from Genesis to Deut) by Moses
to appreciate the Redemptive
Plan of God for mankind as well
as the poetry book of Job (which
occurs in the time of Genesis) to
understand the sovereignty of God.
Continue reading “Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 9)”

Praying thro Obadiah & Joel (Dec2)

Dear Friends,
Man’s key problems are that of
Unbelief & Rebellion against God.
And the Grand Theme of the Bible
is that the solution is to Trust God
& accept Christ as Lord & Saviour.
We have been systematically
meditating through the bible to
see and appreciate how the Mega
Theme develops thro each book.
We Alternate between OT & NT
to add variety & more importantly
to remind ourselves that the
central theme is all about Christ.

The Bible is a collection of books
sorted according to categories
(Laws, History, Poetry, Prophets..)
and therefore not chronological.
And readers may be somewhat
unclear of the context, especially
when they come to 1 & 2 Kings,
1 & 2 Chronicles as well as the
major & minor prophetic books.
To help PrayerThots viewers have
a better understanding of the
context of each Biblical book,
we have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase.
It also deepens our insight on the
development of the mega themes.
Continue reading “Praying thro Obadiah & Joel (Dec2)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 15)

God Is Good & Upright

Backgrounder on Psalms 25-30:
As David penned these six psalms,
he thought of the multifaceted
character of God he served.
The Lord is Good & Upright (P25:8)
my light (P27:1), my strength
(P28:7), King forever (P29:10)
and my God (P30:2, 12).

Lord, You are Good & Upright:
In you Lord my God, I put my trust.
I trust in You, do not let me be
put to shame, nor let my enemies
triumph over me.No one who hopes
in you will ever be put to shame…
Guide me in your truth & teach me,
for you are God my Savior, and
my hope is in you all day long…
Good and upright is the Lord;
therefore he instructs sinners
in His ways (Isa 25:1-3, 5 & 8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 15)”

Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 14)

Pathway to Restoration
(Prayer Walk thro Isaiah 49-66)

Backgrounder on Isaiah 49-66:
Isa 49-57 shows the path to
restoration is the path of suffering
for the Servant will come willingly
as a sacrifice for many (50:6).
Isa 58-62 gives a glimpse of the
glorious future for the people
of God when affliction will cease
and the glad tidings of salvation
shall be proclaimed thro out Zion.
In the light of the present calamity
and coming glory, there can be
only one fitting response
from God’s people: repentance
for their pride and rebellion.

Dear God, we praise You that
You are Holy but yet Loving and
that you plan Restoration for Man.
Help us to Trust in Your Word;
Humble before You; Confess
our Sins and Wait Upon You.
Continue reading “Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 14)”