Thanksgiving In John 17 (April 5)

Thank God for Intercession

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His
men as He models true humility,
describes the Holy Spirit who
will comfort and empower them;
and Intercedes for Protection and
Unity of His disciples worldwide.

Lord, we pray for Unity among us:
I do not pray that You should take
them out of the world, but that You
should Keep Them fr the evil one.
They are not of the world, just as
I am not of the world. Sanctify them
by Your Truth… As You Sent Me
into the world. I also Have Sent
them into the world (Jn 17:15-18).
My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will
believe in me thro their message,
that all of them May Be One…
that they also may be One In Us,
that the world may believe that
You sent me (Jn 17:20-21). Amen.

Lord Jesus, I praise You for your
great salvation for all mankind.
Thank you for not only saving me
but also being my permanent and
great High Priest, Caring for me.
Thank you Lord for the promise
Heb 7:25 that You will always
Intercede for me before Father God
Provide & protect me and enable
my life actions conform to your will.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Lord, You have sent us into
the world with an assignment.
While we are in the world, You
have made provision thro Yr Word
for us to live in the world & still be
protected fr its worldly influence.
Help us soak our mind, will and
emotion with Your Word; and let
it flavour every aspect of our life.
And help us to be truly salt of the
earth & light of the world. Amen.

Lord, I pray for Unity with family
members & with other believers
regardless of any differences
in views, values, race or culture.
And may we be truly one with the
Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
May our unity show the world, that
You Jesus came from the Father.
May this Unity I have with You
and with others draw unbelievers
to You, so that they too may
experience Your love. Amen.

Thanksgiving In John 16 (April 4)

Thank God for Helper Spirit

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His men
as He models true humility (c13),
describes the Holy Spirit who will
comfort & Empower them (c14-16)
and intercedes for protection and
unity of His disciples worldwide (17)

Lord,we look to Your Spirit for Help:
Very truly I tell you, it is for your
good that I am going away. Unless
I go away, the Helper will not come
to u; but if I go, I will Send Him to u.
When He comes, He will convict
the world of sin, of righteousness
and of judgment (John 16:7-8).
When the Spirit of truth comes,
He will Guide you into all truth…
He will tell you about the future…
He will glorify me by telling u what-
ever he received from me (v13-14).
These things I have spoken to you,
that in Me you may have Peace.
In the world you will have tribulation
but be of good cheer, I have
Overcome the world (v33) Amen.

Lord Jesus, hard times are to be
expected in this life; but Thank You
for sending Your Spirit to help us.
I don’t go through difficulty alone;
for You are always with me to
help, counsel and pray for me.
And Thank You for Your powerful
presence. As I yield to You and
follow Your leading, let Your
power flow through me. Amen.

Holy Spirit, only You can sort out
the voices in my mind; and I trust
You to do just that. Keep me from
deception & lead me to the truth.
Show me enough of the future
and how it fits with Your purposes.
Lord Jesus, let the Spirit bring You
glory in me by revealing Your truth
to me that I can share with others.
And let me experience You as
personally as disciples did. Amen.

Father God, trials and tribulations
are normal part of this life. I don’t
like this truth, but it reminds me
of my need for You God. I praise
You for being more powerful than
any worldly troubles I may face.
Remind me always to keep me
looking to You. And I can take
heart in the fact that You who
are for me will always have the
final word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In John 10 (April 3)

Thank God for Being Shepherd

Christ’s claim draw the attention
of more than the hungry and sick.
The Pharisees, religious leaders
concerned about status quo,
respond with angry resistance.
But how do you refute a Man
who preaches that He is the
Light of the World, then proves
it by giving sight to the blind? …
who claims He is the resurrection,
then validates that claim by raising
a man from the dead. The choice
is clear: Either believe Him or seek
to silence Him once and for all.

Lord, we will Hear & Follow You:
A Shepherd enters thro the gate.
He Calls his own sheep by name
and leads them out… He walks
ahead of them, and they Follow
Him because they recognise
His voice (John 10:2-4).
I have come that they may
Have Life and have it to the Full.
I am the good shepherd.
The good shepherd gives
His life for the sheep (v10-11).
And I give them eternal life,
and they shall Never Perish,
neither shall anyone snatch them
out of My hand (v28). Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being
my good shepherd and making
me one of your sheep. What
a privilege to belong to You!
Thank You for providing for me,
guiding me and protecting me.
You Call me by name and speak
to my heart. With all the voices
clamouring in the world, quieten
my mind and heart, so that I will
recognise Your Voice and Follow
only You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, You did not come
just to forgive our past deeds and
offer us hope of heavenly glory.
You came to give us full satisfying
existence and a meaningful life.
Forgive me for the times I settle
for a dull and uninteresting life.
And forgive me when I am too
preoccupied with earthly stuff.
Help me to hear you & seek You.
Help me to pursue things eternal
and further Your kingdom, knowing
U will Provide all my needs. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I am so blessed that
You are my caring Shepherd and
because of that I can Fear No Evil.
For You have always promised
to provide, lead and protect me.
Though evil may come, it has no
power over me and I can live with
confidence that I am Safe in You.
Keep me trusting You not worrying
& help me to stay close to You so
that I need not worry at all for You
will be Watching over me. Amen.

Thanksgiving In John 6 (April 2)

Thank God for Giving Bread of Life

Early in His ministry, Christ issues
a challenge: Search the scriptures
for they testify of me (Jn 5:39).
Now His public declarations and
miraculous demonstrations serve
to confirm what the Old Testament
said would be true of Him. Using
the Jewish feast days as public
forum, Jesus declares Himself
to be the Bread of Life (6:35),
the Sent One of God (7:28),
the Forgiver of Sins (8:11) and
the Light of the World (8:12).

Lord, we’ll Come to You for Help:
Then Jesus said to them: Most
assuredly I say to you, Moses did
not give you the bread from heaven
but My Father gives you the true
bread from heaven. For the bread
of God is He who comes down
from heaven and gives life to
the world. Then they said to Him:
Lord, gives us this bread always.
Jesus replied: I’m the Bread of Life.
No one who comes to me will ever
be hungry again.Those who believe
in me will never thirst. And the
one who comes to Me, I will by no
means cast out (Jn 6:32-37) Amen

Lord Jesus, as the Bread of Life,
forgive me for seeking after
things that will never really satisfy
or fulfill my deepest longings.
Forgive me for focussing on what
You can do for me materially
instead of seeking the true life
that comes from You. Cause me
to hunger and thirst for You and
your life each day. And let Your
Word fill my mind, rule my heart
and guide my feet today. Amen.

Lord, You are our great resource.
When I am anxious over a problem
and I look to myself, I may get
downhearted due to inadequacy.
And when I look to others for
help, I may get disappointed.
But when I look to U Jesus as my
great resource I’ll get encouraged.
Christ, I surrender my challenge
to U. Help me shift my focus from
my inadequacy to Your sufficiency.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, You have said everyone
who calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved. Thank you for
the promise to hear and answer
my cries for help. Your rescue
may not end up looking like what
I imagine, but You do promise
to deliver. Grant me the faith
to believe with all my heart.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In John 3 (April 1)

Thank God for Giving Eternal Life

Jesus’ ministry is not reserved for
the temple or synagogue. At any
time and in all places He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds second birth.
Samaritan woman comes seeking
water at the well and leaves to
tell her city about a source of
living water that will never run dry.
The paralytic at the pool finds even
38 years of lameness is no problem
to miracle-working Son of God.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast, Christ Jesus’
compassion knows no bounds.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
For God so loved the world that
He gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life
(John 3:16). Whoever believes
in the Son has eternal life, but
whoever rejects the Son will
not see life for God’s wrath
remains on them (v36). Amen.

Father, thank you for loving me
even beyond what I could imagine.
It amazes me that You would love
me even when I didn’t love You.
It amazes me that You sent Your Son to pay the ultimate price
so that I could have eternal life.
Grant Your love to flow thro me
so that even more people may
sense Your boundless love. Amen.

Jesus, it is hard to comprehend
love so great as Yours. You laid
down Your life so that I can live
forever with You. My response
to Your first loving me is to love
You Wholeheartedly in return.
Help me to lay down my life fully
for You in serving Your purpose
here on earth and thereby also
fulfilling my prepared destiny. Amen

Lord, thank you for your grace
and the promise of eternal life:
the abundant life that begins now
here on earth. And I look forward
to being With U forever in heaven;
a much better place, of eternal
joy and where there’s no tears.
And be reunited to loved ones,
and friends who had gone before.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Praying thro Lev 23-27 (Mar 31)

Remembering God’s Blessings

The closing chapters of Leviticus
contain a variety of instructions
for Israel when the people occupy
the Promised Land. The land
must be given periodic rest during
the Sabbatical and Jubilee years.
The work of the Lord must be
faithfully supported by the tithes
of God’s people, and vows
must not be entered into lightly.
God promised to honour obedience
to His commands, and reward
disobedience with stern judgment.

Lord, we’ll Celebrate Your Blessings
as well as Heed Your Warnings:
You have six days each week for
work but the 7th day is Sabbath
day of rest, an official day of holy
assembly… You are not to do any
work; it is a Sabbath to the Lord.
In addition, these are the Lord’s
official days for holy assembly to
be celebrated each year (including)
Lord’s Passover (and) Festival of
the Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:2-6)
I will look favourably upon you
and multiplying your people. And
I will fulfil my covenant with you…
I will walk among you; I will be your
God, and you will be my people.
I’m the Lord your God who brought
you out of the land of Egypt so you
would no longer be their slaves.
But if you do not listen to me, and if
you break my covenant by treating
My regulations with contempt, and
refusing to obey My commands,
I will punish you (Lev 26:9-16).

Lord, you instituted time for Your
people for rest and refreshment
as well as to remember with thanks
-giving Yr deliverance & provision.
I celebrate the day when I came
to know You as Lord & Saviour.
I celebrate the 3 times when You
miraculously healed me. I celebrate
the wonderful people You have put
in my life, especially my spouse.
We celebrate Your goodness and
we’ll celebrate our life with U. Amen

Lord, we know that You want Your
people to prosper through their
following Your design for their life.
Holy Spirit,help us endure hardship
which can be quite overwhelming
for they are God’s teaching tool.
Help us see God’s purpose is to
help us live as he designed and
bring about spiritual growth in us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Help us take on the beauty of
Your holiness as we spend time in
Your presence. We will remember
Your goodness by celebrating your
deliverance and our life with You.
HS, help us Heed Your Warnings
and see Your purpose of trial is
to help us live as you design and
to bring about growth in us; And
You have good plans for us. Amen

Praying thro Lev 18-22 (Mar 30)

Being Changed by Holy God

God provides Israel with laws
governing personal conduct and
purity in relation to the family, the
community and society in general.
As obedience is His main concern,
He requires vialators be disciplined.
God’s strict guidelines for living
reflect His desire that His people
be holy for I the Lord am holy.
Privilege often carries with it
responsibility; and in the case of
Israel’s priests, the responsibilities
of serving a holy God become
quite demanding. The priests
must avoid defilement which
others might ordinarily experience.

Lord, we’ll Not Defile ourselves,we’ll
Not Bear Grudge but we’ll Be Holy:
According to the doings of the
land of Canaan, you shall not do;
nor shall u walk in their ordinances..
So you shall keep My ordinance,
so that you do not commit any of
these abominable customs; and
that you do Not Defile yourselves; I
am the Lord your God (Lev18:3-30)
Speak to all the congregation of
the children of Israel & say to them
You Shall Be Holy, for I the Lord
your God am holy… You shall not
take revenge Not Bear any Grudge
but you shall love your neighbour
as yourself: I’m the Lord (L19:2,18).

Holy Spirit, help us understand
that God forbids us to do certain
things because He wants to keep
us from self-destruction. And that
He commands us to do other acts
because He knows what we need
to flourish. Help us when drawn
to forbidden activity to remember
that it may lead to suffering and
separation from God. And when
a good act seems inconvenient or
unpleasant to remember that God
has the best plan for us. Amen.

Lord, I acknowledge that there
are hurts caused me by people.
But I do not want to hold on to
these or seek revenge. So I release
those who have hurt me to You.
I purpose not to seek repayment
through my coldness, or through
my words or through actions.
Rather I will seek to redeem this
relationship with wisdom and
with Your empowerment. Amen.

Lord, we worship Your greatness &
goodness and praise Your holiness.
Even as I worship You, may Your
holiness rub off on me. Help me
to take on the beauty of Your
holiness as I spend time in Your
presence. Enable me to become
a bit more like You so that Your
holiness will make me truly whole.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thanksgiving In Luke 22 (Mar 29)

Thank God for Caring Disciples

Luke provides a full account of
the arrest, trial and crucifixion of
the Son of Man. He describes the
plot of Judas, the warm fellowship
of the Last Supper, the mental
anguish at Gethsemane, the tragic
denial by Peter, the miscarriage
of justice at the trials & the brutal
agony of the Roman execution.
But the dark days give way to
the first Easter morning when
angels announce: He’s risen.

Lord, we will be In Your Presence:
Then Jesus & the 12 apostles sat
together at the table. Jesus said:
I have looked forward to this hour
with Deep Longing, anxious to eat
this Passover Meal With You before
my suffering begins (Lk 22:14-15)
Simon Simon! Satan has asked
for you, that he may sift you as
wheat. But I have prayed that
your Faith May Not Fail. (v31-32).
(Jesus prayed): Father if you are
willing, please take this cup of
suffering away from me. Yet I
Want Your Will, not mine. (v41-42)

Lord Jesus, U have done so much
for us; yet sometimes we think
we have nothing to offer You.
The thought that You Long for my
friendship is quite overwhelming
for You have given so much and
I have given so little. I rejoice
that You want to be with me; and
I also love to be in Your presence.
Help me devote a portion of each
day to commune with You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I pray my Faith Will
Not Fail when I am put to the test.
Help me to resist doubt and fear
so that my foundation will be
built solidly in Christ & therefore
will not crumble. Enable me to
be a person who can strengthen
the faith of others because
my Faith In You is so strong.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus,Thank you for following
the Father’s wishes that night at
Gethsemane. Sometimes we need
to be reminded that we share in
your suffering just as we share in
your joy. Realise the road U choose
for me will not always be easy.
Help me remember that to love You
is to obey U. And help me Choose
the Father’s Will in my life. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Luke 19 (Mar 28)

Thank God for Seeking the Lost

It is now in the final week of Jesus’
earthly life. In the city of Jerusalem,
there’s excitement of the feast
days -some prepared to welcome
a King, while others prepare for
an execution. Jesus Himself draws
the battle lines by driving the
money-changers from the temple.
From then on, the religious leaders
double their efforts to trap Him.
Though His hour of anguish draws
near, Jesus continues the activities
that have characterised His
earthly ministry: teaching and
healing, confronting & consoling.

Lord, we will also Seek the Lost:
Then Zacchaeus said to the Lord:
Look, I give half of my goods to
the poor; and if I’ve taken anything
from anyone by false accusation, I
restore fourfold. Jesus responded:
Salvation has come to this home
today, for this man has shown
himself to be a son of Abraham.
And I the Son of Man, have come
to seek and save those like him
who are lost (Luke 19:8-10).
Some Pharisees among the crowd
said: Teacher, rebuke yr followers
for saying things like that! (Jesus)
replied:If they kept quiet,the stones
would burst into cheers (v39-40)

Lord, U reached out to Zacchaeus
even when others despised him.
Thank you for seeking and saving
those who are lost. Open our eyes
to even the despised that we might
see them and reach out. Help us
to look beneath the surface to the
person within, created in Yr image.
Help us have burden for the lost &
befriend those seeking You. Amen

Lord, Your love and salvation
know no barriers. And just like
Zacchaeus, I too am a sinner in
need of Your grace. Thank You
with all my heart that You came
to seek & save those who are lost.
Thank you for not only make my
past as though it had never been,
but also make me a new person.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your great
love for me. I praise You for faith
that is real and deep. I praise You
for your Holy Spirit and for the
Word that teaches and guides me.
I will not be quiet and keep my
love for You hidden. Just as Your
disciples called out your name,
I’ll praise U for I serve an amazing
and wonderful Saviour. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Luke 10 (Mar 27)

Thk God for Witnessing Authority

Seventy disciples are sent out
two-by-two with instructions to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan; others clamour for more miracles and Pharisees attack His seeming disregard for traditions.
Jesus responds by denouncing the
religious leaders for their hypocrisy
and warns disciples to be watchful.

Lord, U Give Us Authority over Evil:
Then Jesus said: The harvest
is so great but the workers are
so few. Pray to the Lord who
is in charge of the harvest, and
ask him to send out more workers
for his fields. Go now (Lk 10:2-3).
Then the seventy returned with
joy saying: Lord, even the demons
are subject to us in Your name. And
He said: I saw Satan fall… Behold,
I give you the Authority to trample
on serpents and over all the power
of the enemy and nothing shall by
any means hurt you (v17-19). Amen

Lord, raise up and send out
labourers to every tribe and nation,
every people group & unreached.
Raise up missionaries, teachers,
doctors, businessmen & women
and musicians to share the
goodness of Jesus Christ and
to bring in a harvest of souls.
Help us to see that the harvest
is right before our eyes. Pour
out Your Spirit to enable your
people as the harvest waits. Amen

Lord, thank You that there is no
need to fear Satan; for You Jesus
had defeated him at the Cross.
By paying for the sins of the world,
You blocked Satan’s power
to induce guilt and hold Your
people under his accusations.
And by rising from the dead, You
broke Satan’s power over death.
We claim your promise to protect
us and help defeat Satan in our life.
No matter what part of our life
we think Satan has power over,
we trust God will defeat him
in that area as well. Amen.

Lord, help me to fully understand
the Authority You have given
me over the enemy of my soul.
Thank You Jesus that because
of what You accomplished on
the cross, the enemy is defeated.
Enable me to always recognise
the lies and deception of the evil
one and be able to stand strong on the truth of Your Word so that I can control his access to my life. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.