Praying thro Isaiah (Jan 14)

Pathway to Restoration
(Prayer Walk thro Isaiah 49-66)

Backgrounder on Isaiah 49-66:
Isa 49-57 shows the path to
restoration is the path of suffering
for the Servant will come willingly
as a sacrifice for many (50:6).
Isa 58-62 gives a glimpse of the
glorious future for the people
of God when affliction will cease
and the glad tidings of salvation
shall be proclaimed thro out Zion.
In the light of the present calamity
and coming glory, there can be
only one fitting response
from God’s people: repentance
for their pride and rebellion.

Dear God, we praise You that
You are Holy but yet Loving and
that you plan Restoration for Man.
Help us to Trust in Your Word;
Humble before You; Confess
our Sins and Wait Upon You.

Lord, we Trust in Your Word:
As the rain come down from heaven
and do not return to it without
watering the earth and making it
bud and flourish… so is my word
that goes out: It will not return
to me empty, but will accomplish
what I desire & achieve the purpose
for which I sent it (Isa 55:10-11).
Lord, thank you that Your Word
always accomplish the purpose
for which You sent it. Even when
my prayers seem unanswered,
help me to always trust you can
breathe life into the situation.
And enable me to secure the power
that is in Your Word by planting
it so firmly in my heart that
it guides everything I do. Amen

Lord, we Humble before You:
The Holy One says this: I live
in the high and holy place with
those whose spirits are contrite
and humble. I refresh the humble
and give new courage to those
with repentant hearts. For I will
not content forever, nor will
I always be angry (Isa 57:15-16).
Lord, You are high and lifted up,
glorious and exalted, and I’m not.
I bow before you and ask You to
develop in me a heart of humility.
Your Word says that you will not
despise a repentant heart, and so
I ask you to work that in me. Amen

Lord, we Confess our Sins:
But your iniquities have separated
you from your God; your sins
have hidden his face from you,
so that he will not hear (Isa 59:2).
He has sent me to bestow on them
a crown of beauty instead of ashes
the oil of gladness instead of
mourning, and a garment of praise
instead of spirit of despair (61:1-3)
Lord, help me to stay undeceived
about my own sin so that I can
confess it immediately and be
cleansed of it. For I don’t want
anything to separate me from
You and hinder my prayers by
causing You to not hear them.
So I confess my sin of thought,
Word and action to You now.
And ask that You will give me
beauty instead of ashes and
gladness instead of despair. Amen

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
Oh that You would burst from
the heavens and come down!
How the mountains would quake
in your presence… (and) you
did awesome things beyond our
highest expectations… For since
the world begun, no war has
heard & no eye has seen a God
like you who works for those
who wait for him! (Isaiah 64:1-4).
Lord, you do awesome things
for those who respect your
sovereignty and wait for you.
Help me to wait for you with hope.
Fill me with holy expectancy of
your coming. And glorify yourself
through my life. Amen.

Dear Lord, we know our hope of
restoration in life is found in You.
Develop in us a heart of humility
for U grant grace to the humble.
Help us not be deceived by sins
so that we can confess them
immediately, be cleansed & that
our prayers will not be hindered

Help us to Trust in Your Word;
for nothing is impossible with U
& U can breath life into situations.
And grant us grace to Wait Upon U
for U do awesome things for those
who respect your sovereignty.
For You are good & the redeemed
of the Lord shall return and come
with singing and everlasting joy
shall be upon their heads! Amen.