Thanksgiving In Luke 5 (Mar 26)

Thk God for Caring Those In Need

Rejection in His hometown of
Nazareth causes Jesus to shift to
Capernaum where He ministers
for two years. There Christ calls
12 men to be His companions. And
there by the shores of Galilee He
begin to prepare them for ministry
He will soon entrust to them.

Lord, You Care for the Needy:
Jesus said: Now go out where it is
deeper & let down your nets. Simon
answered: Master, we’ve worked
hard all night and haven’t caught
anything. But because you say so,
I will let down the nets. When they
had done so, they caught such
a large number of fish…Then
Jesus said to Simon: From now
on You will catch men (Lk 5:4-10)
Healthy people don’t need a doctor
– sick people do. I have come to
call sinners to turn from their sins,
not to spend my time with those
who think they are already good
enough (Luke 5:31-32). Amen.

Lord, let us learn from Simon Peter
where obedience to your voice
opens our lives to your miraculous
work and receive your blessing.
Open my ears Lord to hear Your
voice in my current circumstance.
Help me learn from the prophet
Samuel and say with him: Speak
for your servant is listening. Amen

Lord, we will join You in ministry
to further the kingdom of God.
Help us to befriend sinners,
and give us heart of compassion
for those hurting and lost in sin,
so that we can reach out to them
effectively in time of opening.
Help us readily receive Your Word,
apply it & be obedient to You. Amen

Lord, thank you for shedding light
to show me that I needed You the
Great Physician to heal my wound.
Thank You Lord for calling me to
repent and come to You and for
your tender mercies in my life.
Give me your heart for those who
are hurting, sick & lost in sin, just
as your heart reaches out to me
in my time of greatest need. Amen

Thanksgiving In Luke 1 (Mar 25)

Thank God for Nothing Impossible

Dr Luke – physician, historian
and writer of the longest gospel
account (1,151 verses) clearly
states his purpose for writing
in the opening verses of his book.
That thou might know the certainty
of those things, wherein thou hast
been instructed (1:4). He begins
with the details surrounding the
miraculous birth of two remarkable
boys: John the forerunner,
and Jesus the Messiah.

Lord, we Will Believe Your Word:
The angel said: Do Not Be Afraid,
Zacharias, for your prayer is heard;
your wife will bear you a son,
and you shall call his name John…
But behold you will be mute until
the day these things take place
because u did not Believe my words
which will be fulfilled (Lk 1:13-20)
Lord, we Receive the Impossible:
The angel said: Behold you will
conceive in your womb and bring
forth a Son and shall call His name
Jesus… For with God nothing
will be impossible. Then Mary
said: Let It Be to me according
to Your Word (Luke 1:31-38).

Lord, even when things does
not make sense, remind me that
Your Word is the ultimate truth.
Even when my faith is weak
and hidden, your promises can
bring it to pass out of hiding.
And I embrace your promises,
even though they may seem
as impossible because You are
the God who can create new
things out of nothing. Amen.

Lord, there may be difficulties
in our lives that have lingered
far Too Long that they seems like
impossibilities. But when God is
involved, nothing is impossible.
For nothing is too difficult for Him;
& He prefers to work in impossible
situations where His attributes and
power are most visibly displayed.
Lord, help us not be discouraged
by the Long unyielding situations
in our lives. Help us endure the long
periods requiring faith & patience.
Help us to Wait and believe for nothing is impossible with U. Amen

Lord, help me not to focus on the
problem & be afraid like Zacharias
but instead to take courage
like Mary focusing solely on You.
I embrace your promises like
Mary and rest the weight of my
circumstance on your sure word.
Teach me to stop looking around
for answers to my situation, and
instead look up to You the Answer.
For after all You are the God of
the impossible and I rest in You.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Praying thro Lev 8-17 (Mar 24)

Worshipping God thro Obedience

Israel’s tabernacle, the place of
communion with God thro sacrifice,
is entrusted to custody of Aaron
and his sons. God’s blessing –
made visible by His fiery presence
suddenly turns into a curse as
judgment falls on two of Aaron’s
disobedient sons. Worshiping a
holy God demands a holy people.
For this reason God gives Israel
a series of regulations dealing
with ceremonial uncleanness.
The Day of Atonement observed
each year was Israel’s most
important act of worship. On that
day, the high priest entered the
Holy of Holies with the blood
atonement which would cover the
sins of the nation for another year.

Father, we note the Instructions
in Leviticus showing how sinful
people can relate to a Holy God.
Help us avoid taking relationship
with You lightly; instead help us
Approach You with Deep Respect.
Help us never forget the great price
You paid for us to be forgiven.
Help us be Careful in Obeying You
Help us to be Holy like You are.
Help us Love You truly. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Take Care in Obeying U:
Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu took
their censors, put fire in them and
added incense; and they offered
unauthorised fire before the Lord,
contrary to his command. So fire
came out from the presence of the
Lord and consumed them, and they
died before the Lord. Moses then
said to Aaron: This is what the Lord
spoke of when he said: “Among
those who approach me, I will
show myself holy; in the sight of
all the people I will be honoured.”
Aaron remained silent (Lev 10:2-3).
Lord, it is easy to grow careless
about obeying God, and live our
way instead of God’s. Help us
never to be careless about Your
ways and Your Word. Help us
to obedience You correctly out of
deep respect for You God. Amen.

Lord, we want to be Holy like You:
I am the Lord your God. You must
consecrate yourselves & be holy
because I am holy…By these
instructions you will know what is
unclean and clean (Lev 11:44, 47)
Lord my God, because You are
holy, I want to live a life that is
consecrated to You. Help me
cooperate with You as You make
me more holy, one step at a time.
Lord, we are unclean and we want
your touch of deliverance so that
we will want not only to be clean
but out of gratitude yearn to be
holy and dwell in your righteous
presence forever. Amen and amen.

Lord Jesus we Love U for all U did:
Aaron shall lay both his hands on
the head of a live goat, confess
over it all the iniquities of the
children of Israel and all their
transgressions concerning their
sins, putting them on the head of
the goat. and shall send it away
into the wilderness. For on that day
the priest shall make atonement
for you, to cleanse you, that you
may be clean from all your sins
before the Lord (Lev 16:21-30).
Thank you Jesus for paying the
price for my sins so that I don’t
have to. Because of You I have
been reconciled to God. Help me
to extend to others the love and
forgiveness You’ve given to me.
Teach me ways to show gratitude
to You for all U have done. Amen.

Praying thro Leviticus 1-7 (Mar 23)

Worshipping God thro Offering 

With the tabernacle completed,
God now gives Moses instructions
regarding five types of sacrifices
that would be offered in tabernacle.
Three sacrifices are for those in
fellowship with God. In the burnt
offering, the worshiper declared
his total commitment to God.
Through the meal offering, he
acknowledged that his material
possessions belonged to the Lord.
By the peace offering,the worshiper
publicly expressed thanks to God.
There are two sacrifices to restore
broken fellowship. The sin offering
covering sins of thoughtlessness
or neglect, teaches seriousness
of sin. The trespass offering
covering sins of injury to others,
provides for compensation to them.

Father, we note the Instructions
in Leviticus showing how sinful
people can relate to a Holy God.
Help us avoid taking relationship
with You lightly; instead help us
Approach You with Deep Respect.
Help us realise the importance of
bringing sins to U for forgiveness.
Help us note Cost of Forgiveness;
Always Be Deeply Thankful of U &
Contemplate Seriousness of sin.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we note Cost of Forgiveness:
If the offering is a burnt offering
from the herd, he is to offer a male
without defect. He must present it
at the entrance to the Tent of mtg
so that it will be acceptable to the
Lord. He is to lay his hand on the
head of the burnt offering, and it
will be accepted on his behalf to
make atonement for him (L1:3-4).
The purpose for burnt offering
was payment for sins in general.
Dear Lord, help me to never forget
the great price You paid so that
I could be forgiven. I don’t want
to take for granted the sacrifice
You made in my behalf so that no
further sacrifice of life needs to
be made. Now the sacrifice I want
to make is one of thanksgiving and
praise to You for all that You have
done to set me free from the
consequence of my own sin.Amen.

Lord, we will Always Be Thankful:
If you present a peace offering to
the Lord, you may bring either
a goat or a sheep. It may be
either male or female and it must
have no physical defects… Lay
Your hand on its head & slaughter
it at the entrance of the Tabernacle
The sons of Aaron will then
sprinkle the sheep’s blood against
the sides of the altar (Lev 3:6-8).
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving
Yourself as an offering so that
I could be free! I confess that
I sometimes take my sin lightly
and forget what You suffered on
the cross. Help me to remember
Your sacrifice and not grieve You
with a forgetful heart. As I receive
the Father’s forgiveness through
Your offering of Yourself, I will
praise & thank U for the freedom
that forgiveness gives. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Serious over sin:
If the people sin by violating one
of the Lord’s commands, but they
don’t realise it, they are still guilty.
When they become aware of their
sin, they must bring as an offering
a female goat with no defects.
They must lay a hand on the
head of the sin offering and
slaughter it. The priest will burn
the fat on the altar… This is a sin
offering, making You right with
the Lord. (Lev 4:27-31 & 5:6).
Father, we realise sin offering was
meant to make payment for sins
of neglect or thoughtlessness.
Although we live in grace made
possible by the sacrifice of Yr Son,
we don’t want to take sin lightly.
HS, help us Be Serious over sin
so that our fellowship with God
be restored & unhindered. Amen.

Preview on Leviticus (March 23)

Preview on Leviticus

Whilst the Holy Bible is largely
theological history, it is arranged
by types of writings: laws, history,
poetry, prophets, gospel & letters.
But we will meditate the Bible
chronologically to get a better
appreciation of the flow esp OT.

We start with Genesis which
enfolds God’s plan for his creation.
Then we meditated on Job who
lived during the time of Abraham
and learnt the sovereignty of God.
And for the last three weekends,
we meditated on Exodus where
Israel was redeemed from bondage
into a covenant relationship with
God & established as a holy nation.

Next, we proceed to perhaps the
most obscure book of Leviticus,
which shows how God’s people
are to fulfill their priestly calling.
Led out of slavery and into the
sanctuary of God, Israel must now
move from salvation into service &
from deliverance into dedication.
This move involves animal sacrifice
for the atonement of the people’s
sins and a series of strict laws
to govern all aspects of daily life,
worship and service to the Lord.

We’ll cover Leviticus over 2 week-
ends (this week worshipping a
Holy God & next Living a Holy Life)
in the following four divisions:-
L1-7: Offering of Praise & Restoratn
L8-17: Holiness for Priests & Pple
L18-22: Stds & Rules for Living
L23-27: Festivals & Blessings
Let’s meditate through Leviticus   and learn to Worship a holy God   and how to Live a holy Life. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Mark 11 (Mar 22)

Thank God for Honouring Faith

The final week of Jesus’ earthly
life dawns – that period of time
which occupies more space in
the gospels than any other stage
of Jesus’ ministry. His arrival in
Jerusalem coincides with preparatn
for the Feast of Passover. Though
events move quickly, Jesus is not
hurried. There is time to clean
out the temple, watch the widow
contributes her two mites and give
final instructions to the disciples.

Lord, grant us Unshakable Faith:
As they passed by, they saw the
fig tree dried up from the roots…
Jesus said: Have Faith in God.
For assuredly I say to you, whoever
says to this mountain: Be removed
and does not doubt in his heart,
but Believes that those things
he says will be done, he will have
Whatever he says. Therefore I say
to you, Whatever things you ask
when you pray, Believe that you
receive them and you will have
them. (Mark 11:21-24). Amen.

Lord, Your promise of delivering
Whatever we ask really amaze us.
But we ultimately realise that
when we make request to You,
we must do so with a genuine
belief that God is capable of
accomplishing what we ask
– that’s faith. We may not get
the new car we are hoping for,
but we can confidently approach
You God with our needs and
believe that You can provide. Amen

Lord, we can certainly do things
to persuade our hearts to Believe:
by dwelling on Your promises and
remembering Your past works.
But ultimately, Faith is a Gift of God
and we get it from the work of
the Holy Spirit within us. Lord,
I need faith for mine is weak and
wavering at times but I do believe.
Help my unbelief and remove
my doubts. Give me the faith that
comes from Your Spirit, as I dwell
in Your presence each day. Amen.

Father God, I come to You with
my need and claiming Mark 11:24.
I trust that this desire and need
is within Your will for You have
used Your servant prophets and
confirmed with signs of promise.
Trust I’m asking You in faith that
You reward those that diligently
seek You; for it’s been such a long
time that I have been asking You.
I know that in Your sovereignty,
You do things Your way & Yr time.
But Father God, I plead for Your
mercy to grant me Your favor and
favour of men as soon as possible.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In Matt 28 (Mar 21)

Thk God for Being With Us Always

The events in the final two days of
Jesus’ earthly life carry shadows of
the cross: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover Observance, Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested, tried, condemned
executed and placed in a tomb. But
in triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, You are Always With Us:
Then the eleven disciples went
into Galilee, to the mountain which
Jesus had appointed for them…
And Jesus came to them and said:
All authority has been given to Me..
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded u;
and lo I am With you Always,
even to the end of the age
(Matthew 28:16-20). Amen.

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help me witness to the people You
hv placed in my sphere of influence
Help me in my concern for the lost,
in words, deeds and attitudes.
Help me reflect as one who
has found the answer to life.
And Thank You for the promise
of Your abiding presence. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You promise your
followers that You Will Be With
them Always. Though busyness
and activities often disconnect
me from others, it will never
separate me from You. Your
promise is reliable in a world
where most promises are not.
Thank You Lord for the permanent
nature of Your promise. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for being With me
always in accordance to Your Word.
Let me not to be too busy and
bogged down in the details of life
without consciously thinking of U.
Grant me sanctified imagination of
You next to me, encouraging me.
Help me See You more clearly,
Hear You more certainly, and
Trust You more fully each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

PrayerThots Devotional

Purpose of PrayerThots Devotional

Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
The key purpose of PrayerThots
Devotional is to enable Christians
have a Closer Walk with the Lord.
Its three main objectives are:-
to Promote Growth as Disciples,
to Know the Scripture Better and
to Deepen Prayer Life of believers.

To Promote Growth as Disciples
of Christ, PrayerThots helps foster
a Close Walk with God by guiding
Christians know God’s attributes
better, praising and thanking Him.
As a daily devotional, PrayerThots
also facilitates a Consistent Walk.
The focus of discipleship devt is to
Foster Obedience to God by being
more Christlike in character & doing
His will through praying His Word.

To help you Know Scripture better,
PrayerThots covers Key Verses
of the Bible Book-by-Book with
passage Background Context.
For variety, Weekday devotions
are on Discipleship themes like
thanksgiving & promises of God.
And Weekend biblical expositions
enables better understanding of
the scripture especially OT through
the devt of Theme of each book.

To Deepen Prayer Life of believers,
PT provides three-para Pointers
for you to select prayers relevant
to your needs and perspectives.
Differing spiritual maturity is also
catered as each post includes
agreeing the Word, thanksgiving,
claiming the promises of God,
commitment and even surrender.
And there’s also a Spiritual Song
to help meditate on the Word and
express your prayer to the Lord.

Friends, the psalmist exhorts us to
meditate on the Word day & night.
And you are encouraged to use
PrayerThots as a supplementary
devotion perhaps in the evening.
Trust it will help your discipleship
Walk with the Lord, strengthen
your Understanding of Scripture
and deepen your Prayer Life. And
as u Respond to the Word of God,
you will be more and more Yielded
to the Spirit and steadily become
salt of the earth & light of the world

Thanksgiving In Matt 11 (Mar 20)

Thank God for Providing Rest

Matthew shared ten miraclens in
Mt 8-11 to show Jesus’ power over
disease, nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we receive Your Rest:
Jesus said: Come To Me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you Rest.
Take my yoke upon you.
Let me teach you, because I am
Humble & Gentle at heart, and
you will Find Rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and
the burdens I give you is light
(Matt 11:28-30). Amen.

Lord Jesus, what a matchless
promise that You as King of kings
and Lord of lords will help us to
Carry Our Burdens. In Your infinite
care You carried the burden of
our sin on yourself on the cross.
We thank you and praise you for
Your great compassion. Grant my
lips sing your praises forever, Amen

Lord, thank You for Your offer
to carry my burdens for me.
I give them all to You and gladly
receive Your Rest that you give.
I place myself Under Your Yoke
to learn from You. Teach me
Your wisdom and help me to walk
in the ways You set before me.
Thank You for Your mercy and
love that invite me to live my life
Resting and trusting in You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You promise that
those who are Humble will be
the greatest in your kingdom.
Help me to be Humble like U that
will also be a delight to others.
And help me to accomplish
great things for your kingdom.
Lord, thank you for dealing with
your people Gently, even though
you are sovereign and supreme.
Help me be a person of principle
& strong faith, & yet Gentle. Amen

Thanksgiving In Matt 7 (Mar 19)

Thank God for Rewarding Seekers

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
And the focus of His message
is our Relationship to God and
our inward attitude towards Him.

Lord, we will Ask, Seek & Knock:
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and to him
who knocks, the door will be
opened (Matt 7:7-8). If you then,
being evil, know how to give
good gifts to your children, how
much more will your Father who
is in heaven give good things to
those who Ask Him (v11). Amen.

Lord Jesus, I come to You in faith,
believing You are God, and that
You reward those who diligently
Seek You. Your Word says You
desire to give good gifts to those
who Ask for them. I Ask that the
desires of my heart be aligned
with Your will so that they will
come to pass. And I Knock on the door of opportunity & anticipate        it being opened by You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your promise
that those who ask receive and
that when we seek, we will find.
Grant me the grace to Persevere,
to Keep On Asking, seeking and
knocking until the answer comes.
Thank you for the power & grace
of Your Spirit, who gives me the
strength to Persevere In Prayer
even when I am at my weakest
moment & felt like giving up. Amen.

Lord, the Bible tells us that it is
impossible to please You without
Faith. All our doing will be nothing
incl keeping rules & serving others,
if we do not have Faith in You, and
we cannot please You at all. Lord,
we Believe in Your Goodness; and
we come to You, believing not only
You exist but also believing You
Will Reward those who seek You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.