Adoring God In Psalm hi 91 (May 21)

God Will Take Care of You

Rev Stillman Martin had been invited
in 1904 to preach at a New York City
church a few hours away from home.
But his wife became ill that Sunday
morning, and he was about to
cancel his speaking engagement.
Then his young son spoke up:
Father, don’t you think that if God
wants you to preach today, He will
take care of mother while you are
away? Martin made the trip, and
when he returned home later that
day he found that his wife Civilla
had written this hymn in his absence
inspired by Psalm 91:1-2. That
evening he composed the music.

Lord, we will put Trust In You:
Those who live in the shelter
of the Most High will find rest
in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my
place of safety; he is my God,
and I trust him (Psa 91:1-2).
He shall cover you with His
feathers and under His wings
you shall take refuge. His truth
shall be your Shield…(Ps 91:4).
If you make the Lord your refuge,
if you make the Most High your
Shelter, no evil will conquer you…
He will Order His Angels to protect
you wherever you go (v9-11) Amen.

Lord, Thank You that in the midst of
life’s storms, I have Your Protection
when I come and dwell with You.
In facing stormy situation, You are
greater than any worry I may have.
As a mother bird shelters her
young, You will cover me with
Your wings and Shelter me.
Keep me safe and be a Shield
and Shelter for me, for my life
is in Your very hands. Amen.

Lord, Thank You that in Your mysterious and powerful ways You Send Your Angels around us to protect Your people  in their journeys through life And so I look to You as my refuge and shelter so that I will live in  freedom of the Spirit and not fear, no matter what happens. Amen.

Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you; Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you… All you may need He will provide, God will take care of you; No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you… God will take care of you, Thru every day, o’er all the way; He will take care of you, God will take care of you. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 90 (May 20)

The Lord Our Dwelling Place

Though the author of most of
Psalms 90-97 are unknown,
the Object of their worship is well
known: the God of eternity (Ps 90),
the God of protection (Ps 91),
the God of greatness (Ps 92),
the God of majesty (Ps 93),
the God of vengeance (Ps 94),
the God of salvation (Ps 95),
the God of glory (Ps 96) and
the God of holiness (Ps 97).

Lord, You are our Dwelling Place:
Lord, You have been our
dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were created,
or ever You had formed the earth…
Even from everlasting to everlasting
You are God (Psalm 90:1-2).
Return O Lord! How long? And
have compassion on Your servants.
Satisfy us… with Your unfailing
love, so we may so sing for joy
to the end of our lives (v13-14).
Let Yr work appear to Yr servants…
Let the beauty of the Lord our God
be upon us, and establish the work
of our hands for us; Yes establish
the work of our hands (v16-17).

Lord, You are our dwelling place;
You created all things, created us and rule over all beings for all times.
And I remember the times that You
had healed, rescued and guided me.
Thanks for placing me in ministries;
and I pray that those who look to me
for guidance will be drawn to You.
Help me Lord to choose to serve
You and no other; for You’re worthy.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Thanks for Your promise
of unfailing love. Impress on
my heart a deeper awareness
of Your love and care for me.
Give me eyes to see all the ways
You express love to me each day.
Forgive me for seeking satisfaction
in material things and in work.
And I pray that You Lord will
become my greatest source
of satisfaction and joy. Amen.

Almighty God, I pray You would
bless my work and establish it.
I commit all my ministries so that
they may be used for Your glory.
Give me strength to accomplish
what I must do each day, and
the wisdom & ability to do it well.
Take charge Lord of the details
so that it will find favour with
others and be successful. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Psalm 73

God My Strength & Shelter                    (Precious Lord Take My Hand)

The modern hymn Precious Lord
Take My Hand was written by black
American Thomas Dorsey, who
started the Gospel genré and is his
greatest composition of 400 songs.
Thomas Dorsey had religion and
music in his blood; born 1899, the
son of a minister & a piano teacher.
He became a professional musician
in 1924 & the following year took up
the post of Musical Director at the
Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago.
In August 1932, his wife died during
childbirth and his newborn son died
the following day. Dorsey’s faith took
a severe blow: “I felt God had done
me injustice. I don’t want to serve
Him or write gospel songs. I just
want to go back to the jazz world.”
In the midst of despair, a friend
visited him and left him alone with
a piano. “I found myself playing
a melody and words just fall into
place,” likely inspired by Psalm 73.

Lord, You’re My Strength & Shelter:
I am continually with You; You hold
me by my right hand. You will guide
me with Your counsel, and (then)
receive me to glory (Ps 73:23-24)
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I desire You more than anything
on earth. My health may fail and
my spirit may grow weak, but God
remains the Strength of My Heart;
He is mine forever (Ps 73:25-26).
But as for me, how good it is to
Be Near God! I have made the
Sovereign Lord my Shelter, and
I will tell everyone about the
wonderful things You do (v28).

Lord, You are the Strength of
my heart, and deep inside I know
I can rely on You in any situation.
Although I may face threats to
health, finance, safety & security
in this world, but that isn’t my life
for You are. O Sovereign Lord,
Be Near Me! Help me abide in You
and to stay anchored in You. Amen.

Lord,by faith I make You my Shelter.
I also accept Your Presence and
receive all the blessings You offer.
Grow my faith Lord to be as big
as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things You do for me.
I love and adore You, for You are
more precious than anything. Amen

Father, You are with me and are
Holding My Hand. I don’t always feel
it but I depend on Your presence.
Remind me Your eyes are on me and
that You are working on my behalf…
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, thru the night
Lead me on to the light
Take My Hand, Precious Lord
Lead me home… Amen & amen.

Reflection on Psalm Book Three

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Psalms Book Three mainly written
by Asaph and his descendants
is similar to the book of Leviticus.
Just as Leviticus discusses the
tabernacle and God’s holiness,
many of these psalms discuss the
temple and God’s enthronement.
Because God is almighty, we
can turn to Him for deliverance.
These psalms praise God because
He is holy, and His perfect holiness
deserve our worship & reverence.

On Monday, we learn from Ps 73
that God Is My Strength & Shelter.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ps 77
that Mighty God Performs Miracles.
On Wed, we learn from Ps 79-81
that God Will Come and Save You.
On Thursday we learn from Ps 84
that God Blesses & Satisfies Us.
On Friday, we learn from Psalm 86
that Lord I Need Thee Every Hour.
On Saturday, we learn from Ps 89
that God Offers His Faithfulness.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are our Strength & Shelter
and You offer Your faithfulness;
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Bless and Satisfy us, and
that we Need Thee Every Hour;
For You as Mighty God perform miracles and You come to save us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 89 (May 18)

God Offers His Faithfulness

Psalms 84-89 are petitions to God:
satisfy us again (Ps 84), revive us
again (Ps 85), hear us again (Ps 86);
gather us again (Ps 87) encourage
us again (Ps 88) and Make Us Sing
again (Ps 89). Each psalm ends
with a benediction of confidence
that God will do that in response
to the prayers of His people.

Lord, we Praise Your Faithfulness:
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
forever; with my mouth will I make
known Your faithfulness to all
generations. Your Unfailing Love will
last forever. Your Faithfulness is as
enduring as the heavens (Ps 89:1-2).
All heaven will praise your great
wonders Lord; myriads of angels
will praise You for Your Faithfulness.
For who in all the heaven can
compare with the Lord? (v5-6).
Happy are those who hear the Call
to Worship. They Rejoice all day
in Yr wonderful reputation (v15-16).

Lord, Your Word assures us that
You God is eternal, that You are
Unfailingly Loving and Faithful
and that You can never change.
And the testimonies of many
attest to Yr Might & Faithfulness.
Lord, we praise You for creating
all things; and worthy to receive
all glory, honor and praise. Amen.

Lord, what a privilege it is to
Worship You. Purify my heart
and my thoughts so that
I will Worship You continually.
Help me walk in your presence
and know You more intimately.
Help me to perform all my duties
each day in joyful obedience to You.
Help me to continually Sing to You
in authentic Worship. For What
A Good & Faithful God Have I. Amen

Lord, I come b4 Yr throne of grace;
I find rest in Your presence
And fulness of joy.
In worship and wonder
I behold Your face,
Singing what a faithful God have I.
What a faithful God have I,
What a faithful God.
What a faithful God have I,
Faithful in every way. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 86 (May 17)

Lord I Need Thee Every Hour

Annie Hawks, a homemaker from
Brooklyn, was busy with household
chores when the words came to her.
She later wrote: I was so filled with
a sense of nearness to my Master
that, wondering how one could live
without Him in either joy or pain,
these words, ‘I need Thee every
hour’ were flashed into my mind.
Seating by the open window in
April 1872 and inspired by Ps 86,
the words were penned to paper.

Lord, we Need You & Walk With You:
Bend down O Lord & hear my prayer.
Answer me, for I NEED Your help.
Protect me, for I am devoted to You.
Save me, for I serve You & trust You.
You are my God. Be merciful to me,
Lord for I’m calling on U constantly.
Give me happiness, O Lord,
for my life depends on You.
O Lord, You are so good, so ready
to forgive, so full of unfailing love
for all who ask Your aid (Ps 86:1-5).
Listen closely to my prayer…
hear my urgent cry. I will call
to You whenever trouble strikes
and You will answer me (v6-7).
Teach Me Your Way, O Lord;
I will WALK In Your Truth;
Unite my heart to fear Your name.
I will praise You, O Lord my God,
with all my heart, and I will glorify
Your name forevermore (v11-13).

Lord, incline to me & hear my prayer;
answer me for I need Your help.
I need Your strength to overcome
temptations and face challenges.
I need You to save and deliver me
for I serve You and trust in You.
I need Your blessings so that I can
be a source of blessings to others.
I need You Lord in every way,
so bless me now my Saviour,
even as I come to Thee! Amen.

Lord, I need Thee ev’ry hour,
Most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine
Can peace afford…
I need Thee ev’ry hour,
Stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their pow’r
When Thou art nigh…
I need Thee every hour
In joy or pain
Come quickly and abide
Or life is vain…
I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Ev’ry Hour I need Thee!
O bless me now, my Saviour,
I come to Thee. Amen.

Lord, teach us Your way and we
will Walk With You in Your truth.
Teach us what it really means
to walk by faith and not by sight;
and to stay constantly close to You.
And we praise our loving Heavenly
Father who longs to Be with us:
to Keep us from all wrong,
to Bless and keep us satisfied,
to Share our cares & burdens; and
to Guide us to kingdom shore. Amen

Adoring God In Psalm 84

God Blesses & Satisfies Us

Psalms 84-89 are petitions to God:
satisfy us again (Ps 84), revive us
again (Ps 85) hear us again (Ps 86)
gather us again (Psalm 87),
encourage us again (Psalm 88)
and make us sing again (Ps 89).
Each psalm ends with a benediction
of confidence that God will do that
in response to prayers of His pple.

Lord, You Bless the Righteous:
What Joy for those whose strength
comes from the Lord who have
set their minds on a pilgrimage…
When they walk thru the Valley of
Weeping, it will become a place of
refreshing springs. They go from
strength to strength (Ps 84:5-7).
For a day in Your courts is better
than a thousand. I would rather
be a doorkeeper in the house
of my God than dwell in the tents
of wickedness (Psalm 84:10).
For the Lord God is a sun and
shield; no good thing does He
withhold from those who do
what is right… Blessed is the
man who trusts in You (v11-12).

Lord, forgive me for my near-
sightedness that keeps me
too focussed on worldly cares.
Give me an Eternal Perspective
on all that happens to me each day.
Set my mind and my heart on
You so that I can embrace Your
presence moment by moment.
For truly You O Lord are my
Strength and my hope. Amen.

Lord, I’m not at home here on
earth; for I’m just passing through.
Your presence is my destination,
and You have promised that
my joy will be found in You.
And a day in Your courts is
better than anywhere else.
Lord, I know that You are not
withholding good things to us.
And grateful You will pour out
Your blessings in Your time. Amen

Father, I appreciate You so much
for Your goodness and blessings
even as I put my trust in You.
Thanks for Your grace in Christ,
who died for my sins and enable
me to experience Your presence.
Thank You Lord for being my sun
and shield; and You will protect me.
And Thanks for showering me with
good things. Love U so much. Amen

Adoring God In Psalm 79-81

God Will Come & Save You

The psalms of Asaph (Ps 73-83)
conclude with six testimonies to
the greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept His
promises in the past (Ps 78) which
is a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (Ps 79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) & is not silent
(Ps 82-83) when it comes to cries
of help and overthrowing enemies.

Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Help:
How long Lord? Will You be angry
forever? Let Your compassion
quickly meet our needs, for
we are on the brink of despair.
Help us O God of our salvation!
Help us for the glory of Your name.
Save us…Why shld the nations say:
Where is their God? (Ps 79:5-10).
Restore us O God;
cause Your face to shine,
and we shall be Saved (Ps 80:3).
You Cried to me… and I Saved you…
Oh, that my people wd Listen to me!
Oh, that Israel would Follow me,
walking in my path… And I would
have satisfied you (Ps 81:7, 13-16).

Lord, we realise that You don’t
always shield Your people from
attacks of this world; for You may
have a higher purpose in mind.
Help us to endure adversity with
patience and strengthen us O God.
Remember us & we appeal to Your
compassion to meet our needs.
For we are at the brink of despair,
for You are our salvation and
for the glory of Your name, Amen.

Lord, help us not only wanting to
hear from You but to Listen to You.
Help us not to be skeptical and
passive hearers but willing listeners.
You Lord value discernment but 
You value trust even much more.
For You urge us in Your word
to walk by faith and not by sight.
Fill us Lord with boldness to
act on what we hear from You.
And You will respond to our cries
and save us. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Say to those who are fearful
-hearted Do not be afraid
The Lord your God is strong
And with His mighty arms
When you call out His name
He will come and save
He will come and save you
He will come and save you.
Say to the weary one
Your God will surely come
He will come and save you
He will come and save you
He will come and save you
Lift up your eyes to Him
You will arise again
He will come and save you.

Adoring God In Psalm 77 (May 14)

God who Performs Miracles

Backgrounder on Psalms 73-77:
In these five psalmd by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (Ps 73 & 75)
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word will
discover hope in the midst of havoc
(Ps 74) and resources to face every
situation victoriously (Ps 76 & 77).

Lord, You’re Able to Do Anything:
I cried out to God with my voice…
And He gave ear to me.
In the day of my trouble
I sought the Lord; My hand
was stretched out (Ps 77:1-2).
Has His mercy ceased?
Has His promise failed?
Has God forgotten
to be gracious? (v8-9).
I will remember the works
of the Lord; surely I will
remember Your wonders of old.
I will also meditate on all Your
work and talk of Your deeds…
You are the God who performs
miracles; You display Your Power
among the peoples (Ps 77:11-14).

Father God, You will always hear
us whenever we cry out to You,
for You are good and merciful.
In the day of trouble we’ll cry out
to You; our hands are extended
to You and will not be satisfied
until You answer has come.
For You are teaching us Your way
that You do just what You say
In Your time. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, in Your sovereignty, You may
choose not to deliver us from our
trials yet, then give us the ability
to hang on and keep Trusting You.
For we realise sometimes You may be growing our faith muscles.
For You are ever so merciful and
Your promise has not ever failed.
Grant us Lord the strength to
endure crushing troubles until Your
chosen kairos timing arrives. Amen.

Mighty God, You are Able to
do miracles and work wonders.
Remind me of Your limitless power;
and remind me of Your past deeds.
I serve a God who can do anything;
and You amply demonstrate Your infinite powers among the nations.
Display that same might in my life;
for You love to do God-sized things,
for nothing is too difficult for You,
for You are Way Maker & Miracle Worker. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 73

God My Strength & Shelter
(Precious Lord Take My Hand)

The modern hymn Precious Lord
Take My Hand was written by black
American Thomas Dorsey, who
started the Gospel genré and is his
greatest composition of 400 songs.
Thomas Dorsey had religion and
music in his blood; born 1899, the
son of a minister & a piano teacher.
He became a professional musician
in 1924 & the following year took up
the post of Musical Director at the
Pilgrim Baptist Church in Chicago.
In August 1932, his wife died during
childbirth and his newborn son died
the following day. Dorsey’s faith took
a severe blow: “I felt God had done
me injustice. I don’t want to serve
Him or write gospel songs. I just
want to go back to the jazz world.”
In the midst of despair, a friend
visited him and left him alone with
a piano. “I found myself playing
a melody and words just fall into
place,” likely inspired by Psalm 73.

Lord, You’re My Strength & Shelter:
I am continually with You; You hold
me by my right hand. You will guide
me with Your counsel, and (then)
receive me to glory (Ps 73:23-24)
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I desire You more than anything
on earth. My health may fail and
my spirit may grow weak, but God
remains the Strength of My Heart;
He is mine forever (Ps 73:25-26).
But as for me, how good it is to
Be Near God! I have made the
Sovereign Lord my Shelter, and
I will tell everyone about the
wonderful things You do (v28).

Lord, You are the Strength of
my heart, and deep inside I know
I can rely on You in any situation.
Although I may face threats to
health, finance, safety & security
in this world, but that isn’t my life
for You are. O Sovereign Lord,
Be Near Me! Help me abide in You
and to stay anchored in You. Amen.

Lord,by faith I make You my Shelter.
I also accept Your Presence and
receive all the blessings You offer.
Grow my faith Lord to be as big
as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things You do for me.
I love and adore You, for You are
more precious than anything. Amen

Father, You are with me and are
Holding My Hand. I don’t always feel
it but I depend on Your presence.
Remind me Your eyes are on me and
that You are working on my behalf…
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, thru the night
Lead me on to the light
Take My Hand, Precious Lord
Lead me home… Amen & amen.