Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 23)

God Gives Joy of Clean Heart

Backgrounder on Psalms 50-54:
Sin and confession are prominent
themes in these psalms (P50).
David provides a model of
confession after his sin with
Bathsheba (P51) and goes on to
describe the treacherous nature
of the tongue (P52) and the folly
of pursuing evil (P53). Only with
God as your constant source of
help (P54) can you counter the
daily temptations & pitfalls of life.

Lord, Create in me a Clean Heart:
Have Mercy upon me O God…
Wash me from my iniquity… For
I acknowledge my transgressions..
Against U have I sinned (Psa51:1-4)
Create in me a Clean Heart, O God..
Renew a right spirit within me…
Do not cast me away from your
presence, & Restore to me again
the Joy of your salvation (v10-12)
My sacrifice O God is a broken
spirit; a Broken and contrite heart
You God will Not Despise (v17).

Lord, help me to come to You
immediately at the first sign of
temptation so that I can stop
any wrong thoughts from turning
into sinful actions. And even when
I do fall into sin, help me to learn
from David to quickly come before
You to Confess and Repent. Amen

Lord, how blessed I am to have
the chance to live each day with
a pure heart, a regenerated heart,
full of the breath of Your Spirit.
Create in me a Clean Heart and
restore to me the Joy of yr salvation
Grant I’ll never take the cleansing
blood of Jesus for granted.
Holy Spirit, remind me of Your
Presence even when I sin. And
Restore me to deeper intimacy
with You than ever before. Amen.

Lord, when I sin, You do not want
extravagant attempts at penance.
You simply want me to wrestle
with the gravity of what I’ve done.
Thank you for the implied promise
in Psa 51:17 that You will forgive
those who are broken by their sin
and who want to turn away from it.
So, Forgive me, restore me and
change me; for I want to be a
person after your own heart.Amen