Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 28)

Wise Words of Solomon
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 10-16)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
One of the best ways to learn a
wise action is to contrast it with a
foolish one. Most of the proverbs
today contrast the path of folly
with the path of faith. The topics
are varied and intensely practical:
how to use your mouth & money;
how to be a good neighbour;
how to select friends; how to
conduct business; how to resolve
conflicts. Think of today’s reading
as a training manual designed
to teach us how to respond
to life from God’s perspective.

Dear Lord, thanks for Proverbs
teaching wisdom for daily living.
Help us have Right Attitude on the
proper and effective use of Words.
Help us to be Open to Listen;
help us Speak Kind Words;
help us Pursue Right Living;
help us have Happy Heart and
help us Speak Word of Life. Amen

Lord, we will be Open to Listen:
A wise child accepts a patent’s
discipline; a young mocker
refuses to listen (Prov 13:1).
Lord, thank you for those who
share their insights with me.
Thank you for people who will
be honest with me and even
correct me when I need them.
Help me to be receptive rather
than defensive so that I can grow
in maturity and in character.
And Help me to discern what is
helpful, to examine instruction
in the light of your Word
and to grow. Amen.

Lord, we will Speak Kind Words:
A wicked & unreliable messenger
stumbles into trouble, but a
reliable and faithful messenger
and ambassador brings healing
and health (Proverbs 13:17).
Lord, thank you for allowing me
to be your ambassador. Let my
message be honest and true.
Help me to encourage others
and to go out of my way to speak
a Kind word. Forgive me for times
when I have spoken without
thinking. Let me live in such
a way that my words and actions
represent U so that my message
may be of live and hope. Amen.

Lord, we will Pursue Right Living:
The Lord detests the sacrifice of
the wicked, but the prayer of the
righteous pleases him. The Lord
despises the way if the wicked,
but he loves those who pursue
godliness…The godly think before
speaking; the wicked spout evil
words. The Lord is far from the
wicked, but he hears the prayer
of the righteous (P15:8-9, 28-29)
Lord, grateful that You see me
as righteous because of my
relationship with Jesus. But I
know U also want me to choose
to Live Righteously as well. Pray
that my thoughts, words and
actions will always be pleasing
in Your sight so that my prayers
will be pleasing to your ears.
Enable me every day to do what
is right in your sight. Amen.

Lord, help us have Happy Heart:
For the poor and the afflicted,
every day brings trouble;
for the happy heart, life is
a continual feast (Prov 15:15).
Lord, help me to have a happy
heart. Remove the anxiety that
sometimes weigh my heart down.
Keep my heart fr growing proud,
and give me a pure heart that is
pleasing to you. Help me to hide
your Word in my heart so that
I can walk in your ways & enjoy a
life that is a continual feast. Amen

Lord, we will Speak Words of Life:
The heart of the wise teaches his
mouth & adds learning to his lips.
Kind and pleasant words are like
honey – sweet to the soul and
healthy for the body (P16:23-24).
Lord, give me kind words – Your
words of life – with which to bless
those around me. As my words
are born in my heart, Sweeten
my soul with your Spirit. And
Soften and expand my heart to
hold your love for others. May
my words be gifts of sweetness
to those around me today. Amen.

Dear Lord, thanks for Proverbs
teaching wisdom for daily living.
Help us to Pursue Right Living
and enable us every day to
do what is right in your sight.
Help us hv Happy Heart by hiding
your Word in our heart & removing
anxiety that weighs us down.
Help us have Right Attitude on the
proper & effective use of words.
Help us be Receptive to Listen
to those who share their insights
and even corrections, so that we
may grow in maturity & character.
Help us Speak words of Sweetness,
Kind words, Encouraging words,
which will bless those around us.
Help us Speak Wonderful Words
of Life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!!