Hearing God In Exodus 33 (May 30)

Meeting Presence of the Lord

Whilst Moses receives God’s laws
on the mountain, the Israelites
are busy on the plains below.
Concluding that their leaders has
died in the presence of God, they
fashion their gold jewelry into a
replica of an Egyptian God and
turn the camp into a pagan party.
Moses returns and in righteous
anger shatters the 2 stone tablets,
destroys the golden calf and orders
Levites to purge guilty Israelites.
Though the covenant between
God and His people has been
shattered, repentance and
restoration are only a prayer away.

Lord, we will Seek Your Presence:
When Moses went out to the Tent
of Meeting, all the people would
get up and stand in their tent
entrances. They would all watch
Moses until he disappeared inside.
As he went into the tent, the pillar
of cloud would come down and
hover at the entrance while the
Lord spoke with Moses. Inside
the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would
speak to Moses face to face as
one speaks to a friend (Ex 33:8-11)

Lord, it’s when I’m in your presence
that You reveal your love for me.
In those quiet moments I can
express my thoughts, fears and
longings to walk with you through
joyous times and even the times
when I feel I am in the wilderness.
I am so thankful that you are as
close as my heartbeat. Thank You
For the privilege of daily being
able to meet with you. Amen.

Lord, though we are not Moses,
but because of the new covenant
in Christ Jesus, God has called
those who believed as friends.
Help me Lord to listen to your voice
as you reveal to me your guidance.
I know that when I’m rightly related
to God, there is a life of freedom
and liberty for You are loving.
And even when wrong decisions
have been made, You God will
always check me out so that I can
stop to do the right thing. Amen.

Lord, we praise You that though
You are majestic and awesome
God, You still accept us as friends.
Whisper Your personal thoughts
to me. Let me know You more
deeply than I have been before.
Let me know more directly than
purely religious minds can accept.
Let me Experience U as profoundly
as U allowed Moses to experience.
Please lead me into that kind
of relationship with You. Amen.

Hearing God In Exodus 14 (May 29)

Hear Carefully What’s Been Said

Delivering the people from Egyptian
bondage is only the first step in
God’s plan to bring the Israelites
to the Promised Land of Canaan.
Many obstacles lie ahead. Pharaoh,
whose heart is again hardened,
sends his armies in pursuit of
Moses and the people. Trapped
between the Red Sea & the rapidly
approaching chariots of Egypt,
the people cry out in desperation
and God answers miraculously.

Lord, we’ll Trust You & Take Action:
Order the Israelites to turn back
and camp by Pi Hahiroth between
Migdalia and the sea. Camp there
along the shore… I’ve planned this
in order to display my glory through
Pharaoh and his whole army.
After this the Egyptians will know
that I am the LORD! (Exo 14:1-4).
Moses said to the people: Do not
be afraid. Stand still and see the
salvation of the Lord…(He) will fight
for u…And the Lord said to Moses:
Why do you Cry to Me? Tell the
children of Israel to Go Forward.
Lift up your rod & stretch out over
the sea & divide it. And the children
of Israel shall go on dry ground
thro the midst of the sea (v13-16).

Lord, I am listening for Your voice,
and I am not ruling out anything
unless it really contradicts Your
holy character. There is no twist
in this life journey that is beyond
Your nature. Lead me into and
out of any predicament You may
choose that may not make sense
in near term but will be eventually.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, just like the Israelites we may
find ourselves with dashed hope.
But trust that every unexpected
twist of events was part of You
God’s deliberate plan. Everything
was perfectly positioned so that
the only explanation for what will
take place is the mighty hand of
God. So Lord, I am standing still
and watching for your salvation.
Show me your great power. Amen.

Lord, help me understand while
waiting for a leading from you,
when it is time to take action.
Help me to be wise enough so
that I can recognise the answers
to my prayers when they come
in ways I was not expecting.
Give me the knowledge of Your
will that let me know when it’s time
to stand up and take steps of faith.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Hearing God In Exo 13 (May 28)

Moving With God’s Guidance

Delivering the people from Egyptian
bondage is only the first step in
God’s plan to bring the Israelites
to the Promised Land of Canaan.
Many obstacles lie ahead. Pharaoh,
whose heart is again hardened,
sends his armies in pursuit of
Moses and the people. Trapped
between the Red Sea & the rapidly
approaching chariots of Egypt,
the people cry out in desperation
and God answers miraculously.

Lord, we yearn for Your Guidance:
The Lord went ahead of them.
He guided them during the day
with a pillar of cloud, and he
provided light at night with a
pillar of fire. This allowed them
to travel by day or by night.
The Lord did not remove the
pillar of cloud or pillar of fire
from its place in front of the
people (Exodus 13:21-22).

Lord, You have led me on such
a winding path that sometimes
I am not sure whether I’m headed
in the right direction. I really long
for Your cloud and Your fire;
but I will cling to whatever
guidance that You will give me.
Please get me through this
wilderness safely to Yr Promised
land of blessedness. Amen.

Lord, even when I don’t see
a cloud by day and fire by night,
or arrow signs or visible gestures,
You will still show me enough
to keep me moving forward.
I know You may patiently lead
us in a circuitous path at times.
But as I come close to You Lord,
You will get me through whatever
wilderness that I will face. Amen.

Lord, I submit my every step
to You; the one who is in controI.
I invite You to direct my path
with or without my awareness
of it. Give me understanding
when I need it; and trust
when I don’t understand.
Lead me into the land of promise
which You have designed for me.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Hearing God In Exo 3 (May 27)

God Will Meet Our Needs

With his long period of desert
exile drawing to a close, Moses
becomes God’s choice to lead His
people out of bondage in Egypt.
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man
for the job! But once his objections
have been answered & knowing
the Almighty All Sufficient God
can meet all his needs, Moses
goes forward to confront Pharaoh.

Lord, You’re the All Sufficient One
who can meet All Our Needs:
Then Moses said to God: Indeed,
when I come to the children of
Israel and say to them: The God
of your fathers has sent me to
you, and they say to me: What
is His name? what shall I say to
them? And God said to Moses:
I AM WHO I AM. Thus you shall
say to the children of Israel: I AM
has sent me to you (Exo 3:13-14).

Lord Asher Ehyeh, there is so
much power in your name for
You are the all-sufficient one.
Lord, You led the Israelites into
freedom assuring them that
you are all-sufficient. And
Your sufficiency is comforting
to us and makes me whole for
I am after all your child. Amen.

Lord, whilst you hold the world
in your hands, I confess my
insufficiency in the light of
your all-sufficiency. Pardon
the impatience I feel when
something goes wrong or not
up to my expectation. Forgive
any doubts that you are good
and mighty. For You can and
will meet my needs. Amen.

Lord, you are beyond my capacity
of full understanding. But I trust
Your Spirit will graciously grant
into my life the things that U want
me to accomplish & experience.
Empower us to cooperate with
you as U manifest your kingdom.
And thanks for yr lovingkindness
& praise U that U are our All in All.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.


Praying thro Mark 8-10 (May 26)

Trust in God’s Goodness & Power

As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So
Jesus traverses the regions of
Decapolis, Caesarea & Perea,
thereby avoiding the crowds and
deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His
earthly ministry, Jesus begins
to prepare His disciples for the
faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, thank you for Mark gospel,
which proclaims Christ thro His
ministry of Power and authority
and yet with a servant mindset.
Lord, thanks for Meeting Needs &
help us Lord to share Your story.
Help us not to doubt but to Believe,
to approach You and to Follow You.
And Help us to fully Trust that
You are God of the Impossible.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, You are Our Bread of Life:
Another great crowd had gathered,
and the people ran out of food
again. Jesus called his disciples
and told them: I feel sorry for
these people… How many loaves
of bread do you have? He asked.
Seven they replied (Mark 8:2-5).
Lord, thank you for the miracle
U performed to feed the multitude
and thank You for the ways You
are still doing miracles today
as we give what we have to You.
There are many people who are
physically and spiritually hungry.
Prepare me, strengthen me and
use me to partner with You in
what You are doing on earth. Amen

Lord, we’ll not doubt but Believe:
Teacher, my son has a mute spirit.
I spoke to Your disciples that they
should cast it out but they could
not… Do something if you can.
“What do u mean: If I can?”Jesus
asked. Anything is possible if a
person believes.The father instantly
replied: I do believe, but help me
not doubt (M9:22-24). His disciples
asked Him privately: Why could
we not cast it out? So He said:
This kind can come out by nothing
but prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29)
Lord, You know our thots & hearts.
When my faith is weak or struggle
with doubts, enable me to turn to U
and be honest about it. I believe in
Your power to accomplish anything
but grant me great trust in You.
Help me understand the authority
You have given in prayer to release
Your power from heaven to see
freedom happen in my life. Amen.

Lord, we will Fully Trust in You:
Looking at the man, Jesus felt
genuine love for him. He told him:
give money to the poor & you will
have treasure in heaven. Then
come, Follow Me (Mark 10:21).
Jesus looked at them and said:
With man this is impossible,
but not with God; all things are
Possible With God (Mark 10:27).
Lord, You are all powerful and
nothing is too hard for You;
not even changing the most
difficult circumstances of my life.
What is impossible for me is
not impossible for You. And so
I ask that U will do the impossible
and transform me to be full of
Your love, joy and peace that
surpasses human understanding.
And enable me to do great things
by the power of Your Spirit. Amen.

Praying thro Mark 4-7 (May 25)

Faith Recalls, Persists & Humbles

Through both His words and works
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At 1st even His closest companions
are perplexed by His power and
authority, wondering: What manner
of man is this, that even the wind
& the sea obey Him? But patiently
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even the raising the
dead, the Master Servant works
to convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, thank you for Mark gospel,
which captures two purposes
of Christ Jesus coming to earth;
to minister as a Servant and
to give his life a random for many.
Grant us the faith that will
Remember Yr Word & Trust in it.
Grant us the faith that will
Persistently Pursue You for help.
Grant us the faith that will
Approach You with Humility.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Trust Your Word:
Jesus said to his disciples:
Let Us Cross to the east side.
Suddenly a storm struck the lake.
Waves started splashing into the
boat & it was about to sink. Jesus
was in the back of the boat asleep.
His disciples woke him and said:
Teacher don’t you care that we’re
about to drown? Jesus got up and
ordered the wind and waves to
be quiet. The wind stopped and
everything was calm. Jesus asked:
Why are u So Fearful? How is it
that you have No Faith?(Mk4:35-41)
Lord, help us to remember clearly
Your instructions like what You
told the disciples: “Let Us Cross.”
Help us to Rely on Your Word and
not Focus on situation we are in.
Remind us no storm can take us
off course, for U can do all things
& Yr plan can’t be thwarted. Amen

Lord, we will Persistently Seek You:
Now a certain woman had a flow of
blood for 12 yrs. When she heard
about Jesus,she came from behind
Him in the crowd and touched His
garment. For she said: If only I may
touch His clothes, I shall be made
well. Immediately her blood was
dried up and she felt in her body
she was healed of the affliction.
And Jesus said to her: your faith
has made you well (Mark 5:21-34).
Lord, I have needs and only You
can meet them. Some people
might be appalled at my boldness
but I am asking You to give me
what I need. I know Your generous
heart and I am still waiting. Amen.

Lord, we will Humbly Seek You:
A woman whose young daughter
had an unclean spirit came…
Jesus said: Let the children be
filled first, for it is not good to
take the children’s bread and
throw it to the little dogs. And
she answered; Even the little dogs
eat from the children’s crumbs.
Then He said: For this saying
go your way; the demon has gone
our of your daughter (Mk7:25-29)
Lord, we learnt from the Greek
woman to have the right attitude
in approaching You with Humility
not asking for rights but mercy.
And also to have Persistence of
pushing through all barriers, thus
showing her Sincere Faith. Amen.


Hearing God In Gen 41 (May 24)

God Can Tell You Solution

A difficult dream of Pharaoh
refreshes the memory of the chief
butler; and Joseph is promoted
from prisoner to prime minister.
The dream forecasts prosperity
and famine in the years ahead.
The widespread famine prompts
Jacob to send 10 sons to Egypt
for grain, where Joseph recognises
them immediately and the brothers
unknowingly fulfill the boyhood
dream of Joseph. And Jacob was
assured going to Egypt is divinely
approved. So the entire Jewish
clan of 70 moves to Goshen
which will become home for the
fledging nation for next 400 years.

Lord, we trust U for the Impossible:
Pharaoh said to Joseph: “I had a
dream last night and no one here
can tell me what it means. But I’ve
heard that when you hear about
a dream you can interpret it.”
It is beyond my power to do this,
Joseph replied. But God can
tell you what it means and set
you at ease (Gen 41:15-16).

Lord, You have a solution for
every problem in the world and
every problem that we may face.
And if U share Your ideas with me,
I will avail myself to act on them
so that I can be a blessing to
others and further Your kingdom.
And Lord help us to see life thro
your eyes & for your glory. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you
for Your good plan for mankind.
Help us Persevere by Waiting for
fulfilment of promise like Joseph.
Help us Trust You for challenges
even as we Give Our Scars to You;
for You Intended For Good. And
Thanks be to You God who is
able to keep us from stumbling.
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!

Hearing God in Gen 37 (May 23)

Focussing on Promised Vision

Though the favourite son of his
father Jacob, Joseph alienates
himself from his brothers by his
forthrightness of his two dreams.
Envy grows into hatred until finally
the brothers sell him into slavery.
Taken to Egypt, Joseph suffers
injustice at the hands of Potiphar’s
wife & later from forgetful butler.
Through it all, God has a good plan
for both Joseph as well as Israel.
Lord, Help us Avail ourselves to
Your service as imperfect people.
Help us keep faith by Waiting for U,
Help us Focus on the Vision. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Promise:
Now Joseph had a dream
and he told it to his brothers…
Your sheaves stood all around
and bowed down to my sheaf…
So they hated him even more
for his dreams and for his words…
Then he dreamed still another
dream. This time the sun, the moon
and the eleven stars bowed down
to me. So he told it to his father
and his brothers; and his father
rebuked him… And his brothers
envied him, but his father Kept
the matter In Mind (Gen 37:5-11).

Lord, we see thro patriarchs that
You Work thro Imperfect people:
You work through Joseph who was
prideful when he boastfully shared
his dream to his brothers that
he will one day be in high position
and they will bow to him causing
his brothers to envy and hate him.
Lord, help us not be proud but
Wait for the right time to share
Yr plan for us. And help us to avail
ourselves for Your service. Amen.

Lord, You were with Joseph
and made all he did to prosper.
Joseph kept integrity, running from
Potiphar’s wife & ended in prison.
It was a long wait of 13 years when
he received the two prophecies.
As a slave & as a prisoner, Joseph
could have seen his situations
as hopeless. But he remembered
the prophetic dreams and saw the
favour of men as sign of promise.
Holy Spirit, help us be like Joseph,
Not to Doubt but Believe, Waiting
for God to fulfil His promise. Amen

Lord, grant Be Thou Our Vision:
From the Joseph story, we learn
that You don’t just speak into
individual lives or immediate future
for your agenda is to build every
level of society. We realise when
we listen for Your voice, we need
to listen with grand purposes
and long term frame of mind.
So raise our vision beyond self
and our immediate needs & future.
Show us more and draw us to
Your purpose & assignment. Amen

Hearing God In Gen 18 (May 22)

God Is Able to Do Anything

God’s promises to Abraham are
given in great detail, confirmed
with a unilateral treaty, repeated
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years
pass with no evidence of fulfilment,
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son Ishmael, who
will forever cause the heartbreak
of his father, constantly reminding
Abraham of the price of unbelief. And we have the visit of the
three men of God with a special message for Abraham and Sarah.

Lord, we will Trust Your Promise:
Then one of the three men said:
About this time next year I will
return and your wife Sarah will
have a son. Now Sarah was
listening to this conversation
from the tent nearby. And since
Abraham and Sarah were both
very old, and Sarah was long
past the age of having children,
she laughed silently to herself…
Then the Lord said to Abraham:
Why did Sarah laugh? Why did
she say: Can an old woman like
me have a baby? Is anything
too hard for the Lord? About
a year from now, just as I told you,
I will return and Sarah will have
a son (Genesis 18:10-14).

Lord, Thanks for the promise that
there is nothing too difficult for U.
We praise You that You are the
God of miracles and all Powerful.
And we call upon your awesome
power when we are in trouble;
for it honours your name when
we ask for God-sized things.
We realise we cannot think of
God’s strength as being displayed
only when our problems are
dramatically resolved; for
sometimes the greater miracle
occurs when we are able because
of God’s sustaining strength,
to endure crushing troubles.

Lord, you are able to do miracles
and work wonders. Remind us
daily of your limitless power.
We serve a God who can do
anything and everything.
You demonstrate your infinite
strength among the nations.
Display that same might in our
life today. Even if you choose not
to deliver us from our trials yet,
then give us the ability to hang
on and keep trusting you. Amen.

Hearing God In Gen 12/13 (May 21)

The Call to Journey of Faith

Genesis 12-14 describe God’s call
of Abram to leave his home in Ur
& travel to a unspecified new land.
Abram faces potential distractions
along the way: death of his father,
a severe famine, worldly pursuits
of his nephew Lot. But God is
looking for a man of Faith who
will Trust Him completely to keep
His promises. For Abram and his
descendants, those promises
include receiving a great name,
becoming a great nation and
experiencing great blessing
in the face of impossible odds.

Lord, we’ll Obey Your Call of Faith:
Now the Lord had said to Abram:
Get out of your country, from your
family… to a land that I will show u.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you and make your name
great; and you shall be a blessing…
and in you all the families of the
earth shall be blessed. So Abram
departed as the Lord had spoken
to him… And Abram was 75 years
old when he left Haran (Gen 12:1-4)
And the Lord said to Abram after
Lot separated from him: Lift your
eyes now and look… for all the land
you see I give to you and your
descendants forever (G13:14-15).

Lord, I realise You usually not speak
so definitely that no faith is required
to follow. Yet U will speak enough
for faith to have some direction.
Lord, I don’t want to be paralysed
with uncertainty. Help me to follow
Yr voice even when I’ve questions.
Direct me Lord as I move forward;
and keep me guided in the middle
of Your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You care for your servants
when they need courage. Though
the promise was already in place,
yet You God encouraged Moses
when he needed it most after Lot
took large chunk of fertile land.
Lord, I realise life is training ground;
but grant me courage to face
each day and make your presence
ever so real. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we realise life is not about
assembling financial and relational
security and accomplishments.
And we ask You to shower us
with the blessings that are ours
in Christ. Make our life all about
what you have done, what you
will do and what you will give.
Make our life all about your
grace and goodness to us. Amen.