Praying thro 1 Sam 9-12 (Jul 27)

God Desires to Be Our King !!

From all outward appearance, Saul’s
selection as the first king of Israel
is an outstanding choice. His kingly
demeanour and imposing presence
make him a promising candidate
from a human perspective. But while
man looks on outward appearance
the Lord looks on the heart. Saul is
anointed by Samuel, installed as king
at Mizpah, proven in battle against
the Ammonites and confirmed as
king at Gilgal. But the fact remains
(as pointed out by Samuel in his
final address to the nation) that God
not Saul should be King over Israel.

Dear Lord, Thank You for lessons
in scripture from the story of Saul.
Thank You for being our Savior and
Master; and we need to be obedient
to You. But sometimes we want to go
our own way rather than follow Yours.
Work in us a heart of obedience so
that we’ll live a life that Pleases You.
Help us to Follow Your Leading.
Help us to Be Willing Vessals. And
Help us to also Pray For Others.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
So (Saul and his servant) entered
the town and as they passed through
the gates, Samuel was coming out
toward them to go up to the place
of worship. Now the Lord had told
Samuel the previous day: About this
time tomorrow I will send you a man
from the land of Benjamin. Anoint him
to be the leader of my people Israel.
He will rescue them from the
Philistines, for I have looked down
on my people in mercy and I have
heard their cry (1 Sam 9:15-16).
Lord, from the story of Saul we see
that You can use common events
to lead us where You want us to be.
Help us to see all situations as
potential divine appointments
designed to shape our lives or
to accomplish Your purposes.
Grant us the grace to be willing
to build up a certain quality in us
or to serve in a new area. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Willing Vessals:
As Saul turned and started to leave,
God changed his heart, and all
Samuel’s signs were fulfilled that day
When Saul and his servant arrived
at Gibeah, they saw the prophets
coming toward them. Then the
Spirit of God came upon Saul,
and he too began to prophesy.
When his friends heard about it,
they exclaimed: What? Is Saul
a prophet? How did the son of Kish
become a prophet? (I Sam 10:9-11).
Lord, thank You for Your goodness
and basing Your Kingdom on grace.
I earn nothing, and yet Jesus
Qualifies me to receive everything.
I need to hear You regardless of
my condition and You know that.
Thank You for leading all Your sheep,
including me by the sound of
Your voice. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we will also Pray For Others:
As for me, far be it from me that I
should sin against the Lord by failing
to pray for you. And I will teach
you the way that is good and right.
But be sure to fear the Lord and
serve Him faithfully with all your
heart; consider what great things
He has done for you (1Sam 12:23-24)
Lord, I pray for each member of
my family and for all my friends
to be blessed with good health,
peace, provision and a greater
knowledge of You and Your Word.
Help me not to be selfish or lazy
in praying; but instead show me
whom to pray for. And help me
not to sin against You by failing
to pray for other people according
to Your Will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Hearing God In Eccles 3 (Jul 26)

God on A Time for Everything

Making sense out of life is not
always easy. This is the problem
facing the preacher as he thinks
his way through what he has seen
and experienced in life. Every thing
he has undertaken from acquiring
wisdom to amassing wealth has
ended in emptiness. In a sudden
burst of emotion the preacher
realises that God does indeed
appoint the Times & purposes of life.

Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under
heaven (Eccl 3:1)… A time to be
quiet and a time to speak (v7).
He has made everything beautiful
in its time. He has also set eternity
in the hearts of men; yet they
cannot fathom what God has done
from beginning to end (Eccl 3:11).

Lord, we recognise that You are
sovereign & do things at Your time
to accomplish Your perfect plan,
including moulding our character.
Pray for grace not to extend the gruelling waiting time. Make me
be honest to recognise inner flaws.
And in Your mercy, remove defects that keep me trapped in self will.
Grant me a character makeover so
that I can represent You well. Amen.

Lord, as human beings, we have a
keen sense of having the right time
in sharing advice or exciting news.
But when it comes to talking to God,
we tend to expect You to answer our
prayers right away or reveal Your Will
soon after we ask. Waiting is the
hardest part and we don’t always
know how to interpret the rhythm of
our conversations. Give me patience
to wait & watch for Your words. Amen

Lord, I realise Your Timing is not
the same as mine. I want all the
answers to my prayers right now.
But You want me to be patient
and wait on You. So I lay down
my concerns before You Lord and
leave the outcome in Your hands.
Help me to rest in the knowledge
that Your timing in really perfect,
just as everything You do is perfect.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In Prov 23 (Jul 25)

God Gives Hope for the Future !!

The final 11 chapters of Proverbs
contains sound counsel for those
in positions of authority. And Prov
22-24 contain wise counsel for
anyone in position of responsibility
including parents and pastors.
Leaders need to know God’s
precepts if they are to direct
their charges into God-honouring
paths of conduct and character.

Lord, U promise Wonderful Future:
Do not let your heart envy sinners
but always be zealous for the fear
of the Lord. There is surely a future
hope for you, and your hope will
not be cut off (Prov 23:17-18).
Be wise and guide your heart in
the way… Buy the truth & do not
sell it; get wisdom, discipline and
understanding (v19 & 23). Amen.

Lord, grant me your light and
revelation that I need. Help me
to see not just my present trouble
but the future You have planned
for me. Flood my heart with
Your light. Your Word assures me
that those who hope in the Lord
will have a wonderful future.
In your mercy let it come to fruition.
And grant me the faith to cling
to your promise even when the
weather of life turns nasty. Amen.

Lord,thank You that U have planned
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of your power and your
faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside your control.
May my hope be firmly grounded
in your unchanging character.
Help me to fully and willingly
submit to your will for my future.
And draw me to seek U earnestly
and to pray wholeheartedly. Amen

Lord, I pray that You grant me
wisdom so that I will have a life
of peace, blessing and happiness.
Give me also wisdom that brings
guidance, protection & confidence.
I pray to have the wisdom that
saves me from evil and enables
me to make right decisions.
Along with that, help me to live
with understanding and discipline
which bring glory to You. Amen.

Hearing God In Prov 16 (Jul 24)

God Directs Your Plans

Backgrounder on Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
 A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace with others,
commit to godliness in motives
and thots, tongue & temper as
 well as plans, paths and pursuits.

Lord, You will Direct our Plans:
Commit to the Lord whatever
 you do, and He will establish
 your plans (Prov 16:3).
He who heeds the word wisely
 will find good, and whoever trusts 
in the Lord, happy is he (v20).
Kind words are like honey, sweet to
the soul & healthy for the body (24)
We may throw the dice but the Lord
determines how they fall (v33).

Lord, You want us to submit our
plans to You for Your approval
before we act. In this way, we show
our love for You & submission to U.
Forgive us that sometimes we make
 plans without consulting You God
 for we simply want our own way. 
I am glad You are so interested in
 my life that I can come and talk to
you whenever I want. Thank U for
helping me set good plans. Amen.

Lord, forgive me for my negativity,
perfectionism and critical words to
others, especially the ones I love.
Grant me kind words of life to
bless those around me. Since
my words are born in my heart,
sweeten my soul with your Spirit.
Soften and expand my heart
to hold Your love for others.
Enable my words to be sweet
 to those around me. Amen.

Lord, we thank you God that You
are always carefully managing
the details of our life. For the Lord
directs the steps of the godly.
 Your purpose always prevails,
even though we’re prone to forget
 that & may make our own plans.
How often we look upon God as
 our last resource. We go to Him
because we have nowhere else
to go. But in your mercy, cause
 us to learn that the storms of life
has driven us, not upon the rock,
but to the desired haven. Amen.

Hearing God In Prov 15 (Jul 23)

A Timely Word from the Lord !!

Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace, justice and
prosperity with others, commit to
godliness, in thots & motives as well
as tongue & temper (Prov 14-17).

Lord, You give Timely Word:
The Lord detest the sacrifice of
the wicked, but the prayer of the
upright Pleases Him (Prov 15:8).
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but
with advisors they Succeed (v22)
A man finds joy in giving
an apt reply – and how good
is a Timely Word ! (v23). Amen.

Father, I am grateful that You see
me as righteous just because
of my relationship with Jesus.
But I know You also want me to
choose to live righteously as well.
Grant that my thoughts, words
and actions will always be pleasing
in Your sight so that my prayers
will be pleasing to Your ears.
And enable me every day to do
what’s right in your sight. Amen.

Lord, give me discernment to
know what advice is godly advice;
then help me make good decision.
I want to be known as a godly
person who knows right from
wrong and can give others solid
godly guidance. And as I mature
and grow older, help me to be
a godly advisor who can offer
wise counsel to others. Amen.

Lord, You are the master of
Timely Words. Impress upon me
the folly of seeing timely words
as mere coincidences. For You are
the Master of my circumstances,
and Your timing is impeccable.
You know my needs of wisdom,
guidance or encouragement.
And You coordinate the things
I hear and see. Help me Lord
recognise Yr voice in them. Amen.

Hearing God In Proverbs 3 (Jul 22)

Trust In the Lord !!

The author of Proverbs clearly
states the purpose of the book:
To know wisdom and instructions
(Prov 1:2-5). God wants His people
to be wise and skilful in making
moral and ethical choices. And
the first nine chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
to a young son – a divine primer
for learning the fear of the Lord.

Lord, You Direct as we Trust You:
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall
Direct Your Paths (Prov 3:5-6).
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord & depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
and Strength to your bones (v7-8)
Honour the Lord with your wealth,
then your Barns Will Be Filled
to overflowing (v9-10). Amen.

Lord, help me to Trust You and
Your ways and not depend on
my own limited understanding
of things. Help me to acknowledge
You in every area of my life.
If I have shut You out of any part
of my life, I ask that You would
reveal this to me so that I can
invite You to reign there. And
Thank You for Your promise of
making my path straight. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the word of
warning that whenever I’m feeling
afraid or discouraged, these
may be symptoms that there
are places in my life where I am
depending on my own strength.
Right now I purpose to trust You
more and choose to lean on You.
And I choose to lean my weakness
on Your Strength each day. Amen.

Lord, You pledge to meet the
needs of your children. Keep us
from being stingy with our time,
talents or treasure. And deepen
our conviction that we can give
ourselves freely; and that You
will Be Faithful To Provide all
that we need out of Your glorious
riches in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Praying thro 1 Samuel 4-8 (Jul 21)

God Desires to Be Our All in All !!

When faith in God wavers, faith
in man-made objects increases.
So, the people of Israel carry the
ark of the covenant into battle,
confident that its presence will
ensure victory over the Philistines.
Instead, they suffer a shattering
defeat in which 30,000 lives are lost
& the ark of the covenant is captured
Upon hearing the news, Eli falls
backward and breaks his neck.
And it remains for Samuel to assume
the reins of leadership and guide
the people back to repentance.

Dear Lord, You are almighty and in
control to execute Your perfect plan;
and You desire our Devotion to You.
Having learn from the experience
of the Israelites in Your Word to us,
we purpose to Turn To You for Needs.
We will Rely On You for deliverance
and have no other gods before You.
And we need to Follow Your Will,
for nothing can substitute Your
rule in our heart and life. Amen.

Lord, we Turn To You for Needs:
After the Philistines captured the
Ark of God, they took it from the
battleground at Ebenezer to the
town of Ashdod. They carried the
Ark of God into the temple of Dagon
& placed it beside an idol of Dagon.
But when the citizens of Ashdod
went to see it in the morning, Dagon
had fallen with the face to the ground
in front of the Ark of the Lord!
So they took Dagon and put it
in his place again (1 Sam 5:1-3).
Lord, sometimes we fool ourselves
into thinking that You God can
coexist among our idols. Forgive us
to thinking that Your holiness can
be compartmentalised; and that
Your hands can be tied so as not to
interfere with the things which we’ve
decided we must have to be happy.
Help us to turn away from whatever
we are looking to for significance,
security or pleasure & turn instead
to You to meet our needs. Amen.

Lord, we aspire to Rely On You:
The Ark remained in Kirathjearin
for 20 yrs. During that time Israel
mourned as it seemed the Lord
abandoned them. Then Samuel
said: If you want to return to the
Lord, get rid of your foreign gods…
Just as Samuel was sacrificing
the burnt offering, the Philistines
arrived for battle. The Lord spoke
with a mighty voice of thunder and
the Philistines were thrown into
such confusion that the Israelites
defeated them (1 Sam 7:1-10).
Lord, just as You answered and
moved on behalf of the Israelites,
You move and work on behalf of
Your people today. You are a God
who hears & answers. And we Seek
Your Help in our challenges. Amen.

Lord, we need to Follow Your Will:
But Samuel’s sons did not walk in
his ways; they… took bribes and
perverted justice. Then all the elders
of Israel came to Samuel and said:
Look, you are old and your sons do
not walk in your ways. Now make us
a king to judge us like all the nations..
And the Lord said to Samuel: the
people… have not rejected you but
they have rejected Me, that I should
not reign over them (1 Sam 8:3-7).
Lord, thank You for the times I prayed
for something and You did not give
it to me because it would not have
been good. Help me O Holy Spirit
to pray according to Your Will.
Speak to me as I read Your Word
so that I can grow in understanding.
And enable me to pray in alignment
with what really pleases You. Amen.

Praying thro 1 Samuel 1-3 (Jul 20)

God Desires Our Devotion to Him

Israel has been ruled by judges
for over 200 yrs. Eli and Samuel
are the last of those judges.
Samuel grows up in the tabernacle
as a priest-in-training under Eli
and is well qualified to serve
Israel as both a priest and a judge.
Although the nation had fallen
away from God, it is clear that
He is preparing Samuel to lead
the nation back to right living.

Dear Lord, You are almighty and in
control to execute Your perfect plan;
and You Lord desire our Devotion
to You of our mind and our heart.
Having learn from the experience
of Hannah, priest Eli and Samuel;
we want to Pray Earnestly in faith,
we purpose to Honour You and
we aspire to have a Listening Heart.
For nothing can substitute Your
rule in our heart and life. Amen.

Lord, we will pray Ernestly In Faith:
Hannah was in deep anguish,
crying bitterly as she prayed to
the Lord. And she made this vow:
O Lord, if You will look upon my
sorrow and answer my prayer and
give me a son, then I will give him
back to You. He will be Yours for
his entire lifetime… When Elkanah
slept with Hannah, the Lord
remembered her plea and in due
time she gave birth to a son. She
named him Samuel, for she asked
the Lord for him (1 Sam 1:10-19).
Lord, Hannah so desperately
wanted a child that she was
willing to strike a bargain with You.
Although we are not in a position
to barter, You may well choose
to answer a prayer that has an
attached promise. Help us to
remember to keep our promises
when You keep Yours. Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Honour You:
One day a prophet came to Eli and
gave this message from the Lord:…
I chose your ancestor Aaron… to
be My priest, to offer sacrifices on
my altar… So why do you scorn my
sacrifices and offerings? Why do
u honour your sons more than me…
I had promised that your branch
of the tribe of Levi would always be
My priests. But I will Honour only
Those who Honour me, and I will
despise those who despise me.
I will put an end to your family,
so it will no longer serve as
my priests (1 Samuel 2:25-30).
Lord, You meet the needs of those
who treat You with reverence.
Forgive me for the times when
I fail to honour You. You are the
majestic king of the universe –
high and lifted up. As I trust in You
and honour You, grant that You
fill my life with good things. Amen.

Lord, we aspire a Listening Heart:
One night, Samuel was sleeping
in the Tabernacle. Suddenly the
Lord called out: Samuel ! Yes?
Samuel replied: What is it? He
got up and ran to Eli: Here I am…
Eli realised it was the Lord who was
calling the boy. So he said to Sam
If someone calls again, say: Yes
Lord, Your servant is listening…
And the Lord came and called
as before: Samuel ! Samuel !
And Samuel replied: Yes, Your
servant is listening (1Sam 3:1-10).
Lord, listening and responding are
vital in the relationship with You.
Quieten my heart so that I can
hear You. Remove any distractions
that will keep me from being open
and attentive to what Your Spirit
is impressing on my heart. Lord,
Make me ready to Listen to You and
willing to answer obediently. Amen.

Preview On 1 Samuel

Preview On 1 Samuel (July 20)

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
types of writings, we meditate it
chronologically to get better flow.
We start with Genesis on God’s
Plan for creation, then meditated
Job on the Sovereignty of God;
Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience
before Mark on Jesus the Servant.
Then Joshua on enjoying God’s
blessing through Obedient Faith,
Judges that God judges against sin,
just as He restores those who repent
& Ruth on faithfulness & redemption

Following the destructive period of
the judges, Samuel – prophet & king-
maker is called by God to rebuild
Israel spiritually and politically.
In time he anoints Saul as Israel’s
first king. But Saul soon proves
unable to rule even his own heart.
Because Saul lacks a heart for God,
he is rejected by God.Samuel anoints
the young David to take Saul’s place,
which causes fierce rivalry resulting
in David’s flight into the wilderness
to escape the jealous king. The book
ends with Saul’s death – clearing
the way for David’s glorious reign.

We’ll cover the book of 1Samuel over
4 weekends in following 8 divisions:
S1-3: Samuel’s Call
S4-8: Israel’s Defeat
S9-12: Saul’s Selection
S13-15: Saul’s Rejection
S16-19: David in the Court
S20-23: David on the Run
S24-26: David’s Mercy
S27-31: Saul’s Downfall
Let’s meditate through 1 Samuel
and see that establishing monarchy
did not solve Israel’s problems.
God desires the devotion of each
person’s mind and heart to Him.
And nothing can substitute the rule
of God in our heart and life. Amen.

Hearing God In Psalm 139 (Jul 19)

Father God Knows & Cares For You!

Ps 135-139 are about Praising God.
Sometimes it’s easy to praise the
Lord simply by recalling the past
(P135-136); at other times, past
memories produce more pain than
praise (P137). But even times of
trouble can be cause of praise
(P138) as you think about the
infinite Knowledge & unceasing
Presence of yr mighty God (P139)

Lord, Praise Your Constant Care:
You discern my going out and
my lying down; You Are Familiar
with all my ways (Psalm 139:3).
Where can I free from Yr Presence?
If I go to the heavens, U are there;
If I settle on the far side of the
sea, even there Your hand will
guide and hold me fast (v7-10).
Every day of my life was recorded.
Every moment was Laid Out before
a day had passed. How precious
are Your Thoughts (v16-17) Amen.

Lord, praise You for Knowing me
so well. You monitor my movements
and my thoughts. I want to rest
in the truth that I am always on
your mind. You promise to guide
my steps into places of peace.
Thank you Lord for the comfort
of knowing I am so well known by
U and thoroughly cared for. Amen

Lord, praise You for Your Omni-
presence and good plans for me.
You promise in Your word that I can
never get away from Your presence.
Wherever You take me, Your hand
will guide me, and Your strength
will support me. Guide me and
support me with Your strength
each day of my life. For apart
from You I can do nothing. Amen.

Lord, U created me for a purpose
& has prepared a Good Plan for me.
For You Charted the path ahead
of me and laid out every moment.
Help me to take comfort in this
knowledge of Your concern for
me and constant care of me.
Help me to fully understand and
appreciate the depth of Your love.
And Help me not to fear because
You are with me, before me, behind
me and surrounding me. Amen.