Adoring God In Deut 32 (Jan 26)

Thank God for Being Our Rock

With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at Jordan
River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people
by commissioning Joshua as his
successor with a sober warning.
To help the people remember
his message of life, Moses
records his final words as a song.

Lord, we proclaim You’re Our Rock:
Then Moses spoke in the hearing
of all the assembly of Israel
the words of this song (Deut 31:30)
Hear O earth words of my mouth
for I proclaim the name of the Lord:
Ascribe greatness to our God.
He is the Rock. His work is
perfect; and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is He (Dt 32:1-4).
Is He not your Father, who
bought you? Has He not made
you and established you? (v6).
He kept (you) as the apple
of His eye (Deut 32:10).

Lord, I lift my eyes to You, my solid
rock, my refuge and my salvation.
Help quieten my heart to wait on U
in the storm for my hope is in You.
Let my confidence not be shaken
by what circumstances may say
or my mind may think. Thank You
that my confidence rests on You,
the One who is the Rock and that
You can never be shaken. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for providing
stability and for being our rock,
and the God of our salvation.
Lord, we enter each day with the
intention to trust in You. Yet when
the winds blow & the waves rise,
we may forget looking at You.
Lord, as my rock be my stability
when things are not quite stable.
Help me focus on You; for Lord
You are unshakable and You are
my solid rock. In His name, Amen.

Father God, You are my solid Rock,
that cannot be shaken, my safe
refuge & shelter from storms of life.
Lord Jesus, You are my Rock; and
because U overcome, I’ll overcome
as You are for me and You are the
same yesterday, today, and forever.
Spirit, help me remember to find
security in the Father and the Son,
who are my Rock & sure foundation.
And I place my future into Yr Hands
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Adoring God In Deteronomy 30

Thank God for Restoration 

Moses has come to the climax
in his address to the nation –
the time for a recommitment
of the people to the covenant.
He reminds the new generation
that the potential for God’s richest
blessing awaits them as well as
potential for judgment. It depends
on their submissive response
to the demands of the covenant.
Dramatically Moses delivers the
challenge: I have set before you
life and death… choose life!!

Lord, we’ll Reflect & Return to You:
Return to the Lord your God
and Obey His voice (Deut 30:2).
God Will Restore everything u lost;
He will have compassion on you;
He will come back and Pick Up
the pieces from all the places
where you were scattered. No matter how far away you end up,
God, your God, will get you out of
there & bring you back to the land
your ancestors once possessed.
It will be Yours Again (Deut 30:3-5).
And the Lord your God
will circumcise your heart…
to love the Lord your God
with all your heart and with all
your soul that you may live (v6).

Lord, thank You that even if I were
to fall off the path You have for me
to walk, You will always be there
to Lift Me Up when I repent of sins.
Thank You that even if I sink into
darkness, You will be my light.
Thank You Gracious Lord for
Your compassion for You not only
forgive but You will also Restore.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You that it is never
too late to turn to You and see
Restoration happen in our life.
Though time has been wasted
when we didn’t live fully for You;
Lord we pray You’ll Redeem the
time and help us to make up for it.
Restore everything that has been
lost, wasted or ruined so that
we can give You the glory. Amen.

Lord, thanks for the compassionate
Love towards us and for promising
You Restore everything that’s lost.
I look to You, Lord Your love that
never ends RESTORES me again!
So I lift my eyes to you Lord
In Your strength will I break
through Lord; Touch me now,
let Your love fall down on me
I know Your love dispels all my fears
Thru the storm I will hold on Lord
And by faith I will walk on Lord
And I’ll see beyond my calvary 1 day
And I will be Complete in You. Amen.

Adoring God In Deteronomy 7

Praise God for His Faithfulness

Moses’ second sermon begins in
chapter 5 and extends thru chap 26.
He opens with a reputation of the
Ten Commandments (hence the
name Deuteronomy – second law)
and exhorts the people to obey
the Lord from a heart of love,
to teach their children obedience
and to be careful not to forget
the Lord in times of prosperity.
Victory over pagan occupants of
Canaan is assured as long as the
people obey God’s commands.
They will prevail, not because
of their strength, but because of
their Faithful all-conquering God.

All Praise be to The Faithful God:
The Lord your God has chosen
you to be a people for Himself…
The Lord did not… choose you
because you were more in number
than any other people, for you were
the least of all peoples (Deut 7:6-7)
It was because the Lord loved you
and kept the oath He swore to
your forefathers that He brought
you out with a mighty hand and
redeemed you from the land of
slavery, from the power of Pharaoh
king of Egypt. Know therefore
that the Lord your God is God;
He is the faithful God El Emunah
who keeps covenant and mercy…
with those who love Him and                         keep His commandmends (v8-9).

Father God, we adore You for                             the faithfulness You show to us                     even when we are unfaithful to You.
We praise You for Your covenant
of loving kindness and faithfulness.        
Thank You Lord for the recording of
Your Word for us so that through  
endurance, the encouragement
of scriptures and of Your Spirit,
we might have hope in the fulfilment              
of Your promise. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, Your faithfulness reminds me               that I’m not always faithful to You.     Although I have a heart to be faithful               to You, situations arise that evoke               fears and doubt, tempting me to                 make choices of self-preservation                 and selfishness. And I confess                         that I am not fully faithful to You.                   Help me Lord to do much better;                   Help me see things from Your
perspective & not give up. Amen.

Lord, remind us again and again                           of Your faithfulness so that we                          will grow to be more like You.
Strengthen our resolve to believe            
You’re indeed the Faithful God El         Emunah; for U can’t make promises
that You can’t keep for You can’t lie.
So we will wait patiently upon Your
word for delay is not denial. And
we trust Your promises will come to            
pass at the appointed time. Amen.

Lord of mercy, You hv heard my cry
Thru the storm You’re the beacon
My song in the night.
In the shelter of Your wings
Hear my heart’s reply,
Singing what a faithful God have I.
What a faithful God have I
What a faithful God.
What a faithful God have I
Faithful in every way. Amen.

Adoring God in Deuteronomy 3

Praise Adonai Lord Who Rules

In his first of three sermons to the
nation, Moses reviewed the past.
God had promised His people a
new homeland, but Israel failed
to possess it because of unbelief.
For 40 years they wondered and
died. Now, with the passing of that
unbelieving generation, God has led
the nation in smashing victories over
Sihon and Og, bringing them to the
threshold of the land once again.
But before they are ready to enter,
they must learn a crucial lesson:
that obedience brings victory
and blessing while disobedience
results only in defeat and judgment.

All Praise be to Adonai who Rules:
I commanded Joshua at that time:
Yr eyes have seen all that the Lord…
has done to these two kings; so
will the Lord do to all the kingdoms
through which you pass. You must
not fear them, for the Lord your God
Himself fights for you (Deut 3:21-22)
Moses pleaded with the Lord:
O Sovereign Lord (Adonai) God,
You’ve begun to show Your servant
Your greatness & Your strong hand;
for what god is there… who can
do such mighty acts? Let me
go over and see the good land
beyond the Jordan (Deut 3:23-25)
But the Lord was angry with me…
Speak no more to Me on that matter.
Go up to the top of Pisgah and lift
your eyes… for you shall not cross
over this Jordan. But command
Joshua and encourage him… for
he shall go over this people and
he shall cause them to inherit the
land which you will see (v26-28).

Lord Adonai, we worship U as the
God who Rules & Master Over All.
Who can do the amazing and
powerful things You can do?
We acknowledge Your actions
to do as You please for You are
our Owner and owner of all things.
You Lord made us at creation;
bought us at Calvary; and You’ve
the right to rule our lives. Amen.

Lord Adonai, I humbly bow & ask
for Your forgiveness for failing
to honour You Lord as I should.
Forgive me for the many times
I have gone about the day without
considering that You are the Lord
and Master over all. Forgive me
for my shortsightedness & lack
of faith in You and Your power.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Adonai, we note that the
fervent prayer of Moses to cross
over Jordan was not granted.
Align our thoughts, emotions and
actions to Yours so that we can
fully experience Your blessing.
Empower us Lord to live our days
in such a way that we discover
and do the calling You have given
to each of us. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Adoring God In Deteronomy 2

Thank God for His Provision

In the first of 3 sermons to the
nation, Moses begins with review
 of the past, including His Provision.
 God had promised His people
 a new homeland, but Israel failed
 to possess  it because of unbelief.
 For 40 years they had wandered
 and died.  Now with the passing
 of that unbelieving generation,
 God has led the nation in victories 
over  Sihon & Og, bringing them
to the threshold of the land again.

Lord, we ask for Your Provision:
.                        The LORD your God has blessed
 you in all that you have done;
 He has known your wanderings
 through this great wilderness.
These forty years the LORD your
 God has been with you; you have
 not lacked a thing (Deut 2:7).
Abraham took the ram and
offered it up for a burnt offering
instead of his son. And Abraham
called the name of the place:
The Lord Will Provide (Gen 22:1).
And… God shall supply all your
needs according to His riches
in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19).

Lord, You will provide for our needs
 just as You provided for the needs
 of Your people Israel in their
 journey to the promised land.
For we look up to You Father God
 with open hands as Your children,
and ask that You will supply
all our needs according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 
Thanks for taking care of us. Amen.

Lord, You are the All-Sufficient One
You are Jehovah Jireh the Provider
 who will provide all that we need.
You are my source of Wisdom.
 If I lack wisdom, I can ask God,
who gives generously to me.
You are my Guide when I’m
 unsure of what to do, You will
instruct me in the way I should go.
You are my Healer for You are the
 one who heals all my diseases.
 And You are my Strength and
power when I am weak. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Thank You
for the gift of Provision of needs
 that carries us through 2023.
 And  as we draw near to the lunar
new year, we approach it with
some concerns, and we lift up
our hands to You and surrender them into Your strong Hands. For we trust in Your Goodness, Power and Faithfulness to Your people. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Lev 16

Jesus Paid It All Atoning sins

The great Day of Atonement
observed each year was Israel’s
most significant act of worship.
On that day, the nation gathered
to watch in expectation as the high
priest entered the Holy of Holies
with the blood Atonement which
would cover the sins of the entire
nation for another year. Because
blood was the central ingredient
in Israel’s national and personal
forgiveness, God prohibited the
use of blood for any purpose
other than sacrifice to Him.

Lord, we’re grateful for Your Grace:
Aaron shall take the two goats and
present them before the Lord… Then
he shall cast lots for the two goats:
Aaron shall bring the goat on which
the Lord’s lot fell & offer it as a sin
offering. But the goat on which the
lot fell to be the scapegoat shall be
presented alive…to make atonement
upon it and to let it go as the scape-
goat into the wilderness(Lev16:7-10)
In the seventh month on the tenth
day of the month, you shall… do
no work at all… For on that day, the
priest shall make atonement for you
to cleanse you, that you may be
clean from all your sins (v29-30).
Come now & let us reason together…
Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
they shall be as wool (Isa 1:18) Amen

Lord Jesus, Thank You for paying
 the price for my sins so that I don’t
 have to. Because of You I have been
 reconciled to God, and I will never 
be separated from Him again.
 Help me to extend to others the
 love and forgiveness You have
 given to me. Teach me ways I can
show my gratitude to You for all
 that You have done for me. Amen.

Lord, Thank You that You do not
see my sins, rather You see me
 righteous because of the work of
Your precious son, Jesus Christ.
Thanks for Your lovingkindness and
 for Your grace of forgiveness of sins.
Help me reason with You & really
 appreciate Your love and mercy.
 Help me follow the Holy Spirit 
so that I will remain obedient.
 Help me have deep gratitude to
You for Jesus Paid It All. Amen.

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy pow’r, and Thine alone,
Can change the leper’s spots
 And melt the heart of stone.
 Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe;
 Sin had left a crimson stain,
 He washed it white as snow…
 For nothing good have I
Whereby Thy grace to claim;
I’ll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb.
Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe;
Sin had left a crimson stain,
He washed it white as snow. Amen.

Reflection on Leviticus & Numbers

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of Leviticus is to
serve as a handbook for priests
and Levites outlining their duties
in worship as well as a guidebook
of holy living for the Hebrews.
And Numbers tells the story of
how Israel prepared to enter the
promised land, how they sinned
and were punished, and how
they prepared to try again.

On Monday, we learn from Lev 16
that Jesus Paid It All Atoning Sins.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Lev 18/19
that Holy God Changes Us.
On Wed, we learn from Num 6
that the Lord Blesses You.
On Thursday, we learn fr Num 11
that God Cares for the Weary.
On Friday, we learn from Num 14
that the Lord Abounds In Mercy.
On Saturday, we learn fr Num 21/23
about the Lord who Keeps Promises.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For Jesus paid it all Atoning sins.
and that Holy God Changes Us;
For Abba Father Cares for the weary
and that He Abounds in Mercy;
For the Lord loves to Bless us
and that He Keeps promises.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Numbers 21/23

The Lord who Keeps Promises

As the Israelites march to Canaan,
 they defeat three enemies: the
 Canaanites, Amorites & Bashanites.
 But on the heels of victory they
suffer defeat at the hands of a
persistent foe: constant grumbling.
And God sends fiery serpents
to chasten His rebellious nation.
The threat of Israel’s advance
prompts neighbouring pagan nations
to hire Balaam to bring a curse upon
God’s people. But instead of curse,
 Balaam delivers a sweeping witness
 to the glorious future of Israel.

Lord, we’ll Respect & Honour You:
             Speak to the rock before their eyes
 & it will yield water. So Moses took
the rod & said: You Rebels! Must we
bring water for you out of this rock? 
Then Moses…struck the rock twice
 with his rod and water came out…
The Lord spoke to Moses:
Because you did not…hallow Me…
you shall Not bring this assembly
into the land (Num 20:8-12).
                               The people came to Moses & said:
 We sinned when we spoke against
 the Lord and against you. Pray that
 the Lord will take the snakes away…
So Moses prayed for the people.
The Lord said: Make a snake & put
 it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten
 can look at it and live (Num 21:7-9).
God is not human, that He should lie,
not a human being, that He should
change His mind. Does He speak
and then not act? Does He promise
and not fulfill? (Num 23:18-19).

Holy Spirit, help me be gracious &
 Careful with my words when under
 pressure or when I am frustrated.
 Help me not to trust and rely on
 past experience of doing things.
Help me instead to listen carefully
to what God said and respond in
faith by obeying His instructions.
 Help me Honor Father as holy God
in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I look to You as Saviour
 and to what You accomplished
 on the cross as guarantee of
 my salvation. Thank You Lord for
 paying the ultimate price for my sin.
Forgive me Lord if I have spoken
 against You in any way, or have
 been motivated by fear and doubt.
 I come to You in Faith, believing
that You’ll hear & answer my prayer.
.           Help me to always Obey You. Amen.

Abba, when Israelites complained
 against You God and rebelled 
against Moses, that led to disaster.
 Help us to Be Careful when under
difficult and confusing situations.
 Help us to Beware Grumbling and
 Bitterness but focus on blessings.
 Help us to Respect U & be careful
 with words when under pressure.
Help us trust You and Obey Your Instructions; for You keep promises,
for You are a faithful God. Amen.

Trusting God In Numbers 14

The Lord Abounds In Mercy

Following the Lord’s instructions,
Moses selects one rep from each
of the 12 tribes to form a scouting
party. Their assignment: to spy out
the defenses of the land and bring
back a sample of the produce.
The 12 return with a divided report!
Ten see only the obstacles while
two see opportunities. The nation
disheartened & faithless, threatens
to stone Moses and return to Egypt
rather than face what lies ahead.
As a result, God condemns that
unbelieving generation to forty
years wandering the wilderness.

Lord, we’ll Choose Faith Not Doubt:
Joshua and Caleb said: The land
we explored is a wonderful land!
The Lord will bring us safely into that
land and give it to us… Do not rebel
against the Lord (Num 14:6-9).
The Lord said to Moses: How long
will these people treat me with
contempt? Will they never believe
Me, even after all the miraculous
signs I’ve done among them (v11).
Moses said… As You’ve spoken: The
Lord is longsuffering and abundant
in mercy, forgiving iniquity…
Pardon the iniquity of this people
I pray according to the greatness
of Your mercy… Then the Lord said:
I have forgiven them as you asked.
Because these men who have seen
My glory and signs… have put Me to
the test 10 times & have not heeded
My voice, they shall not see the land
which I swore to their fathers(18-23)

Lord, open my spiritual eyes to
see those exceedingly good things
that You have laid in my path.
Forgive me Lord for focusing
on the problems around me.
Help me keep my eyes on You and
the purpose You’ve put before me.
May I go forth in faith, not in fear,
so that I don’t miss Your blessings
each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, it is so easy to let our hearts
be affected by negativity; and treat
You in contempt by not obeying You.
I confess having inclination to live
by sight and not by faith; so Lord
help me reverse that tendency.
I purpose to hang on to Your word,
even when it may contradict the
circumstance; for I want to believe
in You more & more. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, Moses in his intercession for
the Israelites, appeal to Your mercy
and long-suffering & You relented.
But then the unbelieving Israelites
couldn’t enter the Promised Land.
Lord of Mercy and Longsuffering,
Help us not treat U with Contempt;
Help us Not to Doubt You; and
Help us see You thru Eyes of Faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God in Numbers 11

God Cares for the Weary (Jan 18)

The time has come for the final
journey to Canaan. After a special
celebration of the Passover, the
people watch as the pillar of cloud
begins to move. It’s time to march!
But the thrill of expectation soon
gives way to tedium of travel. And
Moses is faced with numerous
problems: complaints about travel
conditions and food, longings for
the good old days in Egypt, greedy
hoarding of the quail God supplies
and jealousy by Miriam and Aaron
toward his position of leadership.
In spite of the difficulties, the
people finally arrive at Kadesh-
Barnea, on the doorstep of Canaan!

Lord, we need Your Encouragement:
The foreigners who were travelling
with the Israelites began to crave
the good things of Egypt. And the
Israelites also began to complain:
Oh for some meat! We remember
the fish we used to eat in Egypt. And
we had all the cucumbers, melons,
leeks, onions and garlic we wanted.
But now our appetites are gone.
All we… see is manna(Num 11:4-9).
Moses heard the people weeping…
So Moses said to the Lord: Why
have You afflicted Your servant?
And why have… You have laid the
burden of all these people on me?
I’m not able to bear all these people
alone because the burden is too
heavy for me. If You treat me like
this, plse kill me here & now (v10-15)
So the Lord said: Gather 70 elders…
They will help you carry the burden
of the people so that you will not
have to carry it alone (v16-17).

Father God, help us not to grumble
by directing our attention on the
right things. Help us to be careful
not to let dissatisfaction reigns
when our attention shifts fr what
we have to what we don’t have.
We purpose to Be Thankful for
what God has given us & not allow
our unfulfilled desires to cause
us to forget Your gifts. Amen.

Father, like Moses our feelings
can give way, when unreasonable
murmuring get the better of us.
Like Moses we can be burdened
and glad that You God knew it
and graciously provided relief.
Relieved that though Moses prayed
amiss, You gracefully responded to
the prayer of a discouraged heart.
Help us Father learn how to rest in
the Lord; who is our All in all. Amen.

Father, I lift to You the areas of
my life that are overwhelming.
I’ve not come to You to complain,
but rather to seek Your help.
Where I have tried to handle
everything in my own strength
instead of depending on You,
I sincerely ask Your forgiveness.
I pray You Lord to enable me to
rise above the challenges. Amen.