Praying thro Proverbs (Nov 5)

Wise Words from the King
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 25-31)

Backgrounder: In his closing
contribution to the book of
Proverbs, Solomon records
the riches of righteousness and
the fatal danger of foolishness.
False witnesses and friends,
the corrupt and the righteous,
the foolish and the wise,
the slothful and the diligent,
the deceitful and the dependable
– Solomon has something to say
to each! God’s wisdom gives
a proper perspective of things
and guidance in choosing the
right response to life’s situations.

Dear Lord, thanks for Solomon’s
sharing the riches of uprightness
and danger of foolishness to help
people make right choices in life.
Help us Lord to Obey your laws;
Help us to be Teachable and
Help us to put our Trust in U. Amen

Lord, we will Obey your laws:-
Better a poor man whose walk
is blameless than a rich man
whose ways are perverse…
If anyone turns a deaf ear to
the law, even his prayers are
detestable. Whoever causes
the upright to go astray in an
evil way, He himself will fall into
his own pit; but the blameless
will inherit good (Prov 28:6,9,10).
Lord, help us to know Your laws.
Teach me Your Word so that
I understand every time I read it.
Give me insight into Your ways
so that they become part of me.
Speak to my heart if my thoughts
words or actions gets off the mark.
Help us to walk life of integrity
and Keep us on the right path
so that our prayers are never
detestable to You so that we
will inherit a good life. Amen.

Lord, we will be Teachable:
He who remains stiff-necked
after many rebukes will suddenly
be destroyed without remedy…
Where there is no revelation,
the people cast off restraint;
but happy is he who keeps
the law (Proverbs 29:1 & 18).
Lord, help us not be stiff-necked
for making the same mistakes
over and over is an invitation
to disaster and facing the
consequence of refusing to learn.
Instead help us to be teachable,
to know God’s ways and keep
Your rules, for where there’s
ignorance, sin run wild. Amen.

Lord, we will put our Trust in You:
I am too ignorant to be human,
and I lack common sense. I have
not mastered human wisdom
nor do I know the Holy One.
Who but God goes up to heaven
and comes back down?
Who holds the wind in his fists?
Who wraps up the oceans? Who
has created the whole world? Tell
me if u know! Every word of God
is pure; He is a shield to those who
put their trust in Him (Prov 30:2-5)
Lord, who holds the wind and
the oceans? It is U Almighty God!
You still the wind with your voice.
You orchestrate the changing
of the seasons. It is you who
created me and give me purpose
in life. Look into my heart & make
me a willing instrument in yr hands
trusting you. For it is not about
our abilities, it is all about U God
who does great things. Amen.

Dear Lord, thanks for Solomon’s
sharing on wisdom to help your
people make right choices in life.
Help us to be Teachable and not
Refuse to learn thereby making
the same mistakes over and over.
Help us to put our Trust in U;
for you are all powerful & limitless
and make me your instrument
in your hands to do your purpose.
Help us to Obey your laws;
and walk a life of integrity
so that we’ll inherit a good life.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.