Hearing God In Psalm 119 (Jul 18)

God Gives Light for Your Path !!

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm
and the longest chapter of the
longest book in the Bible. And
it provides the multifaceted Word
of God. Just as the psalm seems
to go on endlessly as you read its
176 verses, so let your praise and
love for God’s Word be endless
as you make it the focus of your
devotional time today & every day.

Lord, Your Word Directs Our Path:
Your Word I Have Hidden in
my heart that I might not sin.
against You. (Psalm 119:11).
Your Word is a lamp for my feet
and a Light for my Path (P119:105).
You are my Refuge and my Shield;
(and) Your Word is my only Source
of Hope (v114). Amen and amen!

Lord, even as I Hide Your Word in
my heart, help me Keep From Sin.
Grant me the wisdom to seek You
and to hide your Word in my heart.
Grant me discernment to apply
Your truth to everyday situations.
Grant me the perseverance and
faith to trust Your Word when l am
going thro difficult times. Amen.

Lord, I want to delight in your Word,
to obey it and to commit myself
to walking in the Light it provides.
I praise you that Your Word Lights
the Path at my feet so that I don’t
have to wander in the darkness.
Guide me each day with your
wonderful Word so that I will not
copy the customs of this world
but instead be transformed into
a new person in Christ. Amen.

Lord, how grateful I am that You
are my Refuge and my Shield.
Although my perspective is often
focused on the circumstances
around me, You already know
the outcome of Your plans for
my life. In the midst of difficulties,
Your Word is my Source of Hope.
Help me to Trust in You and gain
an eternal perspective. Amen.

Hearing God In Psalm 107 (Jul 17)

God Helps His People !!

There is plenty to sing about in
Ps 107-110. First comes the song
of the Redeemed (P107), then
a song dedicated to the God of
might & glory (P108) and a song
of lament over the slanderous
attacks of an enemy (Ps 109).
But how can you sing when the
godless are seemingly getting
away with murder? Remember
with the psalmist David that
the Lord is king (Psalm 110).

Lord, You Help Your People:
Some wandered in the desert,
lost & homeless. Hungry & thirsty,
they nearly died. Lord, Help!
they Cried in their trouble and He
Rescued them from their distress…
Let them Praise the Lord for his
great love & for all his wonderful
deeds to them. For He satisfies
the longing soul, & fills the hungry
soul with goodness (Ps 107:4-9).
Whoever is wise will Observe these
things and they will understand
the faithful love of the Lord (v43).

Lord, I will recall all the ways
that You have been faithful and
gracious to me. Remind me when
I forget your wonderful deeds.
Call your work to my attention
and then anchor it in my memory.
I will recall and Cry unto you. And
so Lord, I’m crying out to You for
help. Help me trust that You will
come to my rescue. And I will
Praise U for your great love. Amen

Lord, You take care of your people
and yr workers in amazing ways.
You promise to meet our needs
in the world. And the truth is that
You simply do. It might not be
in the way that we wish, but it
will be done. Help us to Trust
in you and not let the evil one
influence & tell us otherwise. Amen

Lord, help us to Be Wise and
take all this to heart so that we
will Observe in the history of your
people and in our own history
“the faithful love of the Lord”.
Help us lift up our eyes and See
the incredible things you do in
response to our wholehearted
Cries for help. At our wit’s end,
Lord, You glorify yourselves. Amen

Hearing God In Psalm 91 (Jul 15)

God Shields & Protects You

Altho the authors of most of Psalm
90-97 are unknown, the object
of their worship is well known:
the God of eternity (P90),
the God of Protection (P91),
the God of greatness (P92),
the God of majesty (P93),
the God of vengeance (P94),
the God of salvation (P95),
the God of glory (P96) and
the God of holiness (97).

Lord, You Shield & Shelter Us:
He who dwells in the secret place
of the Most High shall abide
under the Shadow of the Almighty.
He shall cover you with His
feathers and under His wings
you shall take refuge. His truth
shall be your Shield…(Ps 91:1-4).
If you make the Lord your refuge,
if you make the Most High your
Shelter, no evil will conquer you…
He will Order His Angels to protect
you wherever you go (Ps 91:9-11).

Lord, thank you that in the midst of
life’s storms, I have Your Protection
when I come and dwell with You.
As a mother bird shelters her
young, You will cover me with
Your wings and Shelter me.
Keep me safe and be a Shield
and Shelter for me, for my life
is in your very hands. Amen.

Lord, thank You that in your
mysterious and powerful ways,
You Send Your Angels around
us to protect Your people in
their journeys through life.
And so I will look to You as my
refuge & shelter so that I’ll live in
freedom in the Spirit and not fear,
no matter what I face. Amen.

Lord, all your promises are true
and your children are held safe
in the palm of Your l very hand.
Thank U for Your strong shadow,
reliable refuge, safety shield and
ministering angels that watch
over us and Protect us wherever
we go even as we abide and trust
in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Praying thro Ruth 3-4 (July 14)

Trusting God During Hard Times!

Set in the context of unrest during
time of Judges & faced with famine,
Ruth a young widow, leaves her
native land to travel with her
mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of
Boaz, who grows to love her and
becomes her kinsman-redeemer.
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Jesus.
With twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
shows God’s love to mankind.

Dear Lord, thank You for working
through willing people like Ruth and
fulfil Your perfect plan in Your time.
Help us O Lord be willing players,
taking steady steps of faith & thus
lead lives of eternal significance.
Help us Lord to learn from Ruth,
Trusting You during hard times;
Trusting You by Waiting & Acting
in Faith when opportunity comes &
Trusting in Your Plan for our lives.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we’ll Wait Upon You and Act
In Faith when opportunity comes:
Naomi said to Ruth: Take a bath,
put on perfume and dress in your
nicest clothes. Then go to the
threshing floor, note where Boaz
lies down; uncover his feet & lie
down there… Around midnight
Boaz woke up and was surprised
to find a woman lying at his feet!
Who are u? he demanded I am
your servant Ruth, she replied.
Spread the corner of yr covering
over me for you are my family
redeemer. Boaz said: I will do
what is necessary for you are an
honourable woman (Ruth 3:3-11)
Lord, we note the advise of
an experienced person can be
invaluable & listening to them can
change our life. And exercising
faith sometimes bring us to the
point, where not acting at all is
worse than acting & risking.Amen.

Lord, we Trust You In Hard Times:
Then Boaz said: On the day you
buy the land from Naomi and Ruth,
you acquire the dead man’s widow
to maintain the name of the dead…
At this, the kinsman-redeemer said:
Then I cannot because I might
endanger my own estate. Buy it
yourself… Then Boaz announced
to the elders and all the people:
Today u are witnesses that I bought
from Naomi and the property of
Elimelech, Kilion and Mahlon. I have
also acquired Ruth, Mahlon’s widow,
as my wife, in order to maintain
the name of the dead (Ruth 4:1-12).
Lord, we learn the story is never
over until it’s over. For what looks
hopeless can be turned around
when You God is at work. So we
trust in You in times of pain and
whenever facing challenges. Amen.

Lord, we will Trust In Your Plan:
Boaz married Ruth. When he
slept with her, the Lord enabled
her to become pregnant and she
gave birth to a son. The women
of the town said to Naomi: Praise
the Lord who has given u a family
redeemer! May this child care for
you in your old age. They named
him Obed. He became the father
of Jesse and the grandfather
of David (Ruth 4:13-17).
Lord, in Ruth we see You At Work behind the scene orchestrating events and working thro willing people towards Your perfect plan.
Altho we cannot know the future,
but we can Trust God who does.
And we know all things will work
together for good according to
Your purpose (Rom 8:28) Amen.

Praying thro Ruth 1-2 (July 13)

Be Faithful with Good Repute

Set in the context of unrest during
time of Judges & faced with famine,
Ruth a young widow, leaves her
native land to travel with her
mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of
Boaz, who grows to love her and
becomes her kinsman-redeemer.
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Jesus.
With twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
shows God’s love to mankind.

Dear Lord, thank you for showing
us You are In Complete Control
in troubled times, working thro
willing people, and you will fulfil
your perfect plan in your time.
Help us learn from Ruth and
purpose to be Faithful and loyal.
Help us aspire Good Reputation
and have kindness towards others.
Help us be Teachable and Patient
to wait upon You. In His name, Amen

Lord, we aspire to Be Faithful:
When the judges ruled there was
famine in the land and a man from
Bethlehem went to live in Moab…
Now Elimelech, Naomi’s husband
died and she was left with two sons.
They married Moabite women, lived
there 10 years and they also died.
When she heard the Lord helping
his pple by providing food, Naomi
& her daughters-in-law set out to
Judah. Then Naomi said: Go back
to your mother’s home… But Ruth
clung to her: Don’t urge me to
leave you…Where you go I will go.
Your people will be my people &
your God my God (Ruth 1:1-16).
Lord, during tough times, it is
so easy to be inward looking and
not be faithful to one another.
We are inspired by the loyalty
of Ruth whose affirming words
greatly encouraged Naomi. We
need your empowering of courage
so that we can be so faithful. Amen.

Lord, we aspire Good Reputation:
Ruth went out to gather grain…
hard at work since this morning…
Boaz said to Ruth: Do not glean in
another field but stay close by my
young women. I’ve commanded
the young men not to touch you…
She said Why have I found favour
in your eyes? Boaz answered;
it has been fully reported to me
all that you have done for your
mother-in-law since the death
of your husband. The Lord repay
your work and a full reward be
given you by the Lord God of
Israel, under whose wings you
have come for refuge (R2:3-12).
Lord, we note that Boaz was
so impressed by Ruth’s loyalty,
kindness and hard work that he
gave her favour and protection.
Grant us grace to build a Good
Reputation of godly character &
kindness towards others. Amen.

Lord,we aspire Teachable Attitude:
Her mother-in-law asked her: So
much. Where did u glean today?
The name of the man I worked
with today is Boaz, she said.
Naomi said: That man is our close
relative; he is one of our kinsman
-redeemers… It will be good for
you my daughter, to go with his
girls because in someone else’s
field you might be harmed.
So Ruth worked alongside the
women in Boaz’s fields and
gathered grain with them until
the end of the harvest (R2:19-23).
Lord, we’ll learn from Ruth and
purpose to listen to counsel of
those who are more experienced.
Grant us also the patience and
willingness to wait for the right
time to act in His name. Amen.

Preview on Ruth (July 13)

Preview on Ruth

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant
and Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through obedient faith.
And for the last three weekends,
we meditated on Judges that God’s
judgment against sin is certain, and
His forgiveness and restoration are
just as certain for those who repent.

Set in the context of unrest during
the time of the Judges, the story of
Ruth is a bright gem of redemption
and hope. Faced with famine and
poverty; Ruth, a young widow,
leaves her native land to travel with
her mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of Boaz,
who becomes her kinsman redeemer
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Messiah Jesus.
With its twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
pictures God’s redeeming love and
His faithful devotion to all mankind.

We’ll cover the book of Rutj over
one weekend in following 2 divisions:
R1-2: Ruth’s Faithfulness Revealed
R3-4: Ruth’s Faithfulness Rewarded
Let’s meditate through Ruth and
see how three people remained
strong in character and true to God
even when the world around them
was collapsing. And strengthen our
faith in the Lord. Amen and amen.

Hearing God In Psalm 81 (Jul 12)

Listen & Follow the Good Lord !!

The psalms of Asaph (Psa 73-83)
conclude with six testimonies to
the greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept His
promises in the past (P78) which
is a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (P79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) and is not
silent (P82-83) when it comes to
overthrowing idols and enemies.

Lord, we will Listen & Follow You:
You Cried to me in trouble, and
I Saved you; I answered out of
the thundercloud and Tested
your faith when there was no
water at Meribah (Psalm 81:7).
The Lord said: Open your mouth wide
and I Will Fill it with good things (v10)
Oh, that my people wd Listen to me!
Oh, that Israel would Follow me,
walking in my path… And with
honey from the rock I would have
satisfied you (Psa 81:13-16). Amen.

Lord, we note the Israelites Accused
You at Meribah for forgetting to
take care of their needs. Likewise
at times I have been so unworthy
to have complained against You.
I may have grumbled about my
circumstances and wondered
whether I’ve forfeited Your favour.
But Lord I am exactly the kind of
person Your mercy was meant for.
As I Cry out to You, won’t You let
me Hear & See Your answers. Amen

Lord, You are the good shepherd and
has promised we shall not be in want.
Forgive me for thinking too small.
And Fill me with hope and faith
for everything You want to give,
whether they be big or small,
looks possible or impossible,
conventional or extraordinary.
For You are the God who gives
and says good things. Amen.

Lord, help us not only wanting to
hear from You but to Listen to You.
Help us not to be skeptical and
passive hearers but willing listeners.
I know You Lord value discernment
but You value trust even much more.
You urge me in Your word to walk
by faith and not by sight. And so
I purpose to commit to Listen intently
and fill me with Your holy boldness
to act on what I hear from You. Amen.

Hearing God In Psalm 73 (Jul 11)

God Is Your Shelter & Strength !!

In Psalms 73 to 77 by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (P73 & P75).
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word will
discover hope in the midst of havoc
(P74) and resources to face every
situation in life victoriously (P76-77).

Lord, U are Our Strength & Shelter:
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I Desire You more than anything
on earth. My health may fail and
my spirit may grow weak, but God
remains the Strength of my heart;
he is mine forever (Ps 73:25-26).
But as for me, how good it is to
Be Near God! I have made the
Sovereign Lord my Shelter, and
I will tell everyone about the
wonderful things you do (v28).

Lord, I want to Experience You
in fresh ways so that I can truly
say that I Desire You more than
anything. You and you alone are
the Strength of my heart. And I
am thankful you are mine forever.
Nothing can separate me from
your love. Open my eyes and
grant me fresh vision to constantly
see Your love for me. Amen.

Lord, You are the Strength of my
heart, and deep inside I know
I can rely on You in any situation.
Although I may face threats to my
health, finance, safety & security
in this world, but that isn’t my life
for You are. O Sovereign Lord,
Be Near Me! Help me to abide in You
and to stay anchored in You. Amen

Lord, by faith I make U my Shelter.
I also accept Your Presence and
receive all other blessings U offer.
Grow my faith to be as big
as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things you do for me.
I love and adore You, for You are
more precious than anything. Amen

Hearing God In Psalm 55 (Jul 10)

God Bears Burdens & Gives Rest

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is reward for the righteous and
God judges in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, we give U Burdens for Rest:
Please listen and answer me, for
I’m overwhelmed by my troubles..
O how I wish I had wings like a
dove; then I would fly away & Rest
(Psa 55:2,6). Evening, morning
and noon I Cry Out in distress,
and He Hears my voice (v17).
Give Your Burdens to the Lord,
and He will Take Care of you (v22)

Lord, like David, I need to bring
my distress to You. Forgive me
for the times I complain to others
but do not bring my troubles
to You, the one who can actually
do something about them. Lord,
do hear my desperate cries and
come to my aid from the burdens
of the cares of this world. Amen.

Lord, I do want my problems
solved and my troubles removed.
But from the crushing weight of
my burdens, I turn my eyes to U.
I entrust my perplexity to You.
Enable me to Find my Rest in You,
to discover a place of security
in your everlasting love. You are
my only rock and only Rest.Amen

Lord Jesus, thank you for Bearing
my Burdens & providing a way for
me to walk in freedom from worry.
Forgive my attempts to do every
-thing myself instead of accepting
your invitation to carry my load.
Teach me how to live so close to
You that I never try to carry my
burdens on my own. Instead I will
Cast my Cares on U Lord. For What
a Friend we Have in Jesus. Amen

Hearing God In Psalm 46 (Jul 9)

Be Still for God Is Your Refuge

The 2nd book of Psalms (P42-72),
is similar to the book of Exodus,
as many of these psalms describe
Israel as ruined & then recovered.
These psalms can help us pray for
rescue, confess our sin & trust God.
Psa 42-49 are attributed to sons
of Korah, who served as singers
and musicians in the temple.

Lord,Thank U for Being My Refuge:
God is our Refuge and Strength,
an Ever-Present Help in times
of trouble. So, we will not fear,
when earthquakes come and
Mountains crumble into the sea;
though waters roar & be troubled,
though the mountains shake…
BE STILL and know that I am God…
I will be exalted in the earth!
The Lord of hosts is with us (and)
God is Our Refuge (Ps46:1-3,10-11)

Lord, Your Word says U are always
Ready To Help in times of trouble.
Forgive me for the times when
I act as though You don’t exist.
Teach me to pull back fr troubles
and instead focus on You. I don’t
have to fear, no matter what I face.
For every moment that I breathe,
You are My Strength. And though
my life may be shaken to its core,
You are still My Refuge. Amen.

Lord, when everything in my life
seems to be on the verge of
crumbling and falling apart,
help me to experience You as
My Firm Foundation. For though
You’re the Mountain Mover, You
also hold creation steady in the
palm of Your hand. Guide me as
I entrust my mountains to U, my
solid, ever faithful Father. Amen.

Lord, my heart may worry for though
You’re on Your throne, but I don’t
know what You are going to do.
Help me Be Still in You, trust You
and give me rest in You. Let me
know You are With me in every
circumstance, no matter how
difficult or even traumatic. And
let me Experience You as a Very
Present Help in trouble. Amen.