Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 31)

God Satisfies the Longing Soul

Backgrounder on Psalms 60-66:
In this segment, we read five
psalms of lament (P60, 61, 63-65;
in which the psalmist stands upon
the promises of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement & deceit.
Thro it all the psalmist finds that
God is a praiseworthy refuge(62,66

Lord, we will Seek after You God:
O God, You are my God, earnestly
I Seek You; my soul Thirsts for You,
my whole being Longs for You,
in a dry and parched land where
there is no water…Your unfailing
love is better to me than life itself;
how I praise you! I will honor You
as long as I live, lifting up my hands
to you in prayer (Psa 63:1-4).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 31)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 30)

God Offers Rest & Refuge

Backgrounder on Psalms 60-66:
In this segment, we read five
psalms of lament (P60, 61, 63-65;
watch for the cry: O God) in which
the psalmist stands upon the
promises of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement & deceit.
Thro it all the psalmist finds that
God is a praiseworthy refuge(62,66

Lord, we Come & Wait Upon You:
I Wait Quietly before God,
for my victory comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my fortress where
I will never be shaken (Ps 62:1-2)
My Refuge is in God. Trust in Him
at all times, You people; pour
out your heart before Him;
God is a Refuge For us (v7-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 30)”

Praying thro Song of Songs (Nov12)

A Wedding Song of Love
(Prayer Walk thro Song of S 1-8)

Backgrounder: Song of Songs
is a wedding song honouring
marriage. The most explicit
statements on sex in the Bible
can be found in this book.
It has been often criticised thro
the centuries because of its
sensuous language. The purity &
sacredness of love represented
here are greatly needed in our
day where distorted attitudes
about love and marriage abound.
God created sex and intimacy,
and they are holy and good
when enjoyed within the bounds
of marriage. A husband and wife
honor God when they love
and enjoy each other.

Lord, thanks for yr lovingkindness
and creating love as a gift to us.
Help us to Please each other;
to Express Admiration and to
Be Devoted to each other. Amen.

Lord, help us to Please each other:
Shulamite: Kiss me again & again
for your love is sweeter than wine…
The king is lying on his couch,
enchanted by the fragrance of my
perfume. My lover is like a sachet
of myrrh lying between my breasts.
Young Man: How beautiful u are
my beloved… Your eyes are soft
like doves. Young Woman: What
a lively sight you are my love…
My beloved is mine and I am
his (Song 1:1, 12-16 & 2:16).
Lord, U created love as a gift to us
and a delight for all our senses.
Help us to seek to please each
other and encourage by expressing
the beauty of our spouse. Amen.

Lord, Help us Express Admiration:
Lord, You are all fair, my love,
And there is no spot in you…
You have ravished my heart…
A garden enclosed is my sister,
my spouse, a spring shut up,
a fountain sealed… You are a
garden fountain, a well of flowing
water streaming down from
Lebanon (Song of Songs 4:7-15).
Lord, help us communicate love
and expressing admiration in words
and action that enhance marriage.
And fill us afresh with Your Spirit.
Overflow me with Your healing
stream so that when I am with any-
one, they will sense yr presence.
Make me be like a well of refreshing
water flowing out to others. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Devoted:
Shulamite: I am my lover’s, the one
he desires. Come my love, let us
go out into the fields and spend
the night among the windflowers.
Let us get up early and go out
to the vineyards. And there I will
give you my love (Song 7:10-13).
Shulamite: Place me like a seal
over your heart. For love is as
strong as death, and its jealousy
is as enduring as the grave. Love
flashes like fire, the brightest
kind of flame. Many waters
cannot quench love; neither
can rivers drown it (Song 8:5-7).
Lord, as a marriage matures, grant
us greater freedom on who takes
the initiative to boost relationship.
Help us to be devoted & committed
to our spouse. And in so doing,
reflect the perfect love that
comes from U our God. Amen.

Lord, thanks for your gift of love
and a delight for all our senses
& Help us to Please each other.
Help us Communicate love and
expressing admiration in words
and action that enhance marriage.
Help us to Be Devoted & committed
to our spouse. And in so doing,
reflect the perfect love that
comes from U our God. Amen.

Praying thro Proverbs (Nov 5)

Wise Words from the King
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 25-31)

Backgrounder: In his closing
contribution to the book of
Proverbs, Solomon records
the riches of righteousness and
the fatal danger of foolishness.
False witnesses and friends,
the corrupt and the righteous,
the foolish and the wise,
the slothful and the diligent,
the deceitful and the dependable
– Solomon has something to say
to each! God’s wisdom gives
a proper perspective of things
and guidance in choosing the
right response to life’s situations.

Dear Lord, thanks for Solomon’s
sharing the riches of uprightness
and danger of foolishness to help
people make right choices in life.
Help us Lord to Obey your laws;
Help us to be Teachable and
Help us to put our Trust in U. Amen

Lord, we will Obey your laws:-
Better a poor man whose walk
is blameless than a rich man
whose ways are perverse…
If anyone turns a deaf ear to
the law, even his prayers are
detestable. Whoever causes
the upright to go astray in an
evil way, He himself will fall into
his own pit; but the blameless
will inherit good (Prov 28:6,9,10).
Lord, help us to know Your laws.
Teach me Your Word so that
I understand every time I read it.
Give me insight into Your ways
so that they become part of me.
Speak to my heart if my thoughts
words or actions gets off the mark.
Help us to walk life of integrity
and Keep us on the right path
so that our prayers are never
detestable to You so that we
will inherit a good life. Amen.

Lord, we will be Teachable:
He who remains stiff-necked
after many rebukes will suddenly
be destroyed without remedy…
Where there is no revelation,
the people cast off restraint;
but happy is he who keeps
the law (Proverbs 29:1 & 18).
Lord, help us not be stiff-necked
for making the same mistakes
over and over is an invitation
to disaster and facing the
consequence of refusing to learn.
Instead help us to be teachable,
to know God’s ways and keep
Your rules, for where there’s
ignorance, sin run wild. Amen.

Lord, we will put our Trust in You:
I am too ignorant to be human,
and I lack common sense. I have
not mastered human wisdom
nor do I know the Holy One.
Who but God goes up to heaven
and comes back down?
Who holds the wind in his fists?
Who wraps up the oceans? Who
has created the whole world? Tell
me if u know! Every word of God
is pure; He is a shield to those who
put their trust in Him (Prov 30:2-5)
Lord, who holds the wind and
the oceans? It is U Almighty God!
You still the wind with your voice.
You orchestrate the changing
of the seasons. It is you who
created me and give me purpose
in life. Look into my heart & make
me a willing instrument in yr hands
trusting you. For it is not about
our abilities, it is all about U God
who does great things. Amen.

Dear Lord, thanks for Solomon’s
sharing on wisdom to help your
people make right choices in life.
Help us to be Teachable and not
Refuse to learn thereby making
the same mistakes over and over.
Help us to put our Trust in U;
for you are all powerful & limitless
and make me your instrument
in your hands to do your purpose.
Help us to Obey your laws;
and walk a life of integrity
so that we’ll inherit a good life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Praying thro Proverbs (Nov 4)

Wise Words for People in Authority
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 22-24)

Backgrounder:The final 11 chapters
of Proverbs contain sound counsel
for those in positions of authority.
The key to the section hangs
on Prov 21:1-2: The king’s heart
is in the hand of the Lord, like
the rivers of water; He turns it
wherever he wishes. Every way
of a man is right in his own eyes;
but the Lord weighs the hearts.
Today’s reading contains wise
counsel for anyone in a position
of responsibility: from parents
to princes, pastors to monarchs.
Leaders need to know God’s
precepts if they are to direct their
charges into God’s honouring
paths of conduct and character.

Dear Lord, we recognise that
You have put us in position of
authority in one way or another.
Thank you Lord for your precious
Words of wisdom in Proverbs
that provide sound counsel
for life, parenting and ventures.
Help us to Listen and Learn;
Love and Respect; and to Seek
Counsel and Prepare. Amen.

Lord, we will Listen and Learn:
Listen to the words of the wise;
Apply your heart to my instructions.
For it is good to keep these sayings
deep within yourself, always ready
on your lips. I am teaching you
today, so that your trust may
be in the Lord (Prov 22:17-19).
Lord, thank you for your desire
to teach us in your ways today.
You call me to rest in the fact
that you take responsibility for
instructing me, just as a loving
earthly father instructs his own
children. Plant your truth deep
within me so that your name
and your precepts will always be
on my lips. And as we apply our
heart & mind to your Word, bring
us into a deep trust in You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Love & we’ll Respect:
Do not withhold correction
from a child, for if you beat him
with a rod, he will not die.
You shall beat him with a rod
and deliver his soul from hell…
Hear my son and be wise.
And guide your heart in the way…
Listen to your father who begot u..
Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and
understanding (Prov 23:12-23).
Lord, help us be a true father
who shows his love by carefully
training with proper discipline.
Help us be a respectful child
who listens with patience and
learns wisdom from our parents.
Grant us wisdom to save us from
evil & help us make right decisions.
And help us to live with discipline
and good understanding. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Seek Counsel & Prepare:
Thro wisdom a house is built and
by understanding it’s established…
A wise man has great power and
a man of knowledge increases
strength; for by wise counsel
you can wage war, and in an
abundance of counsellors
there is victory and safety…
Prepare your work outside & get
your fields ready; and afterwords
build your house (Prov 24:3-6,27)
Lord, Help us Find good advisors
before making major decisions.
Help us carry out work in proper
order for it’s possible to lose
everything despite hard work if
the timing is wrong or resources
to carry it out are not in place.
Help us develop wisdom that brings
security and confidence. Amen.

Dear Lord, we recognise that You
put us in positions of authority.
Thanks for providing counsel how
to live honourably & successfully.
Lord, Help us to Listen and Learn;
and as we apply your Word,
bring us into a Deep Trust in You.
Help us be true father who shows
his Love by proper discipline;
and help us be Respectful child
who listens with patience.
Lord, help us Find good Advisors
for major decisions; and help us
carry out work with Preparations.
And Grant us Wisdom & Grant us
Courage for the living of these days
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 29)

Wise Decisions in Life
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 17-21)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
The varied statements of common
sense in today’s reading are
descriptions of the perils facing
the wise and the unwise. Through
it all, Solomon sees God at work
in the hearts & affairs of people,
helping them to avoid flattery
and falsehood and to display
obedient behavior instead.

Dear Lord, You want us to make
Wise Decisions & Be Obedient
to You. Help us to Be Cheerful;
Encourage Others; Overlook
Wrongs & Do What’s Right. Amen

Lord, we purpose to Be Cheerful:
A cheerful heart is good
medicine but a broken spirit saps
a person’s strength (Prov 17:22).
Lord, I want to have a cheerful
heart and not a broken spirit.
Help me to focus on you and
not on the circumstances I see
around me. As you help me to
do that by your Spirit, I will know
and experience your true joy
in my heart and life. Amen.

Lord, we will Edify & Encourage:
What a shame, what folly, to give
advice before listening to the facts!
Words satisfy the soul as food
satisfies the stomach; the right
words on a person’s lips bring
satisfaction. Those who love to talk
will experience the consequences,
for the tongue can kill or nourish
life (Proverbs 18:13 & 20-21).
Lord, keep me from jumping into
conclusions & becoming involved
in folly. And Give me the right
words to speak, words that will
satisfy the soul of the listener.
Let my words encourage and not
discourage those who hear them.
Help my tongue to nourish life
and not to kill it. Best of all,
help me to encourage others
to be encouragers. Amen.

Lord, help us Overlook Wrongs:
People with good sense restrain
their anger; they earn esteem by
overlooking wrongs (Prov 19:11).
Lord, help us to forgive others
in light of the unconditional love
we have found in You. When others
wrong me, help me remember
all the times you reached down
and covered my wrongs with
Your mercy. Help me see past
my anger & resolve disagreement
with grace. Help me to measure
my words and actions before
I speak or act. Amen.

Lord, help us Do What’s Right:
Every way of a man is right
in his own eyes; but the Lord
weighs the hearts … The Lord
is more pleased when we do
what is just and right than
when we give sacrifice (P21:2-3).
Lord, in all the decisions and
choices that I face each day,
help me to walk in obedience
to you and thus walk in integrity.
Empower me by your Spirit to
do what is just and right so that
I’m living a life that pleases you
and reflects yr character. Amen.

Dear Lord, You want us to make
Wise Decisions & Be Obedient to U:
Help us have cheerful heart, focus
on you & not on the circumstances.
Help us Encourage others by giving
the right words to edify the listener.
Help us to Overlook Wrongs,
forgive others & resolve conflicts
with grace and measured words.
Help us Do What’s just and Right
so that in our decisions we please
you and reflect your character.
We commit again with all we’re
For we are yours forever!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 28)

Wise Words of Solomon
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 10-16)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
One of the best ways to learn a
wise action is to contrast it with a
foolish one. Most of the proverbs
today contrast the path of folly
with the path of faith. The topics
are varied and intensely practical:
how to use your mouth & money;
how to be a good neighbour;
how to select friends; how to
conduct business; how to resolve
conflicts. Think of today’s reading
as a training manual designed
to teach us how to respond
to life from God’s perspective.

Dear Lord, thanks for Proverbs
teaching wisdom for daily living.
Help us have Right Attitude on the
proper and effective use of Words.
Help us to be Open to Listen;
help us Speak Kind Words;
help us Pursue Right Living;
help us have Happy Heart and
help us Speak Word of Life. Amen

Lord, we will be Open to Listen:
A wise child accepts a patent’s
discipline; a young mocker
refuses to listen (Prov 13:1).
Lord, thank you for those who
share their insights with me.
Thank you for people who will
be honest with me and even
correct me when I need them.
Help me to be receptive rather
than defensive so that I can grow
in maturity and in character.
And Help me to discern what is
helpful, to examine instruction
in the light of your Word
and to grow. Amen.

Lord, we will Speak Kind Words:
A wicked & unreliable messenger
stumbles into trouble, but a
reliable and faithful messenger
and ambassador brings healing
and health (Proverbs 13:17).
Lord, thank you for allowing me
to be your ambassador. Let my
message be honest and true.
Help me to encourage others
and to go out of my way to speak
a Kind word. Forgive me for times
when I have spoken without
thinking. Let me live in such
a way that my words and actions
represent U so that my message
may be of live and hope. Amen.

Lord, we will Pursue Right Living:
The Lord detests the sacrifice of
the wicked, but the prayer of the
righteous pleases him. The Lord
despises the way if the wicked,
but he loves those who pursue
godliness…The godly think before
speaking; the wicked spout evil
words. The Lord is far from the
wicked, but he hears the prayer
of the righteous (P15:8-9, 28-29)
Lord, grateful that You see me
as righteous because of my
relationship with Jesus. But I
know U also want me to choose
to Live Righteously as well. Pray
that my thoughts, words and
actions will always be pleasing
in Your sight so that my prayers
will be pleasing to your ears.
Enable me every day to do what
is right in your sight. Amen.

Lord, help us have Happy Heart:
For the poor and the afflicted,
every day brings trouble;
for the happy heart, life is
a continual feast (Prov 15:15).
Lord, help me to have a happy
heart. Remove the anxiety that
sometimes weigh my heart down.
Keep my heart fr growing proud,
and give me a pure heart that is
pleasing to you. Help me to hide
your Word in my heart so that
I can walk in your ways & enjoy a
life that is a continual feast. Amen

Lord, we will Speak Words of Life:
The heart of the wise teaches his
mouth & adds learning to his lips.
Kind and pleasant words are like
honey – sweet to the soul and
healthy for the body (P16:23-24).
Lord, give me kind words – Your
words of life – with which to bless
those around me. As my words
are born in my heart, Sweeten
my soul with your Spirit. And
Soften and expand my heart to
hold your love for others. May
my words be gifts of sweetness
to those around me today. Amen.

Dear Lord, thanks for Proverbs
teaching wisdom for daily living.
Help us to Pursue Right Living
and enable us every day to
do what is right in your sight.
Help us hv Happy Heart by hiding
your Word in our heart & removing
anxiety that weighs us down.
Help us have Right Attitude on the
proper & effective use of words.
Help us be Receptive to Listen
to those who share their insights
and even corrections, so that we
may grow in maturity & character.
Help us Speak words of Sweetness,
Kind words, Encouraging words,
which will bless those around us.
Help us Speak Wonderful Words
of Life. In Jesus’ name, Amen!!

Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 22)

Pitfalls of Life & Wisdom
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 5-9)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
Beginning with chapter 5, Solomon
turns from a general appeal to
a more specific application of
wisdom in everyday situations.
Pitfalls abounds, ready to destroy
the unwary: immorality, laziness,
indebtedness, falsehood, pride.
Indulging in these sins is a sure
invitation to disaster. Temptation
tho alluring can lead to deadly
consequences. Don’t listen to its
call! Rather respond to the call of
wisdom, which among its benefits
is the favour of the Lord (Prov 8:35)

Dear Lord, thank U for Prov 5-9,
which warns us of life’s pitfalls
and give us practical pointers.
Help us Be Faithful in marriage,
Heed your warning on Sloth and
Be Humble & Listen to U. Amen.

Lord, we will be Faithful in marriage:
The lips of an immoral women drip
honey and her mouth is smoother
than oil… Remove your way far
from her and do not go near the
door of her house, lest you give
your honour to others (P5:3-8).
Drink water from your own cistern
& rejoice with the wife of yr youth.
As a loving deer & a graceful door,
let her breasts satisfy u at all times;
and be captivated by her love.
For why should you be infatuated
with a loose woman & embrace
the bosom of an outsider and
go astray? (Prov 5:15-20).
Lord, You are covenant-keeping
and we purpose to please you
by fulfilling our marriage vows &
love our spouse for rest of our life.
Help us be Watchful of wandering
eyes and itching ears. Help us find
delight in our God-given partner.
Help us Be Faithful in marriage
and look to each other for lifelong
satisfactn & companionship. Amen

Lord, we Heed yr warning on Sloth:
Take a lesson from the ants, you
lazybones. Learn from their ways
and be wise! Even though they
have no prince, governor, or ruler
to make them work, they labor
hard all summer, gathering food
for the winter. How long will you
slumber, O sluggard? A little sleep,
a little slumber, a little folding of
the hands to sleep – so shall your
poverty come on u (Prov 6:6-11).
Lord, U challenge us with hopes
and dreams. I don’t want laziness
or insignificant things things to
rob me of that destiny. Give me
wisdom to discern what really
matters. Help me set priorities &
use my gifts to attain the dreams
you have for me. Help me to focus
on what is really important & not
merely on what is urgent. Amen.

Lord, we’ll be Humble & Listen to U:
To fear the Lord is to hate evil;
I hate pride and arrogance,
evil way and perverse speech.
Counsel & sound wisdom is mine…
Now listen to me my children,
For blessed are those who keep
my ways. Hear instruction and
be wise, and do not disdain it.
Blessed is the man who listens
to me, Watching daily at my gates,
Waiting at the post of my doors.
For whoever finds me find life,
and obtains favour from the
Lord (Prov 8:12-13, 32-35).
Lord, we Wait on You and Listen
to Your voices. Speak to my heart
about the things I need to hear,
and Teach me all I need to know.
Thank You for the blessings that
await those who wait at your door
and listen to your voice. While
waiting upon You, may the nature
of Christ be formed in us & our
faith in You be increased. Amen.

Dear Lord, thanks for Proverbs,
giving us pointers to life’s pitfalls.
Help us to Be Faithful in marriage,
find delight in God-given partner,
and look to each other for lifelong
satisfaction and companionship.
Help us Heed your warning on
laziness and spending too much
time on insignificant things. And
Grant us wisdom to discern what
really matters and focus on them.
Help us to Be Humble and ever
ready to Listen to Your voices.
As your sheep, we can hear the
voice of our Master Shepherd!
And while waiting upon U, may the
nature of Christ be formed in us
and our faith in You be increased.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Praying Through Proverbs (Oct 21)

Fear of the Lord
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 1-4)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to attain wisdom, discipline
and a prudent life, and how to
do what is right, just and fair.
In short, to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
The theme is: The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of knowledge,
but fools despise wisdom
and knowledge (Prov 1:7).

The Hebrew word for “wisdom”
means more than human
intelligence; for it refers to skill
or expertise. So God wants His
people to be “wise” or skilful
in making moral & ethical choices.
The first nine chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
to a young son – a divine primer
for learning the fear of the Lord.

Dear Lord, we need your wisdom
so that we will live right and well.
Grant us a reverent fear of You &
Be Open to your instructions,
Be Seekers of Your Word,
Be Wholehearted in Trusting U &
Be Focused in loving You. Amen

Lord, we will Fear You & Be Open:
The proverbs of Solomon the son
of David, king of Israel: To know
wisdom & instruction, to perceive
the words of understanding…
A wise man will hear and increase
learning & a man of understanding
will attain wise counsel… The fear
of the Lord is the beginning of
knowledge, and fools despise
wisdom and instruction (P1:1-5).
Lord, develop in us deep Reverence
of You that leads to wisdom
and greater intimacy with you.
Grant us grace to Fear You rather
than the circumstances in the
present or what-ifs of the future.
Open my heart to Be Teachable
and to receive correction or
even discipline. Help me to
Be Open to advice, especially
those who know me well and can
give valuable insight and counsel.
Above all,help us be willing to listen
and don’t let pride stand in our way
to receive godly advice. Amen

Lord, we’ll Be Seekers of Yr Word:
If u receive my words & treasure
up my commands within you,
making your ear attentive to
wisdom, and apply your heart
and mind to understanding;
Yes, if you cry out for insight, and
raise your voice for understanding,
If u seek wisdom as silver & search
for her as for hidden treasures;
Then you will understand the
fear of the Lord, and find the
knowledge of God… The Lord
stores up sound wisdom for
the upright…He guards the paths
of justice and preserves the way
of the saints (Prov 2:1-5, 7-8).
Lord, wisdom comes from You
and Your Word; but You give it
only to earnest Seekers. Grant us
grace to be seekers of your Word,
be upright and be faithful. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Trust U Wholeheartedly:
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own
understanding. In all your ways
acknowledge Him, and
He shall direct your paths.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord (Prov 3:5-7).
Lord, help us trust You and
Your ways with all our heart.
Guard me from depending on my
limited understanding of things.
Instead help me to rely totally on U.
Help me to acknowledge You in
every area of my life. Thank you
for the promise that you will
direct our paths as we depend
on yr higher understanding and
seek your will in all we do. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Be Focused to love U:
Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for out of it spring the issues of life.
Put away from you false and
dishonest speech… Let your eyes
look right on with fixed purpose…
Consider well the path of your feet
& let all your ways be established.
Turn not aside to the right or
to the left; remove your feet
from evil (Prov 4:23-27).
Lord, our heart (desires) dictates
how we live as we always find
time to do what we enjoy. So,
Help us to Guard our heart to
concentrate on those desires that
will keep us on the right path. And
Help us not to get sidetracked
on detours that lead to sin. Amen.

Dear Lord, we need your wisdom
so that we will live right and well.
Develop in us a deep Reverence
Fear You and Open our heart to
be teachable & willing to listen.
Help us to Seekers of Your Word
as well as be upright and faithful.
Help us to Be Wholehearted in
Trusting You to direct our paths
& Guard us from depending on
our limited understanding of things.
Help us to Be Focused in loving
You and to Guard our heart to
concentrate on those desires
that will keep us on the right path.
Grant us grace to fear, seek & love
U for You’re good & faithful and
nothing I desire compare with U!
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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Prayer Thot for the Day (Jan 29)

God Comes to Those Who Wait

Backgrounder on Psalms 55-59:
These five psalms capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)

Lord, we will Wait Upon You:
You are my strength, I Wait for you
to rescue me for you, O God are my
place of safety. In his unfailing love,
my God will come & help me…
I will sing of your strength, in the
morning I will sing of your love;
for you are my fortress, my Refuge
in times of trouble. You are my God
whom I can rely (Psa59:9-10,16-17)
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