Praying thro Proverbs (Nov 4)

Wise Words for People in Authority
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 22-24)

Backgrounder:The final 11 chapters
of Proverbs contain sound counsel
for those in positions of authority.
The key to the section hangs
on Prov 21:1-2: The king’s heart
is in the hand of the Lord, like
the rivers of water; He turns it
wherever he wishes. Every way
of a man is right in his own eyes;
but the Lord weighs the hearts.
Today’s reading contains wise
counsel for anyone in a position
of responsibility: from parents
to princes, pastors to monarchs.
Leaders need to know God’s
precepts if they are to direct their
charges into God’s honouring
paths of conduct and character.

Dear Lord, we recognise that
You have put us in position of
authority in one way or another.
Thank you Lord for your precious
Words of wisdom in Proverbs
that provide sound counsel
for life, parenting and ventures.
Help us to Listen and Learn;
Love and Respect; and to Seek
Counsel and Prepare. Amen.

Lord, we will Listen and Learn:
Listen to the words of the wise;
Apply your heart to my instructions.
For it is good to keep these sayings
deep within yourself, always ready
on your lips. I am teaching you
today, so that your trust may
be in the Lord (Prov 22:17-19).
Lord, thank you for your desire
to teach us in your ways today.
You call me to rest in the fact
that you take responsibility for
instructing me, just as a loving
earthly father instructs his own
children. Plant your truth deep
within me so that your name
and your precepts will always be
on my lips. And as we apply our
heart & mind to your Word, bring
us into a deep trust in You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Love & we’ll Respect:
Do not withhold correction
from a child, for if you beat him
with a rod, he will not die.
You shall beat him with a rod
and deliver his soul from hell…
Hear my son and be wise.
And guide your heart in the way…
Listen to your father who begot u..
Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and
understanding (Prov 23:12-23).
Lord, help us be a true father
who shows his love by carefully
training with proper discipline.
Help us be a respectful child
who listens with patience and
learns wisdom from our parents.
Grant us wisdom to save us from
evil & help us make right decisions.
And help us to live with discipline
and good understanding. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Seek Counsel & Prepare:
Thro wisdom a house is built and
by understanding it’s established…
A wise man has great power and
a man of knowledge increases
strength; for by wise counsel
you can wage war, and in an
abundance of counsellors
there is victory and safety…
Prepare your work outside & get
your fields ready; and afterwords
build your house (Prov 24:3-6,27)
Lord, Help us Find good advisors
before making major decisions.
Help us carry out work in proper
order for it’s possible to lose
everything despite hard work if
the timing is wrong or resources
to carry it out are not in place.
Help us develop wisdom that brings
security and confidence. Amen.

Dear Lord, we recognise that You
put us in positions of authority.
Thanks for providing counsel how
to live honourably & successfully.
Lord, Help us to Listen and Learn;
and as we apply your Word,
bring us into a Deep Trust in You.
Help us be true father who shows
his Love by proper discipline;
and help us be Respectful child
who listens with patience.
Lord, help us Find good Advisors
for major decisions; and help us
carry out work with Preparations.
And Grant us Wisdom & Grant us
Courage for the living of these days
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.