Reflection on Phil & Col (Oct 29)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the epistle to
the Philippians is to strengthen
the believers by showing them that true joy comes from Christ alone;
whilst that for Colossians is
to show that believers have
everything they need in Christ.

On Monday, we learn from Phil 1
that God Completes Good Work.
On Tuesday, we learn from Phil 2
that God Gives Power to Obey.
On Wednesday, we learn fr Phil 3
that God Helps Press On to Call.
On Thursday, we learn from Phil 4
that God Supplies Your Needs.
On Friday, we learn from Col 2 that
God Made Us Complete In Christ.
On Saturday, we learn from Col 3 that Gives Power For New Life.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You made us complete in Christ
and give us power for new life.
for You give power to obey, help us
press on and complete good work;
for You supply all that we need
and You truly keep Your promises.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Col 3 (Oct 28)

God Gives Power for New Life

Heresy that Jesus is neither 
central nor supreme is undermining
the Colossian church. And Paul’s
 responds to these false teachings
by upholding Christ as the
Preeminent Head of the church
 and speaks against man-made
 regulations and ritualistic worship. 
Instead Paul encourages them
to pursue a godly life befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

Lord, we’ll Seek Things of Above:
 Since you have been raised to
New Life with Christ, seek those 
things which are above… Set
 your minds on things above , not
on things on the earth (Col 3:1-2).
 Put on the new man who is renewed.
Put on tender mercies, kindness,
humility, meekness, longsuffering; 
bearing with one another, and
forgiving one another… But above
 all these things, put on love (v10-14)
Let the message about Christ in all
its richness, fill your lives. Counsel 
each other with all the wisdom He
gives. Sing spiritual songs to God
 with thankful hearts (v16). Amen.

Lord, help me to seek things which
 are above and not things on earth.
Help me trust in the realities of Your
kingdom and see with eyes of faith.
Help me to better understand
the changes that salvation brings.
Help me live as a brand new person
that I do not have to yield to sin.
For the same power that raised
Christ from the dead is available
to me to live as I should. Amen.

Lord, grant me the grace to put
to death vices like anger & critical
language and put on Your virtues.
Help me Lord to be tender hearted,
merciful & forbearing towards others
Help me to love and be forgiving
 just as You have loved & forgive me. 
Help me to recognise and discern
what is worthy of confrontation
and correction; and what I should
just graciously let it go. Amen.

Lord, we want to be filled with truth
of Christ & to live purposeful lives.
But we can be confused as the world
is full of lies and unholy agendas.
Help us focus & know You more as
we fill our hearts and minds with
Your words and spiritual songs.
And may our hearts and spirits
be more sensitive to Your Voice
and Your Will. In Jesus’ name. Am

Trusting God In Col 2 (Oct 27)

God Made Us Complete In Christ

All is not well in Colosse.
A heresy that Jesus Christ is
neither central nor supreme
is undermining the church.
Paul’s response to these
false teachings is two-fold.
First, he upholds Christ as the
preeminent Head of the church
Next, he speaks out against the
rituals and man-made regulations
which typify worship at Colosse.

Lord Jesus, we’re Complete In You:
As you have received Christ Jesus
the Lord, so walk in Him, Rooted
and built up in Him & established
in the faith… abounding in it
with thanksgiving (Col 2:6-7).
In Christ the fullness of God lives
in a human body, and you are
Complete through your union
 with Christ, who is the head of all principality and powers (v9-10)
He Cancelled the record of the
Charges against us… And He has
taken it out of the way, having
nailed it to the cross. Having
disarmed principalities & power 
triumphing over them (v14-15).

Father God, You are worthy
of a heart that overflows
 with thanksgiving toward You.
When I think of all You’ve done 
and put in proper perspective,
I am filled with deep gratitude
 for Your mercy and generosity. 
Help me to stay Connected and 
Rooted In You, remembering always
 to express Thanks to You. Amen.

Father, it’s hard for me to grasp
 that there are absolutely no
 barriers between us for You
Cancelled all charges against us.
Let that truth sink into my heart,
 and help me live by it gratefully.
You have paid an enormous price
 to enable our intimacy. Prompt 
me not to waste the opportunity
 to experience You each day. Amen

Lord Jesus, You are so completely 
great and awesome! How can it be
 that You have chosen to live in me?
And yet You have. Help me to
 fully trust You, knowing that You 
are in control of all situations.
And that You are using everything
 that happens in my life to show
 me that I am Complete In You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Philippians 4

God Supplies Your Needs (Oct 26)

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
Paul rejoices especially in the church’s
steadfast testimony for the gospel.
Though that testimony is threatened
by divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored as
they imitate the humility of Christ.
And Apostle Paul urges contentment
for God Will Supply all our needs.

Lord, You Will Provide Our Needs:
Be anxious for nothing but in every
-thing by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known to God; and the
peace of God which surpasses
all understanding will guard your
hearts and minds (Phil 4:6-7).
I have learned the secret of being
Content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through Him who
Gives me Strength (Phil 4:12-13).
This same God who takes
care of me Will Supply all your
Needs from His glorious riches,
which have been given to us.
In Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Amen.

Lord, here is my worry and here
is my need; I give them to You,
and ask You to calm my anxious
heart and quiet my racing thoughts.
Help me refuse to think of what-ifs
thoughts; but Center them on Christ
Jesus, Your power and sufficiency.
Because I belong to You Lord, I know
that Your peace will guard my heart
and mind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You that You are
the God who provides my needs.
Grant me the grace to live joyfully
whether I have much or little.
And grant me Lord the grace to
Be Content in all circumstances.
Thank You Lord for promising
that You will give me the strength
I need to follow Your will and join
You in Your work. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, Thank You for the promise
to Supply all our needs. That
wonderful guarantee & assurance
enables us to feel secure and
contented in our journey thru life.
For we don’t have to struggle
on our own for the Creator of the
universe covers us. And we’re given
access to You because of what
Christ had done on the cross. Amen

Trusting God In Phil 3 (Oct 25)

God Helps Press On to Call

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
There is much for Paul to rejoice about especially the church’s steadfast testimony for the gospel.
Though that testimony is threatened
by divisions in the church, Paul
is confident unity will be restored
as they imitate the humility and
servanthood of Christ. And Paul
urged Rejoice in the Lord always.

Lord, we will Focus on the Goal:
Everything else is worthless when
compared with the infinite value
of Knowing Christ Jesus my Lord….
yes to know the power of His
resurrection and participation
in His suffering (Phil 3:8-10).
I am focusing all my energies on
this One Thing: Forgetting the past
and Looking Forward to what lies
ahead, I press toward the goal.
for the prize of the upward call of.
God in Christ Jesus (Phil 3:13-14).
(For) our citizenship is In Heaven.
And we eagerly await a Saviour.   from there, the Lord Jesus (v20).

Lord, I choose to Know & follow You.
I open myself to whatever You want
to do in my life; though it may be
out-of-the-norm, as long as it fits
Your character and Your purposes.
Lord, I want to Know You better;
and perhaps the only way for that
to happen is to experience some
of what You had gone through.
Please help me not squander those
opportunities, learn to feel what You
have felt & grow from them. Amen.

Lord, help me to Keep my Eye On
the Goal, where You’re beckoning
me upward and onward to Jesus.
Keep me from being distracted by
the past; wrong choices & sins that
hv been washed in blood of Christ.
Grant me grace and strength not to
turn back, knowing You’re in control
and promise to meet my needs.
And help me keep my eyes fixed 
on the eternal prize – unending life
in Your glorious presence. Amen.

Lord, I praise and Thank You for
giving me eternal life & listing me
among the residents of Heaven. 
Though this current life is filled
with trouble and challenges,
I know I am only passing through.
Help me to Seek You First and
stop worrying about tomorrow. 
Grant me an Eternity Mindset
so that I can endure the temporal
difficulties that come my way.Amen

Trusting God In Philippians 2

God Gives Power to Obey (Oct 24)

Philippians is a joyful letter, written
by Paul from a prison cell in Rome
to the church he founded on
his second missionary journey.
Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging letter
in the midst of persecution. There
is much for Paul to rejoice about
especially the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Lord, grant us Power to Obey You:.             Fulfill my joy by being likeminded,
            having the same love, being of
                          one accord, of one mind (Phil 2:2).
Don’t be selfish. Be humble, think
of others as better than yourself.
Don’t think only about your own
                 affairs, but be interested in others
.             too…Your attitude should be the
.                 same that Christ Jesus had (v3-5).     
Continue to work out your
 salvation            with fear and trembling,
 for it is God Who Works in you to
 Will & to Act in order to    fulfill His
good purpose (Phil 2:12-13) Amen.

Lord of grace and wisdom, I want
to make the Father truly happy
with me by living in harmony with
my Christian brothers and sisters,
by loving them, and by working
together with one mind & purpose
to bring more people to Christ.
Grant me success in this important
endeavour. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, work in me the desire
to please You rather than to
impress others. Forgive me for
my selfishness and for focussing
 on my life, my needs, my problems.
Help me to care more about others
and their needs too. And help me
 to have a servant’s heart so that
 U can do Your work thro me. Amen

Lord, grateful You are at work
within me to fulfil His purpose.
Help me to do what is right
and to obey with reverence.
Help me to hold on in faith, and
new power to live as I should.
Wean me from the excuse that
“I am too tired”, “I am too weak”…
For Your strength is sufficient
for whatever I am facing. Amen.

Trusting God In Phil 1 (Oct 23)

God Completes Good Work

Philippians is a joyful letter, written
by Paul from a prison cell in Rome
to one of the churches he founded
on his second missionary journey.
Despite Paul’s adverse situation,
Philippians is an encouraging
letter in the midst of persecution.
There is much for Paul to rejoice
about: the Philippians’ repeated
financial assistance, the hope of
visiting the Philippian believers soon,
and the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel.

Lord, You’ll Complete Good Work:
In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of
your partnership in the gospel…
Being confident of this, that He
who Began a good work in you
Will Carry it on to Completion until
the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:4-6).
That you may be able to discern
what is best and may be pure and
blameless until the day of Christ,
filled with fruit of righteousness
that comes through Christ (v9-11)

Lord, I am eternally linked to You
by grace through faith & I am part
of Your body for You are the head.
Thank You Lord that my needs
are fully met in You. Forgive me
for the times when I think and act
as though You are not enough.
For You will bring to completion
the good work that You began.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I praise You for Your great
salvation; for You not only took
away sin, but also gave me a new
nature that longs to please You.
Continue Lord Your work in me;
for there’s still a lot of rough edges
and glad You do not give up on me.
Look forward Lord to the day when
Your work in me is finally complete
and I’ll be blameless for Your glory.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, please help us to grow
spiritually and understand what
really matters in life. We pray that
we will not chase after things that
doesn’t matter. But instead we will
focus on our relationship with You
and on growing to be more like You.
Grant us the faith and the strength
so that You’ll realise in us the ideals
You have taught us to cherish. Amen

Thought for the Week: Eph 4

Christ Gives Each Spiritual Gift

Because God through Christ paid
our penalty for sin and forgave us,
we have been reconciled – brought
near to Him. We are a new society,
a new family. Being united with
Christ means we are to treat one
another as family members. As we
are one family in Christ, so there
should be no barriers, no divisions,
and no basis for discrimination.
We all belong to Him, so we should
live in harmony with one another.

Lord, Unite & Bind us together:
Live a life worthy of the calling you
have received. Be humble & gentle…
Be patient with each other, making
allowance for each other’s faults
because of Your love (Eph 4:1-2).
Make every effort to keep
yourselves united in the Spirit,
binding yourselves together
with peace. For there is one body
and one Spirit, just as you have
been called to one glorious hope
for the future. There is one Lord,
one faith, one baptism, and
one God & Father (Eph 4:3-6).
To each of us grace was given
according to the measure of
Christ’s gift… And He Himself
gave some to be apostles,
some prophets, some evangelists
and some pastors and teachers,
for the equipping of the saints
for the work of ministry, for the
edifying of body of Christ (v7-12).

Lord God who searches hearts
and minds, help me accept human
imperfection in others and myself;
for we are all sinners in Your sight.
Help us to be more patient with
each other making allowance for
each other’s faults & weaknesses.
Help us to develop a right view
of others despite their annoying
faults, poor choices and non-
saintlike conduct. Help us to pray
for serenity to accept the things
that we could not change. Amen.

Lord, Help us keep unity of Spirit
in lowliness of heart and gentleness.
Let differences in our backgrounds,
experiences and personalities,
not divide us but instead enrich us.
Help us make every effort to keep
the unity of the Spirit; to treasure it,
to protect it and even promote it.
Bind us Lord together in love for
You made us one body & one spirit.
Teach us to appreciate and love one
another and live together in peace.
Lord blest the tie that binds! Amen.

Father, You have appointed
for me apostles, prophets,
evangelists, pastors and teachers
to prepare me for works of service.
They are His gift to me to build
me up towards unity of faith
with all the saints, in the knowledge
of Christ Jesus, so that I may
become mature and attain the full
measure of Christ in my life. Amen.

Reflection on Ephesians (Oct 22)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the epistle to
the Ephesians is to strengthen
the believers in Ephesus in their
Christian faith by explaining the
nature and purpose of the church,
which is the body of Christ.

On Monday, we learn from Eph 1
that God Reveals Good Plans.
On Tuesday, we learn from Eph 2
that Christ Enables Good Works.
On Wednesday, we learn from Eph 3
that God Loves & Empowers Us.
On Thursday, we learn from Eph 4
that Christ Gives Each Spiritual Gift.
On Friday, we learn from Eph 5
that God Enables Spirit-Filled Life.
On Saturday, we learn from Eph 6
that God Provides Spiritual Armour.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
for You love us deeply and has
good plans for each one of us;
for You enable us to live Spirit-
filled life and to do good works;
for You truly keep Your promises; giving each spiritual gift as well as
providing spiritual armour. Amen.

Trusting God In Eph 6 (Oct 21)

God Provides Spiritual Armour

Walk Worthy of your calling…You
are rich in Christ, so live that way!
The Christian’s conduct should
be consistent with his calling.
You are rich in Christ, endowed
with spiritual blessings; so learn
to walk in the light of that wealth.
A spiritual war rages & those who
use the armour of God will be able
to stand agst Satan’s wily attacks.

Lord, we will Put On Your Armour:
Put On the full Armour of God
so that you can take your stand
against the devil’s schemes.
For our struggle is not against flesh
and blood, but against the… powers
of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil (Eph 6:11-12).
Take Up the Shield of Faith, with
which you can extinguish all the
flaming arrows of the evil one.
Take the helmet of salvation
and the sword of the Spirit,
which is the word of God (v16-17).
And Pray in the Spirit on all
occasions with all kinds of prayers…
be alert and always keep on                        praying for all the saints (v18).

Lord, I recognise because I have
aligned myself with You, the
enemy will wage war against me.
Help me Lord Put On the full spiritual
Armour that You have provided.
Help me understand the depth of
truth, righteousness, faith, solid
walk with Christ, salvation, prayer
& the sword of the Spirit Your Word.
Teach me how to use the armour
& perseverance practising it. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the Shield of
Faith to deflect Satan’s fiery arrows
and provide necessary protection.
Grant that assurance of salvation
will guard my mind amid difficulties
and doubts attempt to creep in.
Holy Spirit, enlighten my mind
to understand Your Word and
how it applies to my life. And
help me draw the sword when
Satan attacks with a lie. Amen.

Lord, enable us to know the
presence of Your Spirit within us
& walk in constant awareness of it.
May You freely live Your life in us,
express Your heartbeat to us
and Pray Your will through us.
We know Lord we simply can’t do
any of these on our own efforts,
but with You, nothing is impossible.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.