Adoring God In Job 23 (Apr 18)

God’s Test Meant for Good .
As Job agonises over his situation,
his three friends explain that
he must be suffering because
of some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that he
hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Lord, we’ll Keep to Your Way:
Then Job answered and said:
Even today my complaint is bitter…
Oh that I knew where I might
find Him… I would present my
case before Him (Job 23:1-4).
But He knows the way that I take;
when He has tested me, I shall
Come Forth As Gold… I have
Kept His Way… I have treasured
the words of His mouth (v10-12).
Whatever He wants to do, he does.
He’ll Do for me all he has planned.
He Controls my destiny (v13-14).

Lord, You love to speak to Your
people; but sometimes, like in Job,
You maintain long silences and
that can be rather uncomfortable.
For You are tuning our ears to Your
voice & teaching us to wait on You.
Lord, when I cannot really sense
Your presence or hear Your voice,
keep me drawing me towards You.
Give me the patience & persistence
to keep seeking Your face. Amen.

Lord, I praise You for faithfulness
& for knowing the way that I take.
Thank You that when I have been
tested, I will Come Forth As Gold.
Lord, it’s painful not to hear Your
voice & wonder where You’ve gone;
but my eyes are still fixed on You.
Let me not waste the pain Lord;
instead use it to draw me deeper.
And show me treasures of Your
ways and Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, You control my destiny
and I fully trust in Your goodness.
So fill my vision with hope, which
is the expression of Your goodness.
You have given me promises,
and offered hope, even when
I can’t see all the way ahead.
Help me Lord to walk in the good
purposes You have planned for me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Job 16/19 (April 17)

God In Control of the Situation

Backgrounder to Job 15-19:
Job agonises over his situation.
His three friends explain that
he must be suffering because of
some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that he
hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Lord, we’ll Put out Trust in You:
Then Job spoke: I have heard
all this before. What miserable
comforters you are! Won’t u ever
stop your flow of foolish words?
I could say the same things if
you were in my place. I could
spout off criticisms against you
…but that not what I would do.
I would speak in a way that
helps you. I would try to take
away your grief (Job 16:1-5).
Then Job spoke again: How long
will you torture me? You are
trying to use my humiliation as
evidence of my sin (Job 19:1-5).
For I know that my Redeemer Lives,
& He shall stand at last on the earth;
My flesh may be destroyed, yet from
this body I Will See God (v25-26)

Dear Lord, help us from the painful
experience of Job how to be a true
friend and Encouraging Comforter.
Lord, whilst we sometime cannot
understand troubles that befall us
we know You’ve awesome power,
& You’re In Control of the situation.
Help us Lord never doubt You but
have unwavering faith like Job
that Our Redeemer Lives. Amen.

Lord, help me learn from the
painful experience of Job not
to sermonise, accuse, criticise,
or even talk for sake of talking to
someone who is in pain and grief.
Help me instead to put myself
in the other person’s place,
offer help and encouragement,
thereby Be A Comforter. Amen.

Lord, whilst sometimes just
like Job, we could not explain
troubles that beset us, we will
purpose not to forget You God.
Whatever happens, like Job we’ll
purpose to Trust You’re In Control,
Trust You will never forsake us &
Trust You God in Your kairos time
will come as a redeemer. Amen.

Adoring God In Job 4-7 (Apr 16)

God Is Merciful & With Us!

Job agonises over his situation.
His three friends explain that
he must be suffering because
of some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that
he hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Lord, we know You are With Us:
Eliphaz replied: Stop and think!
Does the innocent person perish?
When has upright been destroyed?
My experience shows that those
who plant trouble and cultivate evil
will harvest the same. They perish
by a breadth from God. They vanish
in a blast of his anger (Job 4:1-9).
Affliction does not come from dust…
Yet man is born to trouble…
But for me, I would seek God.
And to God I would commit
my cause – who does great things,
and… marvelous things (Job 5:6-9).
Job: What is man that You make
so much of him, that You give
him so much attention. Have I
sinned? What have I done to You,
O watcher of all humanity? Why
have You made me Your target?
Why not just pardon my sin and
take away my guilt? (Job 7:17-20)

Dear Lord, help us learn from the
painful experience of Job how to
be a true friend & not be careless in
words basing on wrong assumption
that suffering is a result of sin.
Help us to Be Careful With Advice
& lead us to listen empathetically.
Help us when under trial, to learn
from Job: Claiming You’re With Us
and believing in Your mercy. Amen.

Lord, help us to be careful of
what we say lest our words only
serve to increase pain of others.
Help us avoid come to conclusion
too readily or take a truth and
simply apply to someone’s life.
Help us realise that You can use
suffering to transform character.
Help us look at suffering as test
of our faithfulness to You. Amen.

Lord, it is hard to comprehend
the depth of Your love and why
You care about details of my life.
Where bad things have occurred
and I have blamed You Lord,
I humbly ask for forgiveness.
Thank You O God for working
things out for my good. And
Grateful that even in difficult
times You Lord are with me;
and draw me close to You. Amen.

Adoring God In Job 1/2 (Apr 15)

God Watches In Tough Times
Job, a godly and wealthy resident
of Uz, watches helplessly as his
health, blessings and prosperity
collapse around him. Unknown to
him, Job’s problems do not begin
on earth, but in heaven. With God’s
permission and within divinely
imposed limitations, Satan launches
devastating attack in an attempt
to force Job renounce God. In the
midst of each trial, Job’s faith in
God shines brightly, tho personal
turmoil tears at Job’s heart as
he asks repeatedly: Why God?

Lord, we purpose to Trust You:
The Lord asked Satan: Have you
noticed my servant Job? A man
of complete integrity & fears God.
Satan replied: Yes Job fears God
but not without reason!Take away
everything he has & he will curse
you! The Lord said: You may test
him. Do whatevewith leverything
he possesses, but don’t harm
him physically (Job 1:8-12).
Job shaved his head, and said:
Naked I come from my mother’s
womb, and naked I will depart.
The Lord gave and the Lord has
taken away; may the name of
the Lord be praised (v20-21).
And the Lord said to Satan:Do
with him as you please but spare
his life. So Satan struck Job with
terrible boils from head to foot.
His wife said to him: Are you still
trying to maintain your integrity?
Curse God and die. But he said:
Shall we indeed accept good
from God and shall we not
accept adversity? In all this Job
did not sin with his lips (Job 2:6-10).

Lord, we Trust Your Sovereignty
even in the midst of suffering.
Although we don’t know why
bad things have to happen but
You’re in control of the situation
and You’re able to carry us through.
Lord, when under time of testing,
lead us to look up to You, and
deliver us from fears. Amen.

Loving Lord, I want to praise You
no matter what happens in my life,
in good times and in bad times.
Even in midst of disappointment,
loss, or failure, I will purpose to
continue to praise and thank You.
As I wait upon You Lord, help me
to hold on to trust You will work
powerfully in my situation and
be glorified in the process. Amen.

Lord, just as the teacher cannot
speak during a test, You God
often remain silent in testing times.
I don’t know why bad things may
have to happen but You know best
and I purpose not sin with my lips.
As I look to You Lord, restore me;
for in Your strength will I breakthru.
And by faith I will walk on Lord;
then I’ll be complete in lYou. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Mark 11

God Answers Prayer of Faith In Him

The final week of Jesus’ earthly life
occupies more space in the gospels
than any other stage of His ministry.
Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem coincides
with the preparation for Passover.
Though events move quickly, Jesus
is not hurried. There is time to clean
out the temple, watch the widow
contributes her two mites and give
final instructions to the disciples.

Lord, grant us Faith & Grace:
As they passed by, they saw the
fig tree dried up from the roots…
Jesus said: Have Faith In God.
For assuredly I say to you, whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does not doubt in his heart,
but Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says (Mark 11:21-23).
Therefore I say to you, whatever
things you ask when you pray,
Believe that you receive them
and you will have them (Mk 11:24).
And whenever you stand praying,
if you’ve anything against anyone,
Forgive him, that your Father
in heaven may also forgive you
your trespasses (Mark 11:25-26).

Lord, I have faith in You, the
Almighty, all loving faithful God.
And I believe that You reward
those who diligently seek You.
Lord, I place this issue before
You In Faith and Without Doubt
and seeking Your face and will.
Your Word says if I ask anything
according to Your will, You hear me
and I can have what I ask of You.
Into Your hand I surrender. Amen.

Lord, I come to You with my need
and desire, asking You In Faith and
claiming the promise in Mark 11:24.
Trust that the need is within Your
will; and implore You to reward
those who diligently seek You.
I know that in Your sovereignty,
You do things Your way & Your time.
But Father God, I plead for Your
mercy for it’s been such a long
time that I have been asking You.
So grant me Your favor and favour
of men as soon as possible. Amen.

Lord, I don’t want Your Presence to
be quenched due to unforgiveness.
I don’t want to hinder Yr forgiveness
because I’ve not forgiven someone.
Instead I want to receive Yr blessing
because I have forgiven someone.
Reveal any place in my heart where
I have not yet forgiven someone.
And create in me a forgiving spirit
that sees others as You do. Amen.

Reflection on the Gospel of Mark

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Mark’s gospel captures the two
-fold purpose of Christ’s coming
to earth: to minister and to give
His life as a ransom for many. (10:45). Mark describes Jesus
as a Perfect Servant, emphasizing more the actions of Jesus and gives briefer account of His teachings.

On Monday, we learn from Mark 1
that God Empowers & Directs us.
On Tuesday, we learn from Mark 4
that God’s Word Is Trustworthy.
On Wed, we learn from Mark 6
that God Is Compassionate.
On Thu, we learn from Mark 8
that Christ Is the Bread of Life.
On Friday, we learn from Mark 11
that God Answers Prayer of Faith.
On Sat, we learn from Mk 14-16 that
Christ Obeys Father’s Will For us.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are our Bread of Life as
well as Empowers and Directs us;
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are Trustworthy as well
as Caring and Compassionate;
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Answer Prayers of Faith and
Obey the Father’s Will for us. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 14-16 (Apr13)

Christ Obeys Father’s Will For Us

The time has come for Jesus
to demonstrate the full extent of
His servanthood. For the Passover
Lamb of God, the long-awaited
hour has arrived. Conspired against
by His enemies – betrayed by one
close follower and denied by another
– tried and finally executed, Jesus’
life of service seems to be finished.
But in the greatest of all miracles,
Easter dawn reveals an empty tomb,
setting the stage for Jesus to
commission His followers to
bear the glad tidings worldwide.

Lord, having thoroughly prepared
the disciples, your actions in the
Final Day on earth shows you are
Fully Obedient to the Father’s Will
to Give Yr Life as ransom (Mk10:45)
At the Last Supper, You said one of
you who eats with me will betray me
(M14:18) & yet You did not stop him.
You greatly desire to get out of
the intense suffering and yet You
went to Gethsemane to pray: Not
what I will but what You will (v36).
Thank You Lord Jesus and really
grateful for choosing to surrender to
the Father’s will in loving obedience.
And we purpose to be obedient to
God & His mysterious ways. Amen.

Lord, at trial before religious leaders
You chose to remain silent when
false charges were thrown at You.
And yet when high priest asked:
Are You the Christ, the Son of the
Blessed? You said I am. And you
will see the Son of Man coming
with the clouds of heaven(Mk14:62)
At trial before political authority,
when Pilate asked: Are you King
of the Jews? You said: It is as you
say. And yet when Pilate asked
about priests’ false accusations,
You answered nothing (Mk 15:1-5).
Jesus in all Yr previous encounters
where religious leaders accused
You of wrong doings, You had no
problem defending Yourself. And
Yet this time You chose not to do so,
having received triple confirmation
from the Father of His will for You.
Grant us discernment on God’s
will and tender heart to yield to it.
Whilst there may be challenges,
we know the almighty, all loving and
all faithful God is on our side. Amen.

Lord, at the cross when teachers
of the law mocked You; He saved
others but He can’t save himself?
Let this Christ come down now
from the cross, that we may see
and believe (Mark 15:27-32).
You who Calm the sea (Mk4:39) &
yet chose to remain at the cross.
And then there was darkness over
the whole land for 3 hours (v33).
And You cried: My God, My God,
why have You forsaken me ?
Then the veil of the temple was
torn in two from top to bottom.
So when the centurion saw that
He cried out like this & breathed
His last, he said: Truly this Man
was the Son of God! (Mk15:34-39).
Thank You Lord Jesus for Your love
enduring suffering on our behalf.
We love You in deep gratitude!
Grant us the grace to deny self,
take up the cross and follow You
in obeying to do Father’s will. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Trust Yr Word:
We note You appeared to the eleven
and rebuked them for their lack
of faith and their stubborn refusal
to believe those who had seen Him.
Then He said:Preach the good news.
Whoever believes will be saved,
but whoever does not believe
will be condemned (Mk 16:14-16).
Lord, we should trust You without
doubt for You’ve good plans for us &
You as faithful God fulfils promises.
Lord, with Your resurrection,
we have good news to proclaim
in obedience to Your commission.
Help us carry out our assigned tasks
out of love of You and others. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 11

God Answers Prayer of Faith In Him

The final week of Jesus’ earthly life
occupies more space in the gospels
than any other stage of His ministry.
Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem coincides
with the preparation for Passover.
Though events move quickly, Jesus
is not hurried. There is time to clean
out the temple, watch the widow
contributes her two mites and give
final instructions to the disciples.

Lord, grant us Faith & Grace:
As they passed by, they saw the
fig tree dried up from the roots…
Jesus said: Have Faith In God.
For assuredly I say to you, whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does not doubt in his heart,
but Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
whatever he says (Mark 11:21-23).
Therefore I say to you, whatever
things you ask when you pray,
Believe that you receive them
and you will have them (Mk 11:24).
And whenever you stand praying,
if u have anything against anyone,
Forgive him, that your Father
in heaven may also forgive you
your trespasses (Mark 11:25-26).

Lord, I have faith in You, the
Almighty, all loving faithful God.
And I believe that You reward
those who diligently seek You.
Lord, I place this issue before
You In Faith and Without Doubt
and seeking Your face and will.
Your Word says if I ask anything
according to Your will, You hear me
and I can have what I ask of You.
Into Your hand I surrender. Amen.

Lord, I come to You with my need
and desire, asking You In Faith and
claiming the promise in Mark 11:24.
Trust that the need is within Your
will; and implore You to reward
those who diligently seek You.
I know that in Your sovereignty,
You do things Your way & Your time.
But Father God, I plead for Your
mercy for it’s been such a long
time that I have been asking You.
So grant me Your favor and favour
of men as soon as possible. Amen.

Lord, I don’t want Your Presence to
be quenched due to unforgiveness.
I don’t want to hinder Yr forgiveness
because I’ve not forgiven someone.
Instead I want to receive Yr blessing
because I have forgiven someone.
Reveal any place in my heart where
I have not yet forgiven someone.
And create in me a forgiving spirit
that sees others as You do. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 8

Christ the Bread of Life

As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So
Jesus traverses the regions of
Decapolis, Caesarea and Perea,
thereby avoiding the crowds and
deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His
earthly ministry, Jesus begins
to prepare His disciples for the
faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, You are our Bread of Life:
Another great crowd had gathered,
& the people ran out of food again.
Jesus called His disciples and told
them: I feel sorry for these people…
How many loaves of bread do
you have?..And He took the seven         loaves… gave thanks… and gave                   them to His disciples…So (the pple)                ate and were filled (Mark 8:1-8).
When the Pharisees heard that
Jesus had arrived, they came to
argue with Him. Testing Him to see
if He was from God, they demanded:
Give us a miraculous sign to prove
Yourself. When He heard this, He
sighed and said: Why do you keep
demanding miraculous sign(v11-12)
Whoever desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up
his cross & follow Me… Whoever
loses his life for My sake and the
gospel’s will save it. For what will
it profit a man if he gains the whole
world, and loses his soul? (v34-36)

Lord, we are amazed by the miracle
U performed to feed the multitude.
Thank You Lord for the ways You
are still providing for our needs
even as we put our trust in You.
There are many people who are
physically and spiritually hungry.
Prepare us Lord, strengthen us
and use us to partner with You in
what You are doing on earth. Amen

Lord, forgive me when I demand
evidence of Your power instead
of thanking You for all that You do.
Open my eyes to see the works
of Your hand everywhere I go.
With all my heart I welcome
Your presence however You
choose to reveal Yourself to me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise that we will
find true life by denying ourselves.
Help me Lord not to be too
preoccupied with myself; and
grant me the humility to do so.
Help me instead to focus on You,
Your kingdom & Your purposes.
For as I trust and follow You Lord,
You will provide all that I need; and
let me experience You fully. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 6

God Is Caring & Compassionate

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we will be Compassionate:
(Jesus) said to them: Come with
me by yourself to a quiet place
and get some rest. There were
many coming & going and they did
not even have time to eat (Mk6:31)
When Jesus landed and saw a
large crowd, He had compassion
on them, because they were
like sheep without a Shepherd.
So he began teaching them
many things (Mark 6:34).
By this time it was late in the day,
so his disciples said: Send the pple
away so that they can buy food to
eat. But Jesus answered: You give
them something to eat. (v35-36).

Lord, the creation account shows
a work-rest, work-rest rhythm
being built by You into life. When
we violate this natural order by
excessive work, we’ll soon burnout.
And no wonder Jesus scheduled
retreat for Himself & His disciples.
Sometimes I feel drained physically
and spiritually. Give me the wisdom
to recognise the warning signs
of burnout. For I can’t be effective
for You if I am running on empty; and
I want the rest that You offer. Amen.

Lord, You know needs of people
and You responded accordingly.
We are to care for the weak
and to encourage the timid.
Grant us Lord wisdom to respond
correctly with the right words
and at the right time. Above all
grant us compassion like Yours; so
that when we reach out to others,
that they may see You. Amen.

Lord, You created in our soul,
mind, will and also emotion.
Let us be renewed in our mind
as we meditate on Your Word.
Let us be yielded to the Holy
Spirit as we respond to the Word.
And let our emotions be under
the control of the Holy Spirit and
Lord we want to feel Your emotions.
As You had promised a new heart
do also put Your feelings within us,
even the compassion of Jesus.Amen