Hearing God In Jer 50 (Aug 16)

God Desires to Give You Freedom

Babylon the last and greatest enemy
of Judah will suffer the same fate
as the rest of Judah’s ungodly
neighbours. Jeremiah concludes
his prophecy with a note of hope.
Though Jerusalem has fallen, her
king Jehoiachin, is shown kindness
in Babylon. In the restoration
of this covenant-breaking king,
Jeremiah pictures the future
restoration of covenant-breaking
Judah by her covenant-keeping God.

Lord, we Seek Your Deliverance:
The Lord spoke by Jeremiah the
prophet: Babylon is taken, out of the
north,a nation comes up against her.
Then the people of Israel & Judah
will join together… seeking the Lord
their God. They will ask the way
to Jerusalem and will start back
home again. They will bind
themselves to the Lord with an
eternal covenant that will never
again be broken (Jer 50:1-5). The
children of Israel were oppressed,
along with the children of Judah…
Their Redeemer Is Strong… He Will
thoroughly Plead their case (v33-34)

Lord, our life is full of brokenness:
broken relationships, broken
promises, broken expectations.
Help us to live with that brokenness
without becoming bitter & resentful.
In season of trial, draw us Lord
to Your presence so that we will
not be consumed by our struggle.
Let us know there is an end before
experiencing the deliverance. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the gift
of freedom You bought for me
on the cross. Thank You that in
Christ I no longer walk as a slave.
Guard my steps and thoughts
from places that will snare me.
Realise we never find freedom
from bondage in independence but
find it by binding ourselves to You.
Help me do that & use me to help
others in Your freedom. Amen.

Father God, thank You for loving
us and for caring for our welfare.
Praise You that U our Redeemer is
strong, Lord Almighty is Your name
& You made the earth by Your power.
In our challenges, we come to You,
bind to You and ask of You, for we
know that You will hear our case.
When oceans rise & thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are King over the flood
I will be still, know U are God. Amen.

Hearing God In Jer 33 (Aug 15)

God Gives You Ready Access

God pledges to reestablish Judah
after it has been purified by the
discipline of exile. As a sign of His
promise, He orders Jeremiah to
buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, we want to Hear from You:
The word of the Lord came to
Jeremiah while he was still shut
up in the court of the prison saying:
Thus says the Lord: the Lord who
made the earth and established it…
Call to Me, and I Will Answer you,
and show you great and mighty
things which you do not know
(Jeremiah 33:1-3). Amen.

Lord, we may find it challenging
to listen to those we interact with
because we may be self centred.
But we want to consult You God
and hear your voice because You
are not a cruel task master & want
to share great and mighty things.
Lord, I confess not being a good
listener and tend not wait to hear
what You have to say. Teach me
to hear your voice and grant me
the faith to trust and obey. Amen.

Lord, I want to hear from You with
a reasonable level of certainty.
I am asking You to speak in a way
that I can understand You clearly.
I know I may make mistakes
and sometimes mishear You.
But trust You will gently correct
me for I need to know Your voice.
I realise to hear You consistently
will require faith and patience. So
help me ask with expectation and
wait patiently for Your voice. Amen

Lord, we love to hear secret truths
that the world doesn’t know about.
It may be some Bible verses which
Your Spirit enables us to understand
in a way we have never grasped.
Or it may be seeing deep into
a friend’s heart in a way we have
never seen that person before.
Or it may be revelation over the
reason things happen to us and
we’ve never yet come to terms. Lord,
grant insights which will enhance
my understanding & love of U. Amen


Hearing God In Jer 32 (Aug 14)

God Bigger Than Your Problems

God pledges to reestablish the
nation after it has been purified
by the discipline of exile. As a sign
of His promise, He orders Jeremiah
to buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, You are Almighty & Good:
I prayed to the Lord saying; Ah Lord                                                       God! Behold You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great                                                  power & outstretched arm. There is                                                                 nothing too hard for U (Jer32:16-17)
Then the word of the Lord came
to Jeremiah saying: Behold, I’m the
Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there
anything too hard for Me (v26-27)
They will be My people and I will be their God. And I will give them
one heart and one purpose: to
worship me forever… (And) I will
never stop doing good for them
(Jer 32:38-40). Amen and amen.

Lord, thank You that nothing
in my life is beyond your reach.
Nothing is too large or difficult
for Your powerful hand at all.
Help me to remember that
You display Your power best in
impossible situations. Give me
greater understanding of who
You are so that my trust in You
will grow and be complete. Amen.

Lord, when my faith is shaky,
Remind me of Your Almighty power.
Give me a fresh glimpse of who
You really are. You made heavens
and the earth and You made us.
Nothing is impossible with You.
Increase my faith. Supply the
confidence I need to believe fully
in this promise, especially when
I’m facing hopeless situation. Amen

Lord, You are truly great, good
and always concern of our welfare;
and I purpose to always worship
You and move people towards You.
When things are going well in my
life, remind me not to accept praise
without giving You the glory or
at least point people toward You.
And when time is hard, remind me
that You God will make everything
beautiful in its own time. Amen.


Hearing God In Jer 29 (Mar 13)

God Has Good Plans For You !!

Jeremiah’s messages of judgment
arouse opposition in the palace.
During Jehoiakim’s reign, Jeremiah
is threatened with a death sentence.
While Zedekiah rules, Jeremiah dons
a wooden yoke to portray Jerusalem
surrendering to Babylon. In midst of
turmoil, Jeremiah sends the exiles
in Babylon an encouraging letter.

Lord, You have Good Plans For Us:
After 70 years are completed at
Babylon, I will visit you & perform
My Good Word toward you and
cause you to return to this place.
For I know the Plans I have for
you, declares the Lord, Plans to
prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope & a future.
Then you Will Call upon me and
come and Pray to me, and I will
listen to you. And you Will Seek Me
and Find Me, when u Search for Me
with all your heart (Jer 29:10-13).

Lord, we note despite the depth
of Judah’s faithlessness, so great
is Your love that You Promised
to bring Your people home again.
Thank You Lord for Your Plans,
though I may not fully understand.
You promise that when I pray,
You will listen. Help me persevere
in seeking You. For in seeking You,
I know that I will find You. Amen.

Lord, thank you that Your plans
for me are for good to prosper me
and give me a Future and a Hope.
Lord, I realise that Your good plan
requires our participative prayer.
I seek You about my future and Ask
You to help me to hear Your voice
leading me each step of the way.
Help me Obey You and not do any
thing that hinder Your plan. Amen.

Lord, thank You for planning
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of Your Power and Your
Faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside Your Control.
Help me to willingly submit to Your
will for my future. Draw me to look
for You and to pray wholeheartedly.
And grant that my hope be grounded
in your Unchanging Character. Amen

Hearing God In Jeremiah 1 (Aug 12)

God Gives You A Life Message

For centuries prophets had come
to God’s people with the ultimatum:
Shape up or God will ship you out
in judgment. But their message
fell on deaf ears and stony hearts.
At last it is time for God to show
His words are no idle threat.
He selects a messenger – Jeremiah,
the tenderhearted son of a priest
of Anathoth to announce that
Judah’s condition is terminal.
For their idolatry and indifference,
the people will reel in judgment
at the hands of the Babylonians.

Lord, we’ll Share Our Life Message:
The Lord gave me this message…
Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you, before you were
born I Set You Apart (Jer 1:4-5).
The Lord replied: Don’t say, I am
too young, for you must go where
ever I send you and say whatever
I Tell you. And don’t be afraid of
the people, for I will be with you
and will protect you. I the Lord
have spoken! (v7-8). The Lord
reached out & touched my mouth
and said: Look, I have Put My
Words in your mouth! (v9) Amen.

Lord, speak to my thoughts and
let me know which ones are Yours.
Help me Lord to discern the deep
impulses of my heart that comes
from You and to believe in them.
Thank You Lord for knowing me
completely before I was even born.
Honoured to be chosen by You
the Almighty God and Set Apart for
a special task. Show me and make
clear the tasks U have for me. Amen.

Lord, I don’t want to make excuses
for not doing Your will. But I feel
inadequate to do the things You are
calling me to do, including prayer.
Yet I don’t want fear to keep me
from doing it. I accept the exciting
though challenging opportunity.
I have to depend on You to do them
thro me; for after all You are the
author of all good things. Amen.

Lord, grateful & humbled as a sinner
that You have reserved a special task
including a message for me to share.
Thank You that I am sufficient to
the task because You will equip me.
Reveal to me Lord where and with
whom I am called to serve You.
Put Your Words in my mouth so that
I can pray by the power of Your Spirit.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Praying thro 1 Sam 27-31 (Aug 11)

Seek God’s Guidance, Way & Time

After months of running for his life,
David concludes that leaving Israel
entirely is the only way to escape
Saul’s relentless pursuit. Convincing
the Philistines he is a true defector,
David is given the city of Ziglag as
his base of operations. But instead
of aiding the enemy, David and his
army methodically destroy Philistine
strongholds. Meanwhile, Saul’s
attempts to counter the Philistine
threat finally lead him to consult
a medium. Instead of the promise
of victory, Saul hears predictions
of death and defeat – forecasts
which come true the next day.

Dear Lord, from the experience of
David & Saul, we learn not to take
matters over into our own hands.
David quickly killed Goliath but
waited patiently for God to deal with
Saul. Although David was anointed
to be Israel’s next king, he had to
wait for years to realise this promise.
For the difficult circumstances in
life and the times of waiting often
refine, teach and prepare us for the
future responsibilities God has for us
Help us to Wait For Your Timing;
Help us to Seek Your Guidance;
Help us to Obey Your Way. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait For Your Timing:
When Saul saw the Philistine army,
he trembled greatly. When Saul
inquired of the Lord, the Lord didn’t
answer him. Then Saul said to the
servants: Find me a medium that
I may inquire of her. Now Samuel
said to Saul: The Lord has torn the
kingdom out of yr hand & given it
to David; because you did not obey
the voice of the Lord nor execute
His fierce wrath upon Amalek.
Moreover the Lord will also
deliver Israel with you into the
hand of the Philistines (28:5-18).
Lord, thank U for hearing prayers.
Grant me patience to wait for the
answers and in Your perfect timing.
Give me peace to accept Yr answer,
even if it is no. Help me never take
matters into my own hands to try
& make things to happen that is not
Your will. For I trust You know what
is best for me at all times. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Guidance:
David was now in great danger
because all his men were very bitter
about losing their sons & daughters
& they began to talk of stoning him.
But David found strength in the Lord
his God. Then he said to Abiathar
the priest: Bring me the ephod!…
Then David asked the Lord: Should
I chase after this band of raiders?
And the Lord told him: Yes, go after
them. You will surely recover every-
thing taken from you (1 Sam 30:6-8)
Lord, my strength is limited but
Your strength is endless. Fill me,
empower me and enable me to do
all that You have called me to do.
And let me never be presumptuous
about Your Will or Your methods.
I am depending on fresh guidance
in every situation of my life. Amen.

Lord, we will Obey Your Way:
The Philistines attacked Israel
and the men of Israel fled before
them. Many were slaughtered
on the slopes of Mount Gilboa.
The Philistines closed in on Saul
and his sons and they killed three
of his sons. The fighting grew
very fierce around Saul and the
Philistine archers caught up with
him and wounded him severely.
Saul groaned to his armor bearer:
Take your sword and kill me
before these pagan Philistines
come to taunt and torture me.
But his armor bearer was afraid
and would not do it, So Saul took
his own sword & fell on it (31:1-4)
Lord, we will guard against the
spirit of individualism and doing
things “My Way”. Instead we will
aspire for obedience to You God
and doing things Your way. Amen.

Praying thro 1 Sam 24-26 (Aug 10)

God’s Mercy Through His People

After a brief delay to deal with
a Philistine threat, Saul resumes
persuit of David and unknowingly
traps David and his men in a cave.
Then miraculously, the tables are
turned as David stands poised over
King Saul with the power of life and
death in his hand. And although
vengeance is within his reach,
David refuses to end the life of
God’s anointed. Again the scene
is repeated in the wilderness of Ziph.
Once again the source of David’s
anxiety is only a sword’s thrust away.
And once again David resists the
temptation to assume God’s role by
ending the life of Saul prematurely.

Dear Lord, from the experience
of David & Saul, we learn not take
matters over into our own hands,
but instead to dispense mercy.
Help us be willing to Do Right;
rather than taking easy way out
or giving in to group pressure.
Help us duly Respect Leaders as
as God has given them authority.
Help us guard against doing things
“My Way” but to Listen To Advice.
For God is both just and faithful;
You see all that is happening and
we trust You care for us. Amen.

Lord, we aspire to Do What’s Right:
After Saul had left the cave, David
came out and shouted to Saul: The
Lord placed you at my mercy back
there in the cave. Some of my men
told me to kill you but I spared you.
For I said: I will never harm the
king – he is the Lord’s anointed one.
Look at what I have in my hand.
It is a piece of the hem of your robe!
I cut it off but I didn’t kill you. This
proves that I am not trying to harm u..
even though you have been hunting
for me to kill me (1 Sam 24:7-11).
Lord, we realise the means we use
to accomplish a goal are important
as the goal we are trying to achieve.
Help me not compromise Your moral
standards by giving in to group
pressure or taking the easy way out.
Help me to be willing to do right
and not what seems to be right.
Help me being in tune with You God
so that I know the difference. Amen.

Lord, we will Listen to Advice:
So David’s young men returned
and told him what Nabel had said.
Get your swords! was David’s reply…
Abigail wasted no time. She quickly
gathered 200 loaves of bread…two
wine-skins full of wine, 5 sheep..100
clusters of raisins & 200 fig cakes…
When Abigail saw David, she quickly
bowed & said: I accept all blame, my
lord… Nabel is an ill-tempered man;
please don’t pay attention to him. He
is a fool just as his name suggests…
David replied: Praise the Lord…
who has sent you to meet me. Thank
God for your good sense. Bless you
for keeping me from carrying out
vengeance (1 Sam 25:12-33).
Lord, thank You for the lesson of
not taking vengeance in our hands.
Help us always to be careful to
listen to what others have to say no
matter how right we think we are.
For the extra time and effort can
save us much pain & trouble. Amen.

Lord, we will Respect our leaders:
David took the spear and jug of
water that were near Saul’s head.
Then he and Abishai got away…
David climbed the hill opposite
the camp until he was at a safe
distance. Then he shouted down
to the soldiers and to Abner:
Wake up Abner!… Why haven’t
you guarded your master the king
when someone came to kill him?
You failed to protect your master,
the Lord’s anointed! Look around!
Where are the king’s spear and
the jug of water that were beside
his head? (1 Sam 26:12-16).
Lord, we learn from Rom 13:1-7
that God placed leaders in power.
Help us be like David in respecting
the positions and roles of those
to whom God has given authority.
Remind us not to hurt those who
are against us just because we have
the opportunity to do so. Amen.

Hearing God In Isaiah 58 (Aug 9)

God Desires Us to Be A Blessing

As Isaiah looks at his contemporary
situation, there’s little to commend it.
Empty ritual, meaningless fasts and
broken fellowship mark the spiritual
life of the nation. But Isaiah catches
a glimpse of the Glorious Future
awaiting the people of God. A day
is coming when darkness will be
swept away, affliction will cease and
the glad tidings of salvation shall
be proclaimed throughout Zion.
God has not forsaken His people
& groaning has given way to glory.

Lord, we aspire to Be A Blessing:
Is not this the kind of fasting I have
chosen: to loose the chains of
injustice… to set the oppressed free
and to break every yoke (Isa 58:6).
Share your food with the hungry…
and do not hide from relatives who
need your help. Your salvation will
come like the dawn… Your godliness
will lead you forward… When you
call, the Lord will answer: Yes I am
here, He will quickly reply (v7-9).
If I spend myself… (to) satisfy
the needs of the oppressed, then
my light will rise in the darkness…
Then You will satisfy my needs…
Then I will be like a well-watered
garden, like a spring whose water
never fail (Isa 58:10-11). Amen.

Lord, help me to be disciplined
enough to fast and pray as You
would have me to. For I need
to deny the desires of my flesh
in order to focus on my desire for
more of You. For I want to break
every yoke of oppression in my life
and the lives of others so that we
will see great breakthroughs. Amen.

Lord, I am busy looking for direction
that seems relevant that I miss Your
pointing me to the needs of others.
Lift my eyes to see opportunities
to reflect Your heart. I desperately
long for salvation to come like dawn;
for I have needs to be resolved.
Hear me Lord when I call; for Your
words mean much to me. Let my
responses to You & Your responses
to me, be quick and decisive. Amen.

Lord, Your Word promises that
when we give myself away in Your
cause, we will then find renewal.
Yet I often try to preserve time,
my resources and my energy
rather than being spent for others.
Help me choose generosity & help
me choose to be spent for others.
For when we seek God’s kingdom,
and His righteousness, all these
things will be added to us. Amen.

Hearing God In Isaiah 55 (Aug 8)

God’s Word Not Return Void

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible
price of your redemption than in
these six chapters. Many verses
show the anquish our Savior,
as suffering servant, endured
in paying the awful price of sin.

Lord, Your Ways Be Accomplished:
My thoughts are not your thoughts,
nor are your ways My ways, says
the Lord. For as the heavens
are higher than the earth, so are
My Ways Higher than your ways,
& My thoughts than your thoughts.
As the rain come down from heaven
and do not return to it without
watering the earth and making it
bud and flourish… so is My word
that goes out from My mouth:
it will not return to me empty,
but Will Accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for
which I sent it (Isa 55:8-11). Amen.

Lord, we realise Your plan may
seems crazy, for You sometimes
use foolish things to accomplish
Your purposes. For Your thoughts
are not our thoughts, neither are
our ways Your ways. When things
don’t make sense prompt us O
Holy Spirit to ask You for wisdom
to discern what You are doing.
For I will be a fool if I didn’t Take
You at Your Word & Trust U. Amen.

Lord, I praise You that Your words
do not come back empty, that
they do the work You sent them
to do & accomplish Your purpose.
Grant me to be hungry enough to
Feed on Your Word each day. And
grant me to Value Your Word more
than silver, gold or anything that this
world offers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, grateful Your Word always
accomplishes the purpose for which
You sent it. Enable me to secure
the power in Your Word by planting
so firmly in my heart that it guides
everything I do. And help me use
Your Word in my prayers so that
it becomes a powerful weapon
against which the enemy cannot
prevail. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Hearing God In Isaiah 46 (Aug 7)

God Cares For You !!

In amazing collection of specific
prophecies (44-48) Isaiah foretells
the agent of comfort God will
use in delivering His people
(Cyrus, king of Persia) and the
means of comfort God will employ
(destruction of adulterous Babylon).
Isaiah taunts those who would
put their trust in mere images of
stone and wood. And God declares
I am God & there is none like me.

Lord, You Will Sustain Us:
Listen to me, all you who are left
in Israel. I created you and have
Cared for you since you’re born.
Even to your old age & grey hairs
I am He who will Sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry
you; I will Sustain you and I will
rescue you (Isaiah 46:3-4).
I am God and there is no other;
I am God and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the
beginning… what is still to come.
I say: My Purpose Will Stand, and
I Will Do all that I please (v9-10).

Lord, You will always be with me.
No matter what the circumstance,
Your Word gives the assurance
that You will be near. I cannot flee
from Your presence,not even
if I want to. You are my maker
and caretaker, the one who
will save and sustain me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, help me to realise that You
are everlastingly my Father. And
that you know me intimately and
every moment of my entire lifetime.
Help me to rely on You through
every season of my life and to
rest in the knowledge that even
when I am old, You will still be
tenderly caring for me. Amen.

Lord, thank you for being In Control
of the whole world, including
my life. You alone know the future
and can orchestrate the events
of life. Keep me from foolishly
believing that I can plan out my life.
Give me instead the grace to trust
that You know what’s best and
that You will work for my good
and for Your glory. Amen.