Praying thro Song of Songs (Nov12)

A Wedding Song of Love
(Prayer Walk thro Song of S 1-8)

Backgrounder: Song of Songs
is a wedding song honouring
marriage. The most explicit
statements on sex in the Bible
can be found in this book.
It has been often criticised thro
the centuries because of its
sensuous language. The purity &
sacredness of love represented
here are greatly needed in our
day where distorted attitudes
about love and marriage abound.
God created sex and intimacy,
and they are holy and good
when enjoyed within the bounds
of marriage. A husband and wife
honor God when they love
and enjoy each other.

Lord, thanks for yr lovingkindness
and creating love as a gift to us.
Help us to Please each other;
to Express Admiration and to
Be Devoted to each other. Amen.

Lord, help us to Please each other:
Shulamite: Kiss me again & again
for your love is sweeter than wine…
The king is lying on his couch,
enchanted by the fragrance of my
perfume. My lover is like a sachet of myrrh lying between my breasts.
Young Man: How beautiful u are
my beloved… Your eyes are soft
like doves. Young Woman: What
a lively sight you are my love…
My beloved is mine and I am
his (Song 1:1, 12-16 & 2:16).
Lord, U created love as a gift to us
and a delight for all our senses.
Help us to seek to please each
other and encourage by expressing
the beauty of our spouse. Amen.

Lord, Help us Express Admiration:
Lord, You are all fair, my love,
And there is no spot in you…
You have ravished my heart…
A garden enclosed is my sister,
my spouse, a spring shut up,
a fountain sealed… You are a
garden fountain, a well of flowing
water streaming down from
Lebanon (Song of Songs 4:7-15).
Lord, help us communicate love
and expressing admiration in words
and action that enhance marriage.
And fill us afresh with Your Spirit.
Overflow me with Your healing
stream so that when I am with any-
one, they will sense yr presence.
Make me be like a well of refreshing
water flowing out to others. Amen.

Lord, help us to Be Devoted:
Shulamite: I am my lover’s, the one
he desires. Come my love, let us
go out into the fields and spend
the night among the windflowers.
Let us get up early and go out
to the vineyards. And there I will
give you my love (Song 7:10-13).
Shulamite: Place me like a seal
over your heart. For love is as
strong as death, and its jealousy
is as enduring as the grave. Love
flashes like fire, the brightest
kind of flame. Many waters
cannot quench love; neither
can rivers drown it (Song 8:5-7).
Lord, as a marriage matures, grant
us greater freedom on who takes
the initiative to boost relationship.
Help us to be devoted & committed
to our spouse. And in so doing, reflect the perfect love that
comes from U our God. Amen.

Lord, thanks for your gift of love
and a delight for all our senses
& Help us to Please each other.
Help us communicate love and
expressing admiration in words
and action that enhance marriage.
Help us to be devoted & committed
to our spouse. And in so doing, reflect the perfect love that
comes from U our God. Amen.