Praying thro Ecclesiastes (Nov 19)

The Meaning of Life Explained
(Prayer Walk through Ecc 7-12)

Backgrounder: Up to this point
the preacher has concentrated
mainly on the problems of life
without seeking an explanation.
But the deeper he probes life’s
patterns & perplexities, the more
conclusive becomes the evidence
that points him to the solution:
Fear God. When wisdom turns
to vanity, fear God (E7:18).
When God’s ways seem uncertain,
fear God (E8:12-13). When all is
said and done, fear God (E12:13)
for this is the whole duty of man.

Dear Lord, you are all knowing
and the source of all wisdom
for us to lead a meaningful life.
Help us to Do the Right Thing;
help us to Be Diligent and
help us to Fear & Follow U. Amen.

Lord, we will Do the Right Thing:
A wise man’s heart discerns
both time and judgment.
Because for every matter there
is a time and judgment, though
the misery of man increases
greatly (Ecc 8:5-6).
Lord, teach me to step out of my
own auto responses to situations.
Thank you for your promise
that you not only have that
wisdom but also impart it to me.
For your Word has said in Jas 1:5:
If you need wisdom, ask God
and He will give it to you.
Granted that in every situation,
there’s a right way & right time.
And in accordance to your Word
of promise, Reveal to me what
to do and when to do it. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Be Diligent:
If you wait for perfect conditions,
you will never get anything done.
God’s ways are as hard to discern
as the pathways of the wind.
Be sure to stay busy and plant
a variety of crops, for you never
know which will grow- perhaps
they all will (Ecc 11:4-6).
Lord, help us take a step of faith,
seizing life’s opportunities and
not merely playing it safe.
We pray that we will be faithful
in the small things you give us
to do so that one day we will
be faithful with an abundance
of time, or finances or gifts.
Thank you for blessing that
faithfulness and producing
results far greater than anything
we could do by ourselves. Amen.

Lord, we will Fear & Follow You:
Don’t let the excitement of youth
cause you to forget your Creator.
Honor him in your youth before
you grow old and no longer enjoy
living… Here is my final conclusion:
Fear God and obey his commands,
for this is the duty of every person.
God will judge us for everything
we do, including every secret thing,
whether good or bad (E12:1,13-14)
Lord, we purpose to make our
strength available to You God
when we still have much vitality.
For a life centred around God
and his kingdom is fulfilling.
Help us to fear You, keep your
commandments and download
to us your direction in our life
so that we will do it. Amen.

Dear Lord, you are all knowing
and the source of all wisdom
for us to lead a meaningful life.
Help us to Do the Right Thing;
help us to Be Diligent and
help us to Fear You, Follow You
and Keep His commandments
For this is the whole duty of man.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.