Trusting God In 1John 5 (Dec 22)

God Listens to Our Prayers

Apostle John desires his spiritual
 children enjoy close fellowship 
with God and writes telling them
 how: God is Light and to engage in
 fellowship with Him means walking
 in the light of His commandments.
 God is Love, and thus His children
 must walk in love. God is Life, and 
those who desire fellowship with
Him must possess the spiritual life,
 which begins with spiritual birth.

Lord, we will Ask Along Your Will:
 He who has the Son has life…
These things I have written to you
 who believe in the name of the Son
 of God, that you may Know that you
 have eternal life, and that you may
 continue to believe (1Jn 5:12-13).
 This is the Confidence we have 
in approaching God; that if  we
 ask anything according to His will,
 He hears us. And if we Know that
 He hears us – whatever we ask
– we Know that we have what
 we asked of Him (1Jn 5:14-15).
 We know that God’s children do not
 make a practice of sinning, for God’s
bSon Holds them securely, and the
 evil one cannot touch them (v18).

Father, thanks for promising eternal
life to those who believe in Your Son.
Apostle John wrote these words
so that we could know that
we have eternal life – not hope
that we have it, but Know It.
 We can trust Your solid promise of
 an abundant life that begins now. 
And we look forward to being with
You forever.  In His name, Amen.

Father, it gives me Confidence
to know that if I ask according
to Your will, You will hear me
and I will have what I ask for.
So I come to You as Your beloved
child and ask You to help me
pray according to Your will. And
I know I will receive good things
from You because You love me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we experience difficulties as
 everyone else and Christians may be
 targeted because they are believers. 
And it is a relief that You are Lord 
over the evil one. All who belong
 to You are eternally safe; and all who
 opposed U are completely defeated.
 For You had purchased us with
Your blood, You take us to Yourself,
 and You’ll Hold us securely. Amen.

Trusting God In 1 John 4 (Dec 21)

God Gives Ability to Love

Apostle John desires his spiritual
children to enjoy close fellowship
with God & writes telling them how:
God is Light and therefore to
engage in fellowship with Him
means walking in the light of
His commandments. God is Love,
and thus His children must walk
in love. God is Life, and those
who desire fellowship with Him
must possess the spiritual life,
which begins with spiritual birth.

Lord, we’ll be Confident In Yr Love:
God Is Love and all who live in love
live in God, and God lives in them.
And as we live in God,
our love grows more perfect.
So we will not be afraid on the day
of judgment, but can face Him
with Confidence because we are
like Christ here in this world. Such
love has no fear because perfect
love expels all fear (1Jn 4:16-18).
We love Him because
He First Loved us (v19).
And this commandment we have
from Him: that he who loves God
must love his brother also (v21).

Lord, You are love personified;
and the fruit of the Spirit is love.
Reveal to me to know You more
and the ability to love You more.
Refresh me constantly with the 
fountain of Your love so that it will
overflow in my actions and words.
And help me find the path of love, 
even in difficult circumstances
and with difficult people. Amen.

Lord, we humans are often fearful
about the events swirling about us.
Fill me Lord with Your Perfect Love;
which has no fear; and quieten my
heart so that I don’t have to worry.
I need perfect love for Your glory
so that others might see the peace
& assurance available only thru You.
Teach me to rest in the knowledge
that You are in full control. Amen.

Lord, thank You for First loving us.
As we live in You, our love grows
more complete. Although I don’t
understand all the trials I may go
through, I trust in Your love for me.
Help me abide in You & Fill me with
Your perfect love that casts out fear.
Hence, I can Live In Confidence and
share Your amazing love with others.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In 1 John 3 (Dec 20)

God Promises You’ll Be Like Him

Apostle John desires his spiritual
children enjoy close fellowship
with God & writes telling them how:
God is Light and therefore to
engage in fellowship with Him
means walking in the light of
His commandments. God is Love,
and thus His children must walk
in love. God is Life, and those
who desire fellowship with Him
must possess the spiritual life,
which begins with spiritual birth.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
See what great love the Father
had lavished on us, that we
should be called children of
God! And that is what we are!
What we will be had not been
made known. But we know that
when Christ appears, we shall
be like him, for we shall see him
as he is (1 John 3:1-2). Amen.

Dear Abba Father, thank you
for loving us so much that You
call us & made us Your children.
I know that you greatly cares
for us and the various challenges
that we may face. And I humbly
come to You with all my needs.
Thank you for having Your arms
open to me, and for drawing me
near to You so that I can rest
in Your loving kindness. Amen.

Lord, praise U for being the Holy
One, Creator of universe and that
You love me so much. Thank you
for adopting me into your family.
I am not just a forgiven sinner,
because of what Christ has done;
But I am also your child; and
that one day I will be like Christ.
Lord, help me to live out my true
identity as your child. And help me
live for U as I await that day. Amen.

Lord, I know I will be like You
when I appear before You and
see You as You are. But as I come
to Your Presence now on earth,
let me see You more clearly and
be transformed to be more like U.
You bring out the best in me,
and I embrace as my true self
the person I become when I am
with You. In Your name, Amen.

Trusting God In 1John 2 (Dec 19)

Christ as Our Advocate to Father

Apostle John who enjoys delightful
fellowship with God, desires that
his spiritual children enjoy the same
fellowship & writes to tell them how.
God is Light and to be in fellowship
with Him means walking in
the light of His commandments.
God is love, and thus His children
must walk in love. And God is life,
and those who desire fellowship
with Him must possess spiritual
life, which begins with spiritual
birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, we’ll Love You & One Another:
These things I write to you, so that
you may not sin. And if anyone sins,
we have an Advocate with the Father
Jesus Christ the righteous. And
He Himself is the propitiation for
our sins, and not for ours only but
also for the whole world (1Jn 2:1-2)
Those who Obey God’s word truly
show how completely they love Him.
That’s how we know we live in Him.
Those who say they live in God
should live their lives as Christ did…
(And His) commandment (is)
to Love one another (1Jn 2:5-7).
Do not love this world nor the things
it offers you, for when you love
the world, you do not have the love
of the Father in you (1 John 2:15).

Father, reveal to me any areas of
unconfessed sin; and also reveal
to me any areas of unknown sin.
Draw me through Your grace;
and replace my waywardness
with the fruit of Your Spirit.
Thank You Lord for providing
Jesus Christ as my Advocate
with You. In His holy name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, we confess not being
consistent in doing what You say.
Although You understand our falling,
we don’t want neglect trying to
obey for that will be hypocritical.
We don’t want to be a liar nor
not living in the truth. Help us Lord
to saturate ourselves in Your Words
and purpose in our hearts to obey
as our gratitude and love to You.
And help us love one another. Amen.

Holy Spirit, we need wisdom and
help in this battle against the world.
Help us recognise the world seeks
to shape and satisfy cravings that
only You God can truly satisfy.
This lifelong battle with worldliness
can’t be won by personal willpower.
Help us replace love for the world
with a love that won’t disappoint.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In 1 John 1 (Dec 18)

God Promises Forgiveness

Apostle John who enjoys delightful
fellowship with God, desires that
his spiritual children enjoy the same
fellowship & writes to tell them how.
God is Light and to be in fellowship
with Him means walking in
the light of His commandments.
God is love, and thus His children
must walk in love. And God is life,
and those who desire fellowship
with Him must possess spiritual
life, which begins with spiritual
birth through faith in Jesus Christ.

Lord, our hope is in the Word of Life:
That which was from the beginning,
 which we have heard, which
we have seen with our own eyes,
 concerning the Word of Life…
This is the message which we
 have heard from Him and declare
 to you, that God is light and in Him
is no darkness at all (1 Jn 1:1, 5).
 If we walk in the light as He is in the
 light, we have fellowship with one
 another & the blood of Jesus Christ
 Cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).
If we claim to be without sin,
we deceive ourselves and the truth
is not in us. If we Confess our sins,
He is faithful and just & will forgive
 us our sins and purify us from
 all unrighteousness (1 John 1:8-9).

Lord, Thank You for Your Word that
 says You are the Word of life and
 You are our solid rock, no matter 
whatever circumstances around us.
You are always with us and we are
safe and secure under Your arms.
Lord, You are our all in all, our hope
is in You alone and we rest on You.
Support us Lord in challenges for 
we look to You our solid rock. Amen.

Lord, You say if we claim to be
 sinless we’re only fooling ourselves;
for our old nature is still within us.
 Give me an attitude of discernment
 and humility, so that when I sin I will 
know it & desire to be cleansed of it.
Grateful Lord for Your forgiveness
 which removes sins as far as the
 east is from the west and that You
 remember them no more. Amen.

Lord, I Confess my sins before You;
 grateful that You are faithful
 to forgive them and to cleanse
 me from all the effects of them. 
If there is sin in my life that I am
 not seeing, reveal it to me so that 
I can confess it before You and
 be purified of all unrighteousness.
For I want to live in the wholeness
 of complete forgiveness. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 2 Peter 1

God Enables Godly Living

Peter’s 2nd letter teaches opposing
internal spiritual attacks by Satan
with the knowledge of the truth.
Peter warns against apostasy within
the church, moral perversions
and the denial of Christ’s return
that false teachers propagate.
He exhorts his readers to grow in
grace & knowledge that come thru
Christ, thereby gaining strength
to resist error and avoid heresy.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living
a godly life… He has given us great
…promises; which enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
Brethren, be…diligent to make your
call and election sure, for if you do
these things you will never stumble;
for so an entrance will be supplied to
you abundantly into the everlasting
kingdom of our Lord (v10-11).
And so we have the prophetic
Word confirmed, which you do
well to heed as a light that shines
in a dark place… For prophecy
never came by the will of man,
but holy (ones) of God as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit (v19-21).

Father God, I claim Your promises:
that You Give us Godly Nature
and that You Enable Godly Living.
Grant me grace of developing more
intimate relationship with You as
I know more of You & Christ Jesus.
Help me remember what You teach
and be diligent in faithful obedience.
Help me grow spiritually; so that
I may live wholly for You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving
me new life that will never end.
Your holy word says if anyone is in
Christ; the new creation has come:
the old has gone; the new is here.
I purpose Lord to make the call
and election sure; so that I will not
stumble but grow into Your image.
And with Your empowerment, I will
have the capacity to further Your
kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to tap
into Your divine power so that I will
not lack anything that You offer.
Shine Your light in areas of darkness
as morning star shines in my heart.
Fill me continually Lord, for I want
to experience You more and more.
Holy Spirit, increase the evidence
of Your presence in my life; so that
I will display more love, more power,
more of You in my life. Amen!!

Reflection on 1/2 Peter (Dec 17)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of the First epistle of Peter is to offer encouragement
to suffering Christians while
Second Peter is to warn
Christians about false teachings
and to exhort them to grow in
their faith and knowledge of Christ.

On Monday, we learn from 1Pet 1
that God Gives Living Hope.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Pet 2
that God Sets Us Free In Christ.
On Wed, we learn from 1Pet 3 that
God Eyes On Those Doing Right.
On Thu, we learn from 1Peter 4
that God Is Faithful towards Us.
On Friday, we learn from 2Pet 1
that God Enables Godly Living.
On Saturday, we learn from 2Pet 3
that God Is Kind & Patient to All.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
For You truly keep Your promises,
You give us living hope as
well as enable godly living;
For You set us free in Christ and
Your eyes on those doing right;
For You are faithful as well as
kind and patient to us all. Amen.

Trusting God In 2 Peter 3 (Dec 16)

God Is Kind & Patient to All

Persecution from unbelievers can
be hard for Christians to bear, but
defection within the community of
believers can be more devastating.
To counteract the effects of this
“poison”, Peter reminds his readers
of the timeless truths of the Faith
and exhorts them to continue
growing toward Christian Maturity.

Lord, we’ll Share the Good News:
Be mindful of the words which
were spoken… by the prophets,
and the commandment of…
the Lord and Saviour (2Pet 3:2).
The Lord is not slack concerning
His promise… but is longsuffering
toward us, not willing that any
should perish but that all should
come to repentance (2 Pet 3:9).
But the day of the Lord will
come as unexpectedly as a thief.
Then the heavens will pass away…
& the earth and everything on it…
But we are looking forward to the
new heavens and new earth He
has promised, a world filled with
God’s righteousness (v10-13) Amen

Lord, You display immense patience
as an example for those who will
believe and receive eternal life.
You are patient towards sinners and
grateful for showing mercy & not
treating me as my sins deserve.
Help me Lord encourage others to 
also seek Your mercy and grace.
For what You have done in my life,
You will surely do for others. Amen.

Lord, some Christians are facing
difficulties or suffering for their
faith & look forward for Your return.
We know God is patiently waiting for
more pple to repent. You’re moving
with perfect timing & not slowness.
Each day delayed is to give more
people opportunity to accept Jesus.
Help us use the time God has given
us to pray for the lost, sow seeds of
kindness & share the gospel. Amen.

Lord, apostle Peter exhorts us
towards maturity & godly living.
In this regard, help us O Lord,
to keep on knowing more of You,
remember what Christ taught us
& be diligent in faithful obedience.
Grateful for rescuing & freeing us and thank You for being patient. 
Help us to be witnesses of You and
declare the Word of the Lord. Amen

Trusting God In 2Peter 1 (Dec 15)

God Enables Godly Living

Peter’s 2nd letter teaches opposing
internal spiritual attacks by Satan
with the knowledge of the truth.
Peter warns against apostasy within
the church, moral perversions
and the denial of Christ’s return
that false teachers propagate.
He exhorts his readers to grow in
grace & knowledge that come thru
Christ, thereby gaining strength
to resist error and avoid heresy.

Lord, You Enable Godly Living:
By His divine power, God has given
us everything we need for living
a godly life… He has given us great
…promises; which enable you to
share His divine nature (2Pet 1:3-4)
Brethren, be…diligent to make your
call and election sure, for if you do
these things you will never stumble;
for so an entrance will be supplied to
you abundantly into the everlasting
kingdom of our Lord (v10-11).
And so we have the prophetic
Word confirmed, which you do
well to heed as a light that shines
in a dark place… For prophecy
never came by the will of man,
but holy (ones) of God as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit (v19-21).

Father God, I claim Your promises:
that You Give us Godly Nature
and that You Enable Godly Living.
Grant me grace of developing more
intimate relationship with You as
I know more of You & Christ Jesus.
Help me remember what You teach
and be diligent in faithful obedience.
Help me grow spiritually; so that
I may live wholly for You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving
me new life that will never end.
Your holy word says if anyone is in
Christ; the new creation has come:
the old has gone; the new is here.
I purpose Lord to make the call
and election sure; so that I will not
stumble but grow into Your image.
And with Your empowerment, I will
have the capacity to further Your
kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to tap
into Your divine power so that I will
not lack anything that You offer.
Shine Your light in areas of darkness
as morning star shines in my heart.
Fill me continually Lord, for I want
to experience You more and more.
Holy Spirit, increase the evidence
of Your presence in my life; so that
I will display more love, more power,
more of You in my life. Amen!!

Trusting God In 1 Peter 4 (Dec 14)

God Is Faithful, Let’s Live For Him

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
God has begotten us again unto a
living hope. So don’t be surprised
when suffering comes your way;
prepare & respond to it correctly.
Purpose to do what is right and
imitate Christ in submissive spirit.
And God will richly reward you
when the trials of life are over.

Lord, we will reflect Your Grace:
Most of all, continue to show deep
love for each other; for Love Covers
a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).
Be hospitable to one another
without grumbling. As each has
received a gift, minister it to one
another as Good Stewards of the
manifold grace of God (v9-10).
If anyone speaks, they should do it
as one who speaks the Very Words
of God so that God may be praised.
If you are reproached for the name
of Christ, blessed are you, for the
Spirit of glory… rests upon you…
Therefore let those who suffer
according to the will of God commit
their souls to Him in doing good,
as to a faithful Creator (v11-14,19).

Lord, I confess a lack of love & need
for Your unfailing love toward some.
Help me to yield to Your Spirit and
experience dear intimacy with You
and Your love for me. May Your
love Lord so fill me that others may
feel splashes from the overflow.
And in those relationships that are
toughest, grant me Your Love which
covers a multitude of sins. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we neglect
relationships & erect boundaries
due to distrust and bitterness.
We also confess of commitment
phobia and sins of the flesh that
block us from Christlike love.
Grateful for the spiritual gifts that
the Holy Spirit has given to us.
Help us to use them well to serve
one another. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, let me declare Your Words,
and let me recognise them in others.
We often ask You to speak to us,
and it only make sense that You
will use people to do so. Help me
to hear Your words in season for me.
And help me Lord speak forth Your
thoughts for Your people graciously.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.