Praying thro Psalm 42-49 (Oct 13)

Be Still & Know that I Am God

The 2nd book of Psalms (42-72),
is similar to Exodus, describing
Israel as ruined and then recovered.
These psalms help us see wonder
in worship, pray for rescue, confess
sin and encourage us to trust God.
And Ps 42-49 are attributed to sons
of Korah, descendants of the man
who died for his rebellion against
Moses. They mostly serve as
singers & musicians in the temple.

Lord, just as You Rescued Israel,
You can also Rescue Your children.
So, we can go to You God with our problems, ask You to help us and
Be Still & know that You are God.
We Embrace Your Presence.
We Trust Your Unfailing Love.
We Seek Your Help & Refuge. Amen.

Lord, we Embrace Your Presence:
As the deer pants for streams of
water, so I long for you, O God.
I thirst for God, the living God…
Why am I discouraged? Why
so sad? I will put my hope in God!
I will praise him again – my Savior
and my God! (Psa 42:1-2, 11).
Lord, we praise You for being
Emmanuel. You are God with us as
we walk through this broken world.
Deliver me and bless me O Lord!
And help me be Your hands & feet
to give words of encouragement
to those who need to know ‘where
You are’ in their times of need. Amen

Lord, we Trust Your Unfailing Love:
Wake up Lord! Why do You sleep?
Get up! Don’t reject us forever.
Why do You look the other way?
Why do You ignore our suffering
and oppression? Rise up! Come
and help us! Save us because of
Your Unfailing Love (Ps 44:23-26).
Lord, thank You for Your promised
presence. Although my situation
may seem overwhelming, I call
on You with confidence because
You are all powerful & You love me.
Come and help me! Save me!
Save me because of Your Unfailing
Love and help me experience You
as my sure refuge. I wait expectantly
to see U move in a mighty way. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Help & Refuge:
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
So we will not fear, even if
earthquakes come and the
mountains crumble into the sea…
Be Still & know that I am God; I will
be exalted among the nations, I will
be exalted in the earth(Ps46:1-2,10)
Lord, when everything seems
to be falling apart, help me to
experience You as my refuge
and strength, my firm foundation.
You are the mountain mover,
and You can also hold things
steady in your hand. Guide me
and bless me as I entrust my
mountains to You, my solid and
ever faithful God & Father. Amen.

Praying thro Psalm 37-41 (Oct 12)

Divine Counsel to Life Challenges

The first book (Psa 1-41) is similar
to Genesis with many of these
psalms discussing man as blessed,
fallen and redeemed by God.
Whilst Psalms is basically a book of
prayer and praise, it also provides
practical counsel to life’s challenges.
In Psa 37-41, we learn how to deal
with fretfulness (P37), failing strength
(38), curbing tongue (39) rest in
God’s faithfulness (40) & respond
to a friend’s unfaithfulness (41).

Father God, thanks for Your loving
kindness, faithfulness and promise
of help to the challenges of life.
Grant us Your grace & strength for
we Your children don’t know what
to do but our eyes are upon You.
We will Delight more in You.
We will Trust You Hear our cry.
We will Wait patiently on You. Amen.

Lord, we will Delight in You:
Delight yourself also in the Lord
and He shall give you the desires
of your heart. Commit your way
to the Lord, trust also in Him,
and He shall bring it to pass…
Rest in the Lord & wait patiently
for Him… those who wait on the Lord
shall inherit the earth (Ps 37:4-9).
Lord, I want to delight in You,
knowing & loving U more each day.
Help me to discover the fullness
of joy in your presence and to take
great delight in relationship with you.
May my heart desire U above all else.
I commit everything to Your control
even as I purpose not to worry but
instead trust & wait upon You. Amen.

Lord, we Trust You Hear Our Cry:
You know what I long for,
Lord, You hear my every sigh…
For in You O Lord I hope;
You will hear, O Lord my God…
Do not forsake me, O Lord;
O my God, be not far from me!
Make haste to help me, O Lord,
my salvation (Psa 38:9-15, 21-22)
Lord, thank You for knowing what
I long for and for hearing my sigh.
Thank you for not turning away
when I confess a foolish mistake.
And I cast my burdens and desires
to my caring heavenly Father for
You are my only salvation. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait Patiently for You:
I waited patiently for the Lord
to help me, and He turned to me
and heard my cry. He lifted me
out of the pit of despair, out of
the miry clay. He set my feet on
solid ground and steadied me…
Be pleased O Lord to deliver me;
O Lord make haste to help me!
You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay (Psa 40:1-2, 13-17).
Lord, I look to You to work within
me a spirit of patient waiting.
Grant me hope and expectation
as I watch for You to display
Your grace in my life. Keep me
from losing heart or becoming
impatient, and cause me to
continue to pray as I wait to see
Your powerful hand at work. Amen.

Hearing God In Acts 16 (Oct 11)

Praising God Releases Power

Paul’s second missionary journey
begins with a new companion
– Silas. The team soon doubles
in size as Timothy and Luke are
added. Initially given a warm
reception in Philippi, Paul & Silas
soon experience flogging and
Imprisonment for disrupting the
profitable soothsaying business.
But God uses even this to bring
a jailer and his family to salvation.

Lord, we Claim Power of Praise:
Around midnight, Paul and Silas
were praying and Singing Hymns
to God, and the other prisoners
were listening. Suddenly, there was
a great earthquake…All the doors
flew open and the chains of every
prisoner fell off. The jailer woke up
to see the prison doors wide open.
He assumed the prisoners had
escaped, so he drew his sword
to kill himself. But Paul shouted:
Stop! Don’t kill yourself! we are
all here! (Acts 16:25-28). Amen

Lord, we thank and praise You
for grace in our lives. We magnify
Your Name for there is none like U!
When I face difficult circumstances
and may be tempted to give up,
remind me Lord of the example of
Paul & Silas and how U intervened
for them. Then put words of Praise
in my mouth. For You are my hope
in the midst of troubles. Amen.

Lord, the circumstances may not
be pretty and there are things
that I don’t quite understand.
What are You really doing in this
particular situation? What do
You want to do through me?
Although I may be hurting but
may Your sovereign will be done.
And I am open to whatever You
want to do & accomplish. Amen.

Lord, I purpose to praise and
worship You in every situation; for
they have to bow to Your Presence
when I bow to Your Presence.
Trust that You will respond to my
praise of You, sometimes visibly
in power and sometimes invisibly.
But either way, Your Presence
is real when my heart is in syn
with the truth of Your glory. Amen

Hearing God In Acts 13 (Oct 10)

Seeking God in Fast & Prayer

Acts 13 marks the beginning
of Paul’s missionary career.
Returning to Antioch at the end
of their first missionary journey,
Paul and his travelling companion
Barnabas report to their home
church and seek to resolve
the issue of including Gentiles in
the previously all-Jewish church.

Lord,we seek Yr Purpose in Prayer:
As they Ministered to the Lord
and fasted, the Holy Spirit said:
Now separate to Me Barnabas
and Saul for the work to which
I Have Called them. Then having
Fasted and Prayed and laid hands,
they sent them away (Acts 13:2-3)
They came to Antioch and went
into the synagogue on Sabbath…
On the next Sabbath almost the
Whole City came together to hear
the word of God (v14, 44) Amen.

Lord, we are created primarily
to Worship and adore You.
So, let me not become overly
consumed with just good things
that I want to do for others & You.
And that I neglect the best thing
– bowing before You in Worship
and praise and seeking Your
direction for my life in prayer.
Lord, draw me into daily Worship
and communion with You. Amen.

Lord, I know my Calling & purpose
is revealed in prayer. I know it is
defined within a church body of
believers, for it’s almost impossible
to develop to our full potential
independently of other believers.
Grant us unity for it adds power
to our prayers and confidence
that God will answer in power.
And enable me to be set apart
for the work You’ve for me. Amen.

Lord, I ask You to bless all those
in full-time Christian ministry.
Bless all my pastors and family
in every way; and that they be
led by the Spirit to know not just
the general will of God but also
the specific will for every situation.
Bless all missionaries and staff
members that they be effective
in their respective ministries. And
Bless each church member so that
out of gratitude they worship You
& Introduce Gospel to others. Amen.

Hearing God In Acts 9 (Oct 9)

Divine Encounter & Encouragement

Two years after the Commission, only
Jerusalem had heard the good news.
Then persecution hits, scattering
disciples into Judea and Samaria.
Phillip extends his witness to Africa
thro conversion of visiting dignitary.
And Saul encounters the risen
Lord on the road to Damascus,
transforming him from Saul the
Antagonist to Paul the Missionary.

Lord, we seek Encountering You:
The Lord told (Ananias): Go to
the house of Judas on Straight
Street and ask for a man from
Tarsus named Saul for he is Praying
And in a vision he has seen you
putting your hand on him… Go
for he is a chosen vessel of Mine
to bear My name before Gentiles…
Immediately he preached Christ
in the synagogues that He is
the Son of God (Acts 9:11-20).
When Saul arrived in Jerusalem,
he tried to meet with the believers,
but they were all afraid of him…
Then Barnabas brought him to
the apostles and told them how
Saul had seen the Lord on the
way to Damascus (Acts 9:26-27).

Lord, You gave Paul a dramatic
Encounter on the road to Damascus.
Throughout history many have told
of encounters and the fruit of their
lives validated their testimonies.
An Encounter with You can turn
anyone into a passionate believer
who will earnestly give You the glory.
So step into our experiences in
powerful and life-altering ways
and show us Your glory. Amen.

Lord, You appeared to Saul, blinded
him to get his attention and then
turnaround his life. Likewise, You
may allow me to get to a dark place
where I can’t see without Your help.
At those times, help me to do as
Paul did and Pray fervently so that
my spiritual sight can be restored
and Your Will Be Done. Amen.

Lord, help me to see others with
Your eyes; and make me to be
an encourager like Barnabas.
Give me the vision to see the
potential U have deposited in them.
Fill me with courage to stand with
those who are in trouble and need
my help or defense. And make me
a bridge of encouragement from
Your heart to the hearts of others.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Hearing God In Acts 6 (Oct 8)

Giving Ourselves to Prayer

Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, the disciples fearlessly
follow their marching orders.
The advance of the gospel is
soon opposed by adversaries.
Attacks from without and within
threaten to fracture the body
of believers in Jerusalem. But
prompt discipline, wise leadership
and unflinching commitment
only serve to enlarge the church.

Lord, we offer ourselves to You:
Brothers, select seven men who
are well respected and are full of
the Spirit and wisdom. We will give
them this responsibility. Then we
apostles can spend our time in
prayer and teaching the word…
These seven were presented to
the apostles, who prayed for them
as they laid their hands on them.
So God’s message continued to
spread. The number of believers
greatly increased (Acts 6:3-7).

Lord, grant me grace for continual
readiness and devotion to prayer.
Open my eyes & heart to understand
the great privilege You have given
me in allowing me free access into
Your throne room. Give me a heart
that is hungry to spend time with U.
And as I do, prepare my mind and
heart for the work You have for me
to do for You & Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, I ask You to bless all those
in full-time ministry. I pray first of
all for my pastors, that You would
bless them and their families in
every way. I pray also for the staff
at my church to be blessed by You
Lord and to be led by Your Spirit.
Keep them all safe and protect them
from any attack of the evil one.
And help them to stand strong
against every temptation. Amen.

Lord, we realise each person has
a vital part to play in the life of
the church. For we are created
in Christ Jesus for good works;
which God prepared beforehand
that we should walk in them. So,
prompt and lead each of us to offer
our God-given gifts and talents for
service in various church ministries
and so live a life of purpose. Amen.

Hearing God In Acts 1-2 (Oct 7)

Empowered to Be Witnesses

With Jesus’ last instruction still
in their ears, the disciples go forth
speaking words of eternal life.
Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, they fearlessly follow
their marching orders in spite
of mocking, threats and abuse.
The advance of the gospel is
soon opposed by adversaries. But
prompt discipline, wise leadership
and unflinching commitment
only serve to enlarge the church.

Lord, we will Be Your Witnesses:
Jesus said: U Shall Receive Power
when the Holy Spirit has come
upon you; and you Shall Be
Witnesses to Me… (Acts 1:8).
Jesus has been taken from
you into heaven, but someday
He Will Return in the same way
you saw Him go. (Acts 1:11).
In the last days…I will Pour Out of
My Spirit on all flesh… and whoever calls on the name of the Lord
shall be saved (Acts 2:17-21).

Lord, thanks for giving us your
Holy Spirit when we accepted
You, to Be Empowered and Be
Your Witness. Give me ears to hear
and teach me how to listen to You.
Enable me to better understand
virtues like grace, forgiveness,
eternity; and most of all You.
Keep me from the distraction
of busyness & draw me closer
to You more and more. Amen.

Lord, let it be settled in my heart
that You Are Returning. Help me
to be sensitive to changing seasons
both in my life & those around me.
Help me to share Your life with
others who are open to know more
about You. Open my eyes to the
signs around me so that I might
prepare for Your Return out of
gratitude for Your great love. Amen

Spirit, I want to experience the reality
of Your Presence & see more of You.
Empower me in concrete ways that
I know I’ll never be the same again.
Fill me with prophecies, healing
or whatever gift You may offer.
I’m open & have Your way in me.
Reveal any obstacle between us or
any change of mind I need to make.
May Your character & Your ways
rub off on me so that my heart can
become more like Yours. Amen.

Praying thro Psalm 31-36 (Oct 6)

Seek the Lord thro Life Challenges

The first book (Psa 1-41) is similar
to Genesis, with many of these
psalms discussing man as blessed,
fallen and redeemed by our God.
And in Psalm 31-36, we learn that
Proper Perspective can help us
face life challenges; and can also
bring us from gloom to glory (P31),
from failure to forgiveness (P32),
fr false security to confident trust(33)
from affliction to adoration (34),
from persecution to praise (35)
and from darkness to light (36).

Dear Lord, in midst of challenges,
Help us have Proper Perspective
of things; for You care for us, You
are faithful and You are in control.
Help us Seek You first for help,
knowing You have promised to
answer us when we call on You.
Help us Entrust Into Your Hands;
all our burdens and dreams; and
give control of our lives to You.
Help us Trust & Wait upon You, for
You are able to turn any trouble we
face into fulfilment of Your purposes.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we Entrust into Your Hands:
In You, O Lord, I put my trust and
seek refuge; let me never be put
to shame… Deliver me speedily!
Be my rock of refuge, a strong
fortress to save me!.. I entrust my
spirit into Your hand (Ps 31:1-5).
Lord, You’re mighty & you’ve already
made the way through Your sacrifice.
I entrust my spirit, as well as every
hope and dream, all my cares and
all burdens into Your hands. And
thro prayer, I let go & give control
of my life all over to You. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait upon You:
Let all the earth fear the Lord;
For He spoke and it was done,
He commanded & it stood fast…
Behold, the eye of the Lord
is on those who fear Him,
on those who Hope in His mercy…
Our soul Waits for the Lord;
He is our help and our shield.
Our heart shall rejoice in Him,
because we have trusted in
His holy name. Let Your mercy
O Lord be upon us, just as we
Hope in You (Ps 33:8-9, 18-22).
Lord, I cry out to You, for You
alone know the depth of my need.
In my distress I will choose to trust,
wait and have hope in the fulfilment
of Your promises. For You can deliver
and can also turn any trouble I face
into fulfilment of my destiny. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek You for Help:
I sought the Lord and He heard me
& delivered me from all my fears…
The angels of the Lord encamps
all around those who fear Him, and
delivers them. Oh, taste & see that
the Lord is good, blessed is the
man who trusts in Him (Ps 34:4-8).
Lord, I give You all my fears & look
to You for help. Do a deep work in
my heart on those things that strike
fear in me. Thanks for Your promise
to answer me when I call on You.
Thanks for freeing me from all fears
and to make me radiant with joy.
And help me Lord to look to You,
to fear You & to trust in You. Amen.

Praying thro Psalm 25-30 (Oct 5)

Praying & Waiting Upon God

Backgrounder: The first book
(Psalm 1-41) is similar to Genesis.
Just as Genesis tells how man was
created, fell into sin and promised
redemption, many of the psalms
in book 1 (P1-41) discuss man as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.
And as David penned Psa 25-30,
he thought of the multi-faceted
character of the God he served.
The Lord is good & upright (25:8)
my light (27:1), my strength(28:7)
King forever (29:10) & God (30:2).

Dear Lord, we learn from King
David how he prays through his
problems knowing Your nature.
Help us Lord to Wait upon You,
but be merciful in Your timing.
Help us to Not Succumb to Fear;
but keep our eyes fixed on You.
For we know that when we Cry
out to You, U Hear and U Answer.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Lord, we will Wait upon You:
O my God, I trust in You;
let me not be ashamed…
Indeed, let no one who Waits
on You be ashamed (Ps 25:2-3).
Show me Your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths… For You
are the God of my salvation;
on You I Wait all the day (v4-5).
Deliver me; let me not be ashamed;
for I put my trust in You. Let my
integrity & uprightness preserve
me, for I Wait for You (v20-21).
Lord, I want to know Your will; I’m
willing to do Your will & I will wait
for Your truth to lead me in it.
No matter what storms of life
I may face, I will keep my eyes
on the brightness of Your Son.
But Lord be merciful in Your
timing for I’m but fresh & blood;
I am hurting and I need U. Amen.

Lord, we will Be Courageous:
Lord is my Light & my Salvation,
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord protects me from
danger, so why should I tremble?
Though a mighty army surrounds
me, my heart will know no fear…
Be brave and of good courage
… Yes, wait and hope for and
expect the Lord (Psa 27:1-3,14).
Lord, help me to see the truth in
your Word: that You are my light
and my salvation; You are my
protector from danger; and
You are the strength of my life.
Help me draw close to You and
rest in the confidence I have in U.
Help me to defeat fear as I trust
in you and wait upon you for the
fulfilment of your promise. Amen.

Lord, we will Expect Your Answer:
To You I will cry, O Lord my Rock;
Do not be silent to me… Hear…
my supplications when I cry to You,
when I lift up my hands toward
Your holy sanctuary (Ps 28:1-2).
O Lord my God, I cried out to You
for help & U restored my health.
You kept me from falling into
the pit…You have turned… my
mourning into dancing; You have
put off my sackcloth and cloth
me with gladness (Ps 30:2-5,11).
Father, thank U for being my Rock
and for hearing my prayers for help.
Even when my situation remains
the same, grant me grace to keep
trusting you for your gracious help.
For only You Lord can give hope
that does not disappoint. Amen.

Hearing God In John 17 (Oct 4)

Christ Jesus Prays for Our Unity

The Upper Room Discourse
contains Jesus’ final words of
instruction and encouragement
to His disciples before His death.
Only John records these intimate
moments between Jesus & His
men as He models true humility,
describes the Holy Spirit who
will comfort and empower them;
and Intercedes for Protection and
Unity of His disciples worldwide.

Lord, we pray for Unity among us:
I do not pray that You should take
them out of the world, but that You
should Keep Them fr the evil one.
They are not of the world, just as
I am not of the world. Sanctify them
by Your Truth… As You Sent Me
into the world. I also Have Sent
them into the world (Jn 17:15-18).
My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will
believe in me thro their message,
that all of them May Be One…
that they also may be One In Us,
that the world may believe that
You sent me (Jn 17:20-21). Amen.

Lord Jesus, I praise You for your
great salvation for all mankind.
Thank you for not only saving me
but also being my High Priest,
Caring for me. Thanks for Heb 7:25
promise that You will always
Intercede for me before Father God.
Provide & protect me Lord & enable
me to conform to Your will. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You have sent us
into the world with an assignment.
You have provided Your Word to
protect us from worldly influence.
Help us soak our mind, will and
emotion with Your Word; and let
it flavour every aspect of our life.
And help us to be truly salt of the
earth & light of the world. Amen.

Lord, I pray for Unity with family
members & with other believers
regardless of any differences
in views, values, race or culture.
May we be truly one with the
Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit.
May this Unity I have with You and
with others show the world, that
You Jesus came from the Father.
May this Unity draw prebelievers
to You Jesus so that they too
may experience Your love. Amen.