Thanksgiving In Gen 1-2 (Jan 2)

Thank God for Gift of Life

The first two chapters of the
Bible begin at “the beginning”.
Chapter 1 gives a concise overview
of the progress of creation,
climaxing in the creation of man.
Chapter 2 takes a zoom-lens look
at day six. There the details emerge
of how God’s image-bearers were
created – man from the dust of
the ground & woman from his rib.

Lord, thank You for Creating Us:
Then God said: Let Us Make man
in Our Image, according to Our
likeness; let them have dominion
over all the earth (Gen 1:26).
Then God saw everything
that He had made, and indeed
it was Very Good (Gen 1:31).
And the Lord God formed man
of the dust of the ground and
breathed into his nostrils the
breadth of life; and man became
a Living Being (Gen 2:7). Amen.
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Thanking God thro the Scripture

Thanking God for It’s Right (Jan 1)

Friends, Happy New Year !!
We start the new year by doing
the Right Thing, by Thanking God.
Often our prayers can degenerate
into list of needs presented to God.
Whilst I believe God loves to hear
about our needs, I also believe
that He loves for us to pray back
His Promises; pray commitment
and surrender to Him; as well as
to pray Praise and Thanksgiving!!

We have been utilising Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
in a way that is pleasing to Him.
With Scripture as our guide, we’ll
also have balance in our prayers.
Having prayed Thro the Scripture
on Knowing Him, Praising Him,
claiming His Promises and Seeking
His Truths,we start 2019 with series
on Thanking God thro the Scripture.
Lord, we purpose to Thank You God
for it is the only Right thing to do:
for Gratitude sake, for it’s Your Will
and for we Belong to You. Amen.
Continue reading “Thanking God thro the Scripture”