Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 31)

God Satisfies the Longing Soul

Backgrounder on Psalms 60-66:
In this segment, we read five
psalms of lament (P60, 61, 63-65;
in which the psalmist stands upon
the promises of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement & deceit.
Thro it all the psalmist finds that
God is a praiseworthy refuge(62,66

Lord, we will Seek after You God:
O God, You are my God, earnestly
I Seek You; my soul Thirsts for You,
my whole being Longs for You,
in a dry and parched land where
there is no water…Your unfailing
love is better to me than life itself;
how I praise you! I will honor You
as long as I live, lifting up my hands
to you in prayer (Psa 63:1-4).

Lord, Your word promises that You
will Satisfy those who seek You.
Help me to want your presence
in my life more than anything else.
Help me long more of You the way
I will long for water in the desert.
Help me come to U to quench my
spiritual thirst as only You can do.
Flow Your rivers of living water
into me so they can revive my
soul and then flow through me
to a dry and thirsty world. Amen.

Lord, Draw me into intimacy with U
by your Spirit to truly experience
your loving-kindness. Help me
to proclaim with the psalmist
that your unfailing love is better
than life itself. How I praise you!
I will honor you as long as I live,
lifting up my hands to U in prayer.
Thank U for yr promise that those
who seek You will find you. Amen.

Lord, as we grow older, we realise
much of striving & busyness result
is only frustration and exhaustion.
And that life’s greatest treasures
are intimacy with You God and
deep relationship with people
in our lives. Help us Lord to make
time with You a priority so that we
can experience joy for God Satisfies
those who long for Him. Amen.