Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 23)

The Lord Will Help You Press On

Backgrounder to Exodus 16-18:
When Israel left Egypt, there
were two things the people could
do well: make bricks & complain.
So as supplies decrease, their
complains increase. However,
when their resources run out,
God supplies manna, quail & water
in abundance to demonstrate
that He is their reliable supply.

Lord, we rely on you for provision:
This is the thing which the Lord
has commanded: Let every man
gather it according to each man’s
need… He who gathered much
had nothing left over, and he
who gathered little had no lack.
And Moses said: Let no one
leave any of it till morning.
Notwithstanding they did not
heed Moses. But some of them
left part of it until morning, and it
bred worms & stank (Exo16:16-20)

Lord, we note that the Israelites
were forbidden to stockpile food.
And that they were not to worry
about next day’s food supply.
Lord, You know all our needs
and promises to meet them.
Help me to be comforted by the
truth that U know every detail of
my situation and nothing catches
you off guard. Help me to seek
You first, to trust your promise,
to live in the “now” and to stop
worrying about tomorrow. For
tho many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand;
but I know who holds tomorrow;
and I know Who holds my hand!!
In Jesus’ name, Amen.