Thanksgiving in Psalm 57 (Feb 7)

Thank God for Having Plan For Me

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judgeth in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, You Have A Plan for us:
My soul trusts in You; and in the
shadow of Your wings I will make
my refuge, until these calamities
have passed by. I Cry Out to
God Most High, who will Fulfil
His Purpose for me (Psa 57:1-2).
My Heart Is Confident In You,
O God; my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises
(v7-8). In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 57 (Feb 7)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 55 (Feb 6)

Thank God for Bearing Burdens

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is reward for the righteous and
God judgeth in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, thank U for Bearing Burdens:
Please listen and answer me, for
I’m overwhelmed by my troubles..
O how I wish I had wings like a
dove; then I would fly away & Rest
(Psa 55:2,6). Evening, morning
and noon I Cry Out in distress,
& He Hears my voice (v17). Give
your Burdens to the Lord, and He
will Take Care of u (v22). Amen.

Lord, like David, I need to bring
my distress to you. Forgive me
for the times I complain to others
but do not bring my troubles
to You, the one who can actually
do something about them. Lord,
do hear my desperate cries and
come to my aid from the burdens
of the cares of this world. Amen.

Lord, I do want my problems
solved and my troubles removed.
But from the crushing weight of
my burdens, I turn my eyes to U.
I entrust my perplexity to You.
Enable me to Find my Rest in You,
to discover a place of security
in your everlasting love. You are
my only rock and only Rest.Amen

Lord Jesus, thank you for Bearing
my Burdens & providing a way for
me to walk in freedom from worry.
Forgive my attempts to do every
-thing myself instead of accepting
your invitation to carry my load.
Teach me how to live so close to
You that I never try to carry my
burdens on my own. Instead I will
Cast my Cares on U Lord. For What
a Friend we Have in Jesus. Amen

Thanksgiving in Psalm 46 (Feb 5)

Thank God for Being My Refuge

The 2nd book of Psalms (P42-72),
is similar to the book of Exodus,
as many of these psalms describe
Israel as ruined & then recovered.
These psalms can help us pray for
rescue, confess our sin & trust God.
Psa 42-49 are attributed to sons
of Korah, who served as singers
and musicians in the temple.

Lord,Thank U for Being My Refuge:
God is our Refuge and Strength,
an Ever-present Help in times
of trouble. So, we will not fear,
when earthquakes come and
Mountains crumble into the sea;
though waters roar & be troubled,
though the mountains shake…
Be Still and know that I am God…
I will be exalted in the earth!
The Lord of hosts is with us (and)
God is Our Refuge (Ps46:1-3,10-11)
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 46 (Feb 5)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 37 (Feb 4)

Thank God for Giving Our Desires

Psalms is not merely a book of
praise; it’s also a book of counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book
One, you will learn how to deal
with fretfulness (P37) and failing
strength (P38-39); how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (P40) & respond
to a friend’s unfaithfulness (P41).

Lord, we’ll Delight & Trust in You:
Trust in the Lord… do good;
and feed on His faithfulness.
DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord,
and He shall Give You the Desires
of your heart. COMMIT your way
to the Lord, TRUST also in Him,
and He shall bring it to pass.
Rest in the Lord and wait patiently
for Him… Do not fret, it only
causes harm… But those who
wait on the Lord, they shall inherit
the earth (Ps 37:3-9). Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 37 (Feb 4)”

Praying thro Genesis 41-50 (Feb 3)

God Intended For Our Good

A difficult dream of Pharaoh
refreshes the memory of the chief
butler; and Joseph is promoted
from prisoner to prime minister.
The dream forecasts prosperity
and famine in the years ahead.
The widespread famine prompts
Jacob to send 10 sons to Egypt
for grain, where Joseph recognises
them immediately and the brothers
unknowingly fulfill the boyhood
dream of Joseph. And Jacob was
assured going to Egypt is divinely
approved. So the entire Jewish
clan of 70 moves to Goshen
which will become home for the
fledging nation for next 400 years.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you
for Your good plan for mankind.
Help us Persevere by Waiting for
fulfilment of promise like Joseph.
Help us Trust You for challenges
even as we Give Our Scars to You;
for You Intended For Good. And
Thanks be to You God who is
able to keep us from stumbling.
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!
Continue reading “Praying thro Genesis 41-50 (Feb 3)”

Praying thro Genesis 37-40 (Feb 2)

Focussing on the Promised Vision

From Gen 37, the narrative focuses
on Joseph, dreamer of dreams.
Though the favourite son of his
father Jacob, Joseph alienates
himself from his brothers by his
forthrightness of his two extra-
ordinary dreams. Envy grows into
hatred until finally the brothers
sell him into slavery. Taken to Egypt
Joseph continues to suffer injustice
first at the hands of Potiphar’s
wife & later from forgetful butler.
Through it all, God has a good plan
for both Joseph as well as Israel.
Lord, Help us Avail ourselves to
Your service as imperfect people.
Help us keep faith by Waiting for U,
Help us Focus on the Vision. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Promise:
Now Joseph had a dream
and he told it to his brothers…
Your sheaves stood all around
and bowed down to my sheaf…
So they hated him even more
for his dreams and for his words…
Then he dreamed still another
dream. This time the sun, the moon
and the eleven stars bowed down
to me. So he told it to his father
and his brothers; and his father
rebuked him… And his brothers
envied him, but his father Kept
the matter In Mind (Gen 37:5-11).
Continue reading “Praying thro Genesis 37-40 (Feb 2)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 34 (Feb 1)

Thk God for Freeing Us From Fears

Psalms 31-36 show how Proper
Perspective can help you face
any circumstance. It can bring
you from gloom to glory (P31);
from failure to deliverance (P32);
fr false security to secured trust(33
from Affliction to Adoration (34);
from persecution to praise (35);
and from darkness to light (36).

Lord, You Deliver When We Pray:
I sought the Lord & he heard me
& delivered me from all my fears.
They look to Him and were
radiant, and their faces were not
ashamed…The angels of the Lord
encamps all around those who
fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord
is good, blessed is the man
who trusts in Him (Psa 34:4-8).
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 34 (Feb 1)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 32 (Jan 31)

Thk God for Being My Hiding Place

Psalms 31-36 show how a proper
perspective can help you face
any circumstance; and can bring
you from gloom to glory (P31);
from failure to deliverance (P32);
fr false security to secured trust(33
from affliction to adoration (34);
from persecution to praise (35);
and from darkness to light (36).

Lord, You Will Watch Over Us:
When I kept silent, my bones grew
old through my groaning all the
day long… For this cause everyone
who is godly shall pray to You…
You are My Hiding Place; You
protect me fr trouble & surround
me with songs of Deliverance…
The Lord says: I Will Guide you
along the best pathway for yr life.
I will Watch over you… (And) he
Who Trusts in the Lord, mercy
shall surround him (Psa 32:3-10).
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 32 (Jan 31)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 23 (Jan 30)

Thank God for Being My Shepherd

Backgrounder on Psalms 19-24:
The Lord can be seen in many
different roles in these six psalms.
He is the Creator (P19), Helper
(P20), King (P21), Crucified One
(P22), Shepherd (P23) & Glorious
One (P24). For each role, there
is a corresponding responsibility
for the people who would follow
Him as their God, King & Shepherd.

Lord, U Provide, Guide & Protect:
The Lord is My Shepherd, I Lack
Nothing & have everything I need.
He Leads me besides peaceful
streams. He Guides me along right
paths… Even when I walk thro the
darkest valley, I will not be afraid
for You are close beside me.
Your rod and staff Protect and
comfort me (Ps 23:1-4). Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 23 (Jan 30)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 18 (Jan 29)

Thank God In Whom I Can Trust

Backgrounder on Psalms 13-18:
Many blessings accrue to those
who serve God wholeheartedly:
joy (P13), fellowship with God (P15)
satisfaction (P16), preservation (17)
& confidence in facing future (P18)
Psalm 18 was written by David
on the day that the Lord delivered
him from the hand of his enemies &
fr the hand of Saul (2Sam 22:1-4)

Lord, You are the One I Can Trust:
I will love You O Lord my strength.
The Lord is my rock and my
fortress and my Deliverer; My God
my strength In Who I Will Trust.
My shield and the strength of
my salvation, my stronghold.
I will call upon the Lord, who is
worthy to be praised; for he saves
me from my enemies (Ps 18:1-3)
In my distress I called upon the
Lord, and cried out to my God;
He heard my voice (Ps 18:6).
Blessed be my Rock! Let the God
of my salvation be exalted (v46).
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 18 (Jan 29)”