Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 16)

God Is Able to Do Anything

Backgrounder on Genesis 15-18:
God’s promises to Abraham are
given in great detail, confirmed
with a unilateral treaty, repeated
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years
pass with no evidence of fulfilment,
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son Ishmael, who
will forever cause the heartbreak
of his father, constantly reminding
Abraham of the price of his
unbelief. And we have the visit of
the three men of God (enroute to
Sodom) with a special message
for Abraham and Sarah.

Lord, we will Trust Your Promise:
Then one of the three men said:
About this time next year I will
return and your wife Sarah will
have a son. Now Sarah was
listening to this conversation
from the tent nearby. And since
Abraham and Sarah were both
very old, and Sarah was long
past the age of having children,
she laughed silently to herself…
Then the Lord said to Abraham:
Why did Sarah laugh? Why did
she say: Can an old woman like
me have a baby? Is anything
too hard for the Lord? About
a year from now, just as I told you,
I will return and Sarah will have
a son (Genesis 18:1-4).

Lord, Thanks for the valuable
insight from Gen 18:14 that there
is nothing too difficult for You.
We praise You that You are the
God of miracles & wonders for
You are Almighty & all Powerful.
And we call upon your awesome
power when we are in trouble;
for it honours your name when
we ask for God-sized things.
We realise we cannot think of
God’s strength as being displayed
only when our problems are
dramatically resolved; for
sometimes the greater miracle
occurs when we are able because
of God’s sustaining strength,
to endure crushing troubles.

Lord, you are able to do miracles
and work wonders. Remind us
daily of your limitless power.
We serve a God who can do
anything and everything.
You demonstrate your infinite
strength among the nations.
Display that same might in our
life today. Even if you choose not
to deliver us from out trials, then
give us the ability to hang on
and keep trusting you.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.