Preview on Ephesians (Jun 30)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Perfect Son of Man in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of second coming,
the Corinthians to live Rightly and
to the Romans Justification by Faith

Next, we continue into Ephesians,
who had unlimited spiritual wealth
at their disposal, yet they lived as
spiritual paupers. So Paul wrote
to encourage them to claim their
heavenly resources & draw on them
for their earthly walk. In the 1st half
of his letter, the apostle outlines
the heavenly wealth – adoption,
redemption, inheritance & power.
In 2nd half, he shows the practical
applications of those doctrines.
Paul made it clear – believers are
not to have merely an earthly view
for God has given to us His riches.

We cover Paul’s letter to Ephesians
over one weekend in 2 divisions:-
Eph 1-3: Christian’s Wealth
Eph 4-6: Christian’s Walk
Lookout for it to better understand
the purpose of the church and
be strengthened in your faith.

Preview on Colossians (Jul 7)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Savior of the world in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith &
Ephesians living as Body of Christ.

Next, we continue into Colossians.
Paul is imprisoned in Rome when
he receives word that heretical
doctrines are threatening the
church at Colosse. To refute the
spiritually lethal combination of
eastern mysticism and Jewish
legalism, Paul reestablishes the
truth of the gospel & demonstrates
the supremacy of Christ. As Lord
of all, Jesus Christ is the giver
of salvation and sufficient for
every need. Since Christ is all in all,
Paul encourages the Colossians
to pursue a godly lifestyle befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

We cover Paul’s letter to Colossians
over one weekend in 2 divisions:-
Col 1-2: What Christ Has Done
Col3-4: What Christians Should Do
Lookout for it to better understand
that Christians have everything
they need in Christ and hence
be strengthened in your faith.

Preview on Philippians (Jul 14)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the Savior of the world in Luke,
Israel’s Messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
Ephesians living as Body of Christ
and to Colossians Doctrinal Purity.

Next, we continue into Philippians.
Paul is now a prisoner in Rome.
In spite of difficult circumstances,
he remains joyful and writes to
commend the Philippians for their
faithfulness and to challenge them
to make Christ the center of their
experience. Jesus’ life & ministry,
described in P2:6-11, is the life
pattern believers should follow
so that their faith might become
evident to others.Paul recognises
that divisions sometimes exist
among believers but is confident
that unity will be restored as they
imitate the servanthood of Christ.

We cover Paul’s letter to Philippians
over one weekend in 2 divisions:-
Phil 1-2: Rejoice In God’s Will
Phil 3-4: Resting In God’s Peace
Lookout for it to better understand
that True Joy comes from having
relationship with Jesus Christ. And
hence be strengthened in your faith
especially in difficult circumstances

Preview on Acts of Apostles (May 5)

We’ve Chronologically covered the
Old Testament, phase by phase:
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: Israel History to King David
OT3: United & Divided Kingdoms
OT4: Return from the Exile
We had also meditated on the
synoptic gospels & John gospel.

We now continue with Book of Acts.
Beginning with a frightened band
of disciples in an upper room,
Acts traces the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem
following the ascension of Christ
and the subsequent spread and
growth of Christianity throughout
the Roman Empire. Written by
Luke, Acts records the fulfilment
of Jesus’ Great Commission
as Spirit-transformed disciples
carry the gospel to Jerusalem…
Judea and Samaria and into the
uttermost part of the earth (A1:8).

We will cover Acts of the Apostles
over 2 weekends under 4 divisions:
a) Growth of the Jewish Church
in Jerusalem (Acts 1-7)
b) Expansion of the Church
in Judea & Samaria (Acts 8-12)
c) Paul’s 3 missionary journeys
to Uttermost Part (Acts 13-20)
d) Arrest, Trials & Imprisonment
of Paul the Apostle (Acts 21-28)

Look Out for exposition on Acts
for better understanding on the
work of the Holy Spirit, be more
effective witnesses of Jesus Christ
and increase our faith in God.

Preview on Galatians (May 19)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Mark
focussing on acts of Jesus and
presents Him as the Servant who
came to give His life as a ransom.
Luke focuses on Jesus’ teachings
and presents Him as the perfect
Son of Man whose mission was to
seek and save that which was lost.
Matthew presents Jesus as the
Christ, Israel’s messianic King.
And John presents Jesus as the
Son of God so offered eternal
life to all who believe in Him.
We have also covered Acts of
the Apostles, which chronicles
the Growth of the church.

Next, we continue into apostolic
letters, beginning with Galatians.
Paul doesn’t open with his usual
greeting of praise & prayer for the
saints; for there is an emergency
at hand! The Galatians have
listened to false teachers who
have come into the church teaching
that salvation is a mixture of works
and grace. Paul warns the believers
about the bondage this type of
deception brings and exhorts them
to return to the Freedom that is
theirs in Jesus Christ. He goes
on to show that it is the Spirit,
not the flesh, that the Christian
life is to be successfully lived.

We will cover Galatians in one
weekend under three divisions:
-Authenticity of the gospel (G1-2)
-Superiority of the gospel (G3-4)
-Freedom of the gospel (Gal 5-6)
Lookout for exposition on Galatians
for better understanding on the
Spirit’s call of Christians toward
Faith and Freedom in Christ.

Preview on Thessalonians (May 26)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Mark
presenting Jesus as the Servant
who gave his life for mankind.
Luke presents Him as the perfect
Son of Man saving the lost.
Matthew presents Jesus as the
Christ, Israel’s messianic King.
And John presents Jesus as
Son of God offering eternal life.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the church.
And in Galatians, we see the
Spirit’s call of Christians toward
Faith and Freedom in Christ.

Next, we continue into 1 Thess.
Prosperous, prominent and
thoroughly pagan, the seaport
city of Thessalonica first heard
the gospel on Paul’s second
missionary journey. A dynamic
fellowship developed there,
becoming a continual joy to Paul.
And he writes 1 Thessalonians
to encourage them. They were
being persecuted and he urges
them to persevere. Their city is
full of sensual temptation and
he exhorts them to hold to
Christian standards. Finally he
corrects some misunderstanding
about the return of Christ.

As the believers face growing
persecution, Paul writes 2 Thess
to encourage them that God’s
judgment will eventually bring
about justice. He dispels the
rumour that the Day of the Lord
has already come as some thought.
They had concluded that they
we’re living in the tribulation and
had quit their jobs. Paul exhorts
them to return to work and stop
burdening the body of Christ.
Instead they are to take advantage
of the time they have and be
not weary in well doing before
Christ returns.

We will cover the two letters to
the Thessalonians in one weekend.
Lookout for the exposition and
be strengthened in our faith and
be prepared for the Lord’s Return.

Preview on Corinthians (Jun 2)

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Servant in Mark,
the perfect Son of Man in Luke,
Israel’s messianic King in Matthew
and the Son of God in John gospel.
We have also covered Acts which
chronicles Growth of the church.
In Galatians, Paul urges Christians
toward Faith & Freedom in Christ.
In 1&2 Thess, Paul encourages
the church to persevere in midst of
persecution & ahead of 2nd coming

Next,we continue into 1 Corinthians.
In NT times, Corinth was known
as the commercial hub of southern
Greece. But it was also infamous
as a centre of immorality. Despite
that, Paul established a church
there near the end of his second
missionary journey (Acts 18).
Though the church was in Corinth,
Corinth was also in the church,
infecting its fellowship and witness.
Paul recognises the gifts and
strengths of the church, but he also
deals decisively with the problems
plaguing it.His goal is that all things
be done decently & in order (14:40)

After his first letter, Paul’s teaching,
character and motives were
brought under attack by some.
Paul then writes 2 Corinthians
to set forth his credentials and
vindicate his conduct, thanking
those who support him and
appealing to the rebellious minority
The book is autobiographical,
offering glimpses into the life
of Paul found nowhere else
in scripture: his preconversion
background, his visions from God,
his thorn in the flesh and his
persecution for the cause of Christ

We will cover Paul’s two letters to
the Corinthians over 2 weekends.
Lookout for the exposition (and
with personal scripture reading) to
better understand the importance
of unity in the church, the Christian
approach to problem solving & be challenged how to Live For Christ
in a cosmopolitan & corrupt society.

Preview on John Gospel (Apr 14)

We’ve Chronologically covered the
Old Testament, phase by phase:
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: Israel History to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In OT Phase 3, we see decline
of the two Divided Kingdoms.
OT3A: 1 Kings & minor prophets.
OT3B: 2K1-17 & Prophets incl Isaiah
up to Israel’s Dispersion in 722BC.
OT3C: 2K18-25 & Prophets incl Jer
up to Judah’s Dispersion in 586BC.
Followed by Ezekiel & Daniel. And
then the Return from Exile, namely
Esther, Ezra & Nehemiah, as well as
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.
(All accessible in
Blog Announcements)

Having meditated on the synoptic
gospels in between OT phases,
we now continue with John. The
gospel of John is a gospel apart.
Mark, Matthew and Luke, despite
their different viewpoints, describe
many of the same events in
Jesus’ life. But John presents that
Jesus is God in the flesh, born to
die as the sacrifice for human sin.
Seven miraculous Signs,
Seven “I Am” Declarations and
Seven key Witnesses are cited
to show that “Jesus is the Christ,
the Son of God” (20:31).

We will cover the gospel of John
over 3 weekends under 6 divisions:
Coming of Son of God (J1-2)
Compassion of Son of God (J3-5)
Claims by the Son of God (J6-8)
Conflict with Son of God (J9-12)
Comfort from Son of God (J13-17)
Crucifixion of Son of God (J18-21)
Look Out for exposition on John
to prompt spiritual renewal and
have a reverent love of God.

Preview on Hag, Zac & Mal (Mar 31)

Return From Exile (Mar 31)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: Israel History to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In OT Phase 3, we see decline
of the two Divided Kingdoms.
OT3A: 1 Kings & minor prophets.
OT3B: 2K1-17 & Prophets incl Isaiah
up to Israel’s Dispersion in 722BC.
OT3C: 2K18-25 & Prophets incl Jer
up to Judah’s Dispersion in 586BC.
Followed by Ezekiel & Daniel.
And then the return from exile,
namely Esther, Ezra & Nehemiah.

Continuing, we will meditate on
the last three prophetic books
of the Old Testament following
the return from exile. Listed below
are the background condition and
issues during that period of time.

Haggai (520 BC)
“Consider your ways” and “Finish
what you have begun” are the
resounding calls of the prophet
Haggai as he tries to awaken the
people spiritually. They have just
returned from exile in Babylonia
and are discouraged by the
destruction in the city.But Haggai’s
message brings encouragement,
particularly to the governor,
Zerubbabel, who must inspire
the people. I am with you, declares
the Lord as the people are called
to rebuild and fight against future
oppression. There is hope and
future blessing for their obedience!

Zechariah (520 BC)
Using colourful visions and
consoling sermons to portray
God’s glorious future plans for
His covenant people, Zechariah
encourages the workers engaged
in rebuilding the temple. Although
early enthusiasm has waned,
the task is an important one,
for the temple will be the focal
point of the ministry of Israel’s
coming Messiah. God will keep
His promises to His people, and
fasting will turn to feasting when
Messiah arrives. So put away sin,
finish the temple, and await the
Messiah with eager excitement.

Malachi (440 BC)
Years after the restoration from
exile, the spiritual condition of
God’s people deteriorated. Again
they have lapsed into the same
sins that brought about captivity.
They tithe sporadically, ignore
the Sabbath and intermarry with
unbelievers. Their hearts have
grown hard and their love for God
has grown cold, yet Malachi comes
to remind the people of God’s love
for them. Malachi’ final warning
about the purifying Day of the Lord
marks the close of the OT period
which is followed by 400 years
of silence in the biblical record.

Friends, Look out for the expository
meditation as it shows God is
in control of situations and will
strengthen our faith in Him.

Preview on Esther, Ezra, Neh (Mar 18)

Return From Exile (Mar 18)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In OT Phase 3, we see decline
of the two Divided Kingdoms.
OT3A: 1 Kings & minor prophets.
OT3B: 2K1-17 & Prophets incl Isaiah
up to Israel’s Dispersion in 722BC.
OT3C: 2K18-25 & Prophets incl Jer
up to Judah’s Dispersion in 586BC.
Followed by Ezekiel & Daniel.

Continuing, we will meditate on
three Israel historical books on
the return from exile, over two
weekends. Listed below are the
background condition and issues
during that period of time.
Continue reading “Preview on Esther, Ezra, Neh (Mar 18)”