Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 17)

God’s Sovereign Control

Backgrounder: Genesis 48-50
concludes the book by recording
the final acts of Jacob & Joseph.
As his final earthly act, Jacob
blesses each of his 12 sons, giving
a divinely guided pronouncement
of their future history. Meanwhile,
Joseph gave a great affirmation
of faith. His body remains in Egypt
until the release of the newly
born nation of Israel.

Lord, we heed Yr sovereign control:
Joseph told them: Don’t be afraid
of me. Am I God to judge and
punish you? As far as I am
concerned, God turned into good
what you meant for evil. He brought
me to the high position I have today
so I could save the lives of many
people… Soon I will die, Joseph
told his brothers: He will bring you
back to the land he vowed to give
to the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob (Gen 50:19-24).

Lord, thank you for the principle
in Gen 50:20 that you are always
in control of circumstances.
Help us to see circumstances
from your divine vantage point.
You sent Joseph to Egypt as
a slave and then a prisoner,
(a seeming tragedy) to position
him to receive the promise of God.
And then You called for a famine
on Canaan (a seeming disaster)
to drive them to Your provision.

Lord, thanks for the lesson in G50
that gives insights why You God
may allow us to go thro difficult
and distressing situations.
Help us to hold on tight to our
faith in you God. You have a plan
and a purpose even for difficult
situations; and you will bring
something positive out of it.
For You’ve promised in Rom 8:24
that You will work everything in
our lives together for our good.

Lord, Your promise to us is that
You are always calling the shots.
And no matter how it looks
at the moment, we are safe
in Your hands, even as You are
working out your plan for us.
Father, we embrace our present
moment, knowing U are in control.
Because of your deep love for us,
Your mighty power & faithfulness,
You will work everything for good.
So we can & purpose to Trust You!
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.