Thanksgiving In Psalm 100 (Feb 14)

Thank God for His Goodness

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings. And
Psalm 98-102 provide plenty of
ideas to help you do just that by
focusing on the many things for
which you should be thankful:
your salvation (P98), answered
prayer (P99), God’s Goodness and
Mercy (P100), God’s justice and
holiness (P101) and God’s care
when you are downcast (P102).

Lord, You are Good & Merciful:
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not
we ourselves; we are His people.
Enter into His gates with thanks-
giving & into His courts with praise.
Be Thankful to Him and bless His
name. For the Lord Is GOOD; His
mercies is everlasting & His truth
endures to all generations(100:3-5)

Lord, I come before You with
praise and thanksgiving for all
You are and everything You have
done for me. No matter what
happens in my life or in the world
around me, I will not sink to the
level of the problem. Instead I will
rise to the level of the solution
and praise You as the solution
to all my problems & challenges.
I thank You for Your Goodness,
love and faithfulness to me.Amen

Lord, transform my heart and
give me an attitude of gratefulness.
Open my eyes to see Your hand
in every area of my life. When
I have forgotten Your goodness,
remind me of what an awesome
God You are and the many things
I have to be gratefully thankful
for. I thank You for the unique
ways You have blessed my life.
And we thank U for the things we
normally take for granted. Amen.

Lord, You are Good, able & faithful.
We are eternally grateful and
You deserve all praise & thanks.
For if we’re walking thro the valley
And there are shadows all around.
We’ll not fear, You will guide us
You will keep us safe and sound.
You hv promised to never leave us
Or forsake us and Your word is true
God is Good all the time
You put a song of praise
in the heart of mine
God is Good all the time
Through the darkest night,
Your light will shine; God is Good,
God is Good all the time. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Psalm 91 (Feb 13)

Thank God for Shielding Us

Altho the authors of most of Psalm
90-97 are unknown, the object
of their worship is well known:
the God of eternity (P90),
the God of Protection (P91),
the God of greatness (P92),
the God of majesty (P93),
the God of vengeance (P94),
the God of salvation (P95),
the God of glory (P96) and
the God of holiness (97).

Lord, You Shield & Shelter Us:
He who dwells in the secret place
of the Most High shall abide
under the Shadow of the Almighty.
He shall cover you with His
feathers and under His wings
you shall take refuge. His truth
shall be your Shield…(Ps 91:1-4).
If you make the Lord your refuge,
if you make the Most High your
Shelter, no evil will conquer you…
He will Order His Angels to protect
you wherever you go (Ps 91:9-11).

Lord, thank you that in the midst of
life’s storms, I have Your Protection
when I come and dwell with You.
As a mother bird shelters her
young, You will cover me with
Your wings and Shelter me.
Keep me safe and be a Shield
and Shelter for me, for my life
is in your very hands. Amen.

Lord, thank You that in your
mysterious and powerful ways,
You Send Your Angels around
us to protect Your people in
their journeys through life.
And so I will look to You as my
refuge & shelter so that I’ll live in
freedom in the Spirit and not fear,
no matter what I face. Amen.

Lord, all your promises are true
and your children are held safe
in the palm of Your l very hand.
Thank U for Your strong shadow,
reliable refuge, safety shield and
ministering angels that watch
over us and Protect us wherever
we go even as we abide and trust
in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thanksgiving in Psalm 77 (Feb 12)

Thank God for Performing Miracles

In Psalms 73 to 77 by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (P73 & P75).
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word
will discover hope in the midst
of havoc (P74) and resources
to face every situation in
life victoriously (P76-77).

Lord, U are Able to Do Anything:
I will remember the works of
the Lord; surely I will remember
Your wonders of old. I will also
meditate on all Your work and
talk of Your deeds… You are
the God who performs miracles;
You display Your Power among
the peoples (Ps 77:11-14) Amen.

Lord, You are Able to do miracles
and work wonders. Remind me
daily of Your limitless power.
Remind me of your past deeds.
I serve a God who can do anything
and everything. You demonstrate
Your infinite strengths among
the nations. Display that same
might in my life today. For You
love to do God-sized things and
nothing is too difficult for U. Amen.

Lord, In your sovereignty, You
may choose not to deliver us
from our trials yet, then give us
the ability to hang on and keep
Trusting You. For we do realise
that sometimes you may be
growing our faith muscles,
when one is able because of
God’s sustaining strength endure
crushing troubles until His chosen
kairos timing arrives. Amen.

Lord, You have said through
Prophet Habakkuk that the vision
is Yet for an appointed time;
at the end it will speak & not lie.
Though it tarries, Wait for it;
because it will surely come!!
Yes You make all things beautiful
In Your time. But please show me
every day As You’re teaching me
Your way That You Do just what
You say In Your time. Amen.

Thanksgiving in Psalm 73 (Feb 11)

Thank God for Being Your Shelter

In Psalms 73 to 77 by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (P73 & P75).
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word
will discover hope in the midst
of havoc (P74) and resources
to face every situation in
life victoriously (P76-77).

Lord, U are Our Strength & Shelter:
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I Desire You more than anything
on earth. My health may fail and
my spirit may grow weak, but God
remains the Strength of my heart;
he is mine forever (Ps 73:25-26).
But as for me, how good it is to
Be Near God! I have made the
Sovereign Lord my Shelter, and
I will tell everyone about the
wonderful things you do (v28).

Lord, I want to Experience You
in fresh ways so that I can truly
say that I Desire You more than
anything. You and you alone are
the Strength of my heart. And I
am thankful you are mine forever.
Nothing can separate me from
your love. Open my eyes and
grant me fresh vision to constantly
see your love for me. Amen.

Lord, You are the Strength of my
heart, and deep inside I know
I can rely on You in any situation.
Although I may face threats to my
health, finance, safety & security
in this world, but that isn’t my life
for You are. Help me to abide in U
and to stay anchored in You. Amen

Lord, by faith I make U my Shelter.
I also accept Your Presence and
receive all other blessings U offer.
Grow my faith to be as big
as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things you do for me.
I love & adore U and You are more
precious than anything. Amen.

Praying through Job 4-14 (Feb 10)

Know Merciful God Is With You

Job agonises over his situation.
His three friends explain that he
must be suffering because of
some terrible sin he committed.
They try to persuade Job to repent
of his sin. When Job argues that he
hasn’t sinned enough to deserve
such suffering his friends respond
with even harsher accusations.

Dear Lord, help us from the
painful experience of Job how to
be a true friend & not be careless
basing on wrong assumption
that suffering is a result of sin.
Help us to Be Careful With Advice
& help us to empathetically Listen.
Help us when under trial, to learn
from Job: Claiming You’re With Us
and Believing in Your Mercy. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying through Job 4-14 (Feb 10)”

Praying through Job 1-3 (Feb 9)

Praising God in Good Times & Bad

Job, a godly and wealthy resident
of Uz, watches helplessly as his
health, blessings and prosperity
collapse around him. Unknown to
him, Job’s problems do not begin
on earth, but in heaven. With God’s
permission and within divinely
imposed limitations, Satan launches
devastating attack in an attempt
to force Job renounce God. In the
midst of each trial, Job’s faith in
God shines brightly, tho personal
turmoil tears at Job’s heart as
he asks repeatedly: Why God?

Lord, we Trust Your Sovereignty
even in the midst of suffering.
Although we don’t know why
bad things have to happen but
You’re in control of the situation &
You are able to carry us through.
Lord, when under time of Testing,
Empower us to Continue Praising U;
Help us Not Sin with Our Lips;
& Deliver us From Fears. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying through Job 1-3 (Feb 9)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 63 (Feb 8)

Tk God for Satisfying Longing Soul

In today’s segment, we read five
psalms of lament (P60, 61, 63-65)
in which the psalmist stands upon
the promises of God in the face of
defeat, discouragement and deceit.
Thro it all the psalmist finds God
is a praiseworthy refuge (P62, 66)

Lord, we will Seek after You God:
O God, You are my God, earnestly
I Seek You; my soul Thirsts for You,
my whole being Longs for You,
in a dry and parched land where
there is no water…Your Unfailing
Love is better to me than life itself;
how I praise you! I will honor You
as long as I live, lifting up my hands
to You in prayer (Psa 63:1-4) Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 63 (Feb 8)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 57 (Feb 7)

Thank God for Having Plan For Me

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judgeth in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, You Have A Plan for us:
My soul trusts in You; and in the
shadow of Your wings I will make
my refuge, until these calamities
have passed by. I Cry Out to
God Most High, who will Fulfil
His Purpose for me (Psa 57:1-2).
My Heart Is Confident In You,
O God; my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises
(v7-8). In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 57 (Feb 7)”

Thanksgiving in Psalm 55 (Feb 6)

Thank God for Bearing Burdens

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is reward for the righteous and
God judgeth in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, thank U for Bearing Burdens:
Please listen and answer me, for
I’m overwhelmed by my troubles..
O how I wish I had wings like a
dove; then I would fly away & Rest
(Psa 55:2,6). Evening, morning
and noon I Cry Out in distress,
& He Hears my voice (v17). Give
your Burdens to the Lord, and He
will Take Care of u (v22). Amen.

Lord, like David, I need to bring
my distress to you. Forgive me
for the times I complain to others
but do not bring my troubles
to You, the one who can actually
do something about them. Lord,
do hear my desperate cries and
come to my aid from the burdens
of the cares of this world. Amen.

Lord, I do want my problems
solved and my troubles removed.
But from the crushing weight of
my burdens, I turn my eyes to U.
I entrust my perplexity to You.
Enable me to Find my Rest in You,
to discover a place of security
in your everlasting love. You are
my only rock and only Rest.Amen

Lord Jesus, thank you for Bearing
my Burdens & providing a way for
me to walk in freedom from worry.
Forgive my attempts to do every
-thing myself instead of accepting
your invitation to carry my load.
Teach me how to live so close to
You that I never try to carry my
burdens on my own. Instead I will
Cast my Cares on U Lord. For What
a Friend we Have in Jesus. Amen

Thanksgiving in Psalm 46 (Feb 5)

Thank God for Being My Refuge

The 2nd book of Psalms (P42-72),
is similar to the book of Exodus,
as many of these psalms describe
Israel as ruined & then recovered.
These psalms can help us pray for
rescue, confess our sin & trust God.
Psa 42-49 are attributed to sons
of Korah, who served as singers
and musicians in the temple.

Lord,Thank U for Being My Refuge:
God is our Refuge and Strength,
an Ever-present Help in times
of trouble. So, we will not fear,
when earthquakes come and
Mountains crumble into the sea;
though waters roar & be troubled,
though the mountains shake…
Be Still and know that I am God…
I will be exalted in the earth!
The Lord of hosts is with us (and)
God is Our Refuge (Ps46:1-3,10-11)
Continue reading “Thanksgiving in Psalm 46 (Feb 5)”