Hearing God In Phil 1 (Nov 11)

God Will Complete Good Work

Philippians is a joyful letter, written 
by Paul from a prison cell in Rome
to one of the churches he founded
 on his second missionary journey
(Acts16). Inspite of     Paul’s adverse
 circumstances, Philippians is a
 letter of encouragement in the
 midst          of persecution. There is
 much     for Paul to rejoice about:
 the Philippians’ repeated financial
assistance, the hope of visiting
 the Philippian believers soon,
     and the church’s steadfast
 testimony for the gospel.

Lord, U will Complete Good Work:
In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy because of
your partnership in the gospel…
Being confident of this, that he
who began a good work in you
will carry it on to completion until
the day of Christ Jesus (Phil 1:3-6).
That you may be able to discern
what is best and may be pure
and blameless for the day of Christ
filled with the fruit of righteousness
 that comes          thro Christ to the glory
 and    praise of God (v10-11) Amen.

Lord, I praise you for your great
salvation. You not only took away
my sin, but you also gave me a new
nature that longs to please You.
I am glad you do not give up on me.
Continue your work in me Lord.
I look forward to the day when
 Your work is complete. Amen

Lord, I am eternally linked to You
by grace through faith. I am part
  of Your body for You are the head.
Thank You that my needs are
    fully met in You. Forgive me
for   the times I think and act
as though   You are not enough.
 For You         will bring to completion
 the      good work that U began. Amen

Lord, please help me and those
 for whom I am praying to grow
spiritually and understand what
really matters in life. I pray that.       
I will not chase after things that
doesn’t matter. But instead I will
focus on my relationship with You
and on growing to be more like U.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Meditating thro Ps 90-97 (Nov 10)

Reasons for Praise & Worship

Fourth book of Psalms (Ps 90-106)
is similar to Numbers, noting God’s
overruling kingdom to the nations.
Ps 90-97 give us further reasons to
worship God and reveal His nature:
the God of eternity (90),
the God of protection (91),
the God of greatness (92),
the God of majesty (93),
the God of vengeance (94),
the God of salvation (95),
the God of glory (96) and
the God of holiness (97).

Dear Lord, as citizens of kingdom
of God, we’ll keep life challenges
in their proper perspective for
you are in control of all things.
We seek your Wisdom & Favour;
we seek Refuge in You; and
we’ll continually Praise U. Amen.

Lord, we seek Your Wisdom & Favor:
Lord, You are my dwelling place.
From everlasting to everlasting,
You are God…Our lives are 70-80
years so teach us to number our
days to gain a heart of wisdom…
Satisfy us with your unfailing love
so we may sing for joy to the end.
May…the Lord establish the work of
our hands for us (Ps 90:1-2, 10-17).
Lord, You are Almighty Creator
and You are my dwelling place.
Impress on my heart a deeper
awareness of Your love & care so
that You will become my greatest
source of joy and satisfaction.
Give me strength to accomplish
what I must do each day, and the
wisdom to do it well. And bless
my work and establish it even as
I commit them to You so that it
may be used for Your glory. Amen.

Lord, we will seek refuge in You:
He who dwells in the secret place
of the Most High will abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. I will
say of the Lord, He is my refuge
and my fortress; my God I’ll trust..
Because he has set his love upon
Me, therefore I will deliver him…
and honour him… and show him
my salvation (Psa 91:1-2, 14-16).
Lord, I purpose to dwell in the
secret place of the Most High. But
I need Your help to be consistent
in abiding under Your shadow.
I declare You alone is my refuge,
my God whom I trust. And You
will shelter me with your wings &
your promises are my protection.
And You will answer me for I pledge
my love & put my trust in You. Amen

Lord, we will continually Praise U:
Sing a new song to the Lord! Let
the whole earth sing to the Lord!
Bless His name. Each day proclaim
the good news that He saves…
Tell everyone the amazing things
He does. For He is great and
greatly to be praised (Ps 96:1-4).
Lord, help me to sing to you
and bless your name every day.
Give me a joyful heart to tell others
about the amazing things You do.
Give me words to share from
Your heart with those I will meet.
Please continue to reveal more
of Yourself to me so that I might
praise You more and more.
For the Lord is great and greatly
to be praised indeed! Amen.


Meditating thro Ps 84-89 (Nov 9)

Revive Us Again as we Worship

The Third book of Psalms (73-89)
is similar to Leviticus with the theme
of Praising God because He is holy.
Each psalm in Ps 84-89 contains
a heartfelt Petition to God: satisfy
us again (84) revive us again (85)
hear us again (86), gather us
again (87), encourage us again 88)
and make us sing again (89).
And each psalm concludes with
confidence that God will do that in
response to prayers of His people.

Dear Lord, thanks for giving us
Psalm 84-89 which remind us
that we were made to praise and
worship in every circumstance,
besides teaching us how to pray.
In Your Faithfulness and mercy,
Revive us in Fullness of Joy,
Hear & Answer us even as we
Purpose to Worship You. Amen.

Lord, lead us in Fullness of Joy:
Blessed are those who dwell
in Your house; they will still be
praising You. Blessed is the
man whose strength is in You,
whose heart is set on pilgrimage..
For the Lord God is our light and
protector. He gives us grace and
glory. No good thing will the Lord
withhold from those who do what
is right. Blessed is the man that
trusts in You (Psa 84:4-5, 11-12).
Lord, I will enter your courts with
thanksgiving and with praise.
Forgive me for being focused on
worldly cares. Give me an eternal
perspective on all that happens.
Set my mind & heart on you so that
I embrace your presence; for U Lord
are my strength & my hope. Amen.

Lord, Hear us & Answer us again:
In the day of trouble I will call
upon You, for You will answer me…
All the nations will come & praise
Your… name. For You are great
and perform great miracles…
Show me a sign for good that…
You Lord have helped me and
comforted me (Psa 86:6-17)
Lord, You alone are God and
I praise You and worship You.
Forgive me for sometime failing
to recognise Your sovereignty
and acknowledge that U are God.
I praise You today and pray that
I will bring pleasure to You. Amen.

Lord, we will Worship You:
I will sing of the mercies of the Lord
forever; with my mouth will I make
known Your faithfulness to all
generations… Happy are those
who hear the joyful call to worship,
for they will walk in the light of
Your presence, Lord… They exult in
Your righteousness (Ps 89:1,15-16).
Lord, what a privilege to worship
our merciful and faithful God for
U are great & greatly to be praised!
Purify my heart and my thoughts
so that I can learn to worship you.
Help me practice God’s presence
by constantly looking at Him. And
help make my life to be continual
acts of praise, thanksgiving, love,
trust & petition unto the Lord. Amen

Hearing God In Ephesians 5 (Nov 8)

Live Wisely Unto the Lord

God Enables Spirit Filled Life
Walk Worthy of your calling…You
are rich in Christ, so live that way!
The Christian’s conduct should 
be consistent with His calling.
 You    are rich in Christ, endowed
with spiritual blessings. So learn
to walk in the light of that wealth.
Also Live Wisely, Be Filled with
the Spirit & Give Thanks always.

Lord, we purpose to Live Wisely:
Be careful how you live. Don’t
     live like fools, but like those who
are Wise, redeeming the time,
because the days are evil.
Therefore do not be unwise, but
understand what the will of God is.
Let the Holy Spirit Fill and Control
you. Then you will sing hymns and
spiritual songs to the Lord. And you
will always Give Thanks for every-
thing to God (Eph 5:15-20) Amen.

Lord, we purpose to Live Wisely
and make good use of our time.
Help us to sense Your presence
& purpose in every circumstance.
Help us see what You’re doing
and what You want to do thro us.
Help us reflect each day to sense
what You are doing in our life and
where You are leading us. And
 thanks for your presence. Amen.

Father, we welcome your Holy
Spirit to Fill me and have full
control of my life. We welcome
Your personality fully, Your
character and Your attitudes.
Thank You for Your empowering,
Your gifts and all the ways You
have blessed me. And fill my heart
with gratitude and praise. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for everything
You are doing in my life.
Thank You for all Your gifts,
including life itself. Help me
develop a heart of deep and
lasting Gratitude in all situations.
Even in painful circumstances,
help me know You are with me
and You work everything for good
for those who love You. Amen.

Hearing God In Ephesians 2 (Nov 7)

Created & Saved For Good Works

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage
them to understand and claim
their heavenly resources. Only
then could they draw on them for
their earthly walk. And In Christ,
Christians are endowed with every
spiritual blessing including adoption,
redemption, inheritance and power.

Lord, we’ll Do Your Assignment:
For by grace you have been saved
thro faith, and that not of yourselves;
it is the gift of God (Ephesian 2:8).
For we’re His workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus For Good Works,
which God Prepared beforehand
that we Should Walk in them (v10).
You were without Christ… having
no hope & without God in the world.
But now in Christ Jesus you who
once were far off have been brought
near by the blood of Christ (v12-13).

Lord, Thank you for the wonderful
& undeserved gift that You saved us.
We take no credit for our salvation;
for we are saved by Your grace,
for You gave it to us; for salvation
does not come from good works.
Keep me from losing sight of what
You’ve done for me. In gratitude,
for the price You paid for my sin,
I choose to live for You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for giving me
abundant life that will never end.
Thank You that good deeds are
part of Your plan for me to have
a purposeful and fulfilling life.
Thanks for capacity to change and
help me grow to be more like Jesus.
Help me to be a blessing to others
and lead me into Your assignment
so that destiny be fulfilled and that
Your name may be glorified. Amen.

Lord, thank You so much for the
great price that You paid for my
salvation; for You virtually paid for
me with Your blood,sweat & tears.
Lord, it’s difficult to comprehend
fully such an amazing act of love.
Since You paid the price for my sin,
I choose to live for You and to do
Your assignment that You have
specially prepared for me. Amen.

Hearing God In Ephesians 1 (Nov 6)

God Gives Spiritual Insight

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage
them to understand and claim
their heavenly resources. Only
then could they draw on them for
their earthly walk. And In Christ,
Christians are endowed with every
Spiritual Blessing as well as adoptn,
redemption, inheritance and power.

Lord, Enlighten Your Plans to us:
(I am) asking God, the glorious
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
to give you spiritual Wisdom and
Understanding, so that you might
grow in your Knowledge of God.
(I pray also) that the eyes of your
heart may Be Enlightened in order
that u may know the Hope to which
He has called you, the riches of His
glorious Inheritance in the saints,
and His incomparably great Power
for us who believe (Eph 1:17-19).

Lord, I am awed to think that You
have provided a way to give us
good Spiritual Insight about the
character of God, the hope He has
given us and the dynamic power.
Lord i can’t perceive these things
with my own intellect for they are 
spiritual truths. So Holy Spirit,
open my eyes and flood my heart
to behold these truths. Amen.

Lord, I pray that the eyes of my
heart will Be Opened to see the
Hope to which U have called me.
Help me to understand my true
Inheritance; and enable me to
comprehend the magnitude of
Your power for I believe in You.
And I seek more of Your presence
and Your power so that I can see
them manifested in my life. Amen.

Lord, open my eyes to know in the
depths of my soul who You are.
May Your Word come to me for I
need to hear them so that my heart
be flooded with Your light & Hope.
Help me understand the greatness
of Your Power; for I want to walk
in Your Strength; and have heart
big enough for Your purposes.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Hearing God In Galatians 5 (Nov 5)

Set Free to Serve Fruitfully

Galatians is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith. Paul directs
this charter of Christian freedom
to people who are about to forsake
the priceless liberty they possess
in Christ. Some Jewish legalists
are influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works and to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we are Free to Serve:
It is for freedom that Christ has
set us free. Stand firm then, and
do not let yourselves be burdened
again by a yoke of slavery (Gal 5:1)
You were called to be free.
But do not use your freedom to
indulge the fresh; rather serve
one another humbly in love (v13).
When the Holy Spirit Controls
our lives, He will produce this
kind of fruit in us: Love, Joy, Peace,
patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness and
self-control (v22-23). Amen.

Lord Jesus, Thank you for giving
Your life so that I could be set
free from the yoke of slavery
to the enemy of my soul. Help
me to not become entangled
in it again. Help me to stand firm
in the freedom You have secured
for me. Make me aware of any
bondage in my life for which
You died to set me free. Amen.

Lord, You have given me freedom
and calling to serve U and others.
Thank You for freeing me from
my sinful nature & giving me the
desire to reach out & serve others
Show me where I can use my
gifts to really make a difference
for Your kingdom. And may an
attitude of humility be infused
in every part of my life. Amen.

Lord, I need the Joy that only You 
can give. Forgive me for the times I
let circumstances control my moods.
And I want to be marked by Your
Peace so that I don’t worry; so
that others might see the comfort
and assurance available only in You.
And grant me Lord to overflow with
Your Love so that it will spill out
in my words and actions. Amen.

Hearing God In Galatians 2 (Nov 4)

Christ Jesus Living In Me

This epistle is Paul’s manifesto of
justification by faith and the liberty
that produces. Paul directs this
great charter of Christian freedom
to people who are about to forsake
the priceless liberty they possess
in Christ. Certain Jewish legalists
are influencing the believers in
Galatia to trade their freedom
in Christ for bondage to the law.
Paul writes to refute their false
gospel of works & to show the
superiority of justification by faith.

Lord, we purpose to Live For You:
For through the law I died to the
law so that I might Live For God.
I have been crucified with Christ;
it is no longer I who live, but
Christ Lives In Me; and the life
which I now live in the flesh
I Live By Faith in the Son of God,
who Loved Me and Gave Himself
for me (Galatians 2:19-20). Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving
me and giving Yourself for me.
Thank You for Your desire to live
through me and enable me to
Live For You. What a wonder
that You Lord would take up
residence in my life. In gratitude,
I purpose to Live For You God.
And set me free to serve You
with all my heart and soul. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for enabling
me to Live By Faith this life. For
I have been crucified with Christ
and so I no longer live, but You
Christ Lives in me. May the truth
of Your Word give me the vision
to Trust You with all that I am so
that all You are may dwell in me.
Grant me the grace to live joyously
because of my Faith in You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank you for Your
great sacrificial Love for us. Thank
You that You died for us to pay for
sin’s penalty. Thank You for living
in us to purify us from sin’s power.
Teach me to Live by Confidence
In You instead of confidence in me.
Let the old ways of my flesh
die daily so that I can find new
resurrection life in You. Amen.

Meditating thro Psa 78-83 (Nov 3)

God Will Come & Save You !!

The psalms of Asaph (Ps 73-83)
conclude with six testimonies to
the greatness and faithfulness of
the God of Israel. He has kept His
promises in the past (Ps 78) which
is a comforting reminder in the face
of an uncertain future (Ps 79-80).
God is there (Ps 81) & is not silent
(Ps 82-83) when it comes to cries
of help and overthrowing enemies.

Lord, thanks for Psalms 73-89 that
show Your enthronement & holiness.
Because You are Almighty & Holy;
We will Turn to You for Deliverance.
We will Run Race together with You.
We will Listen and Follow You. And
We will Praise & Adore You. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait for Your Help:
How long Lord? Will You be angry
forever? Let Your compassion
quickly meet our needs, for
we are on the brink of despair.
Help us O God of our salvation!
Help us for the glory of Your name.
Save us and forgive our sins…
Why should the nations say:
Where is their God? (Ps 79:5-10).
Lord, we realise that You don’t
always shield Your people from
attacks of this world; for You often
have a higher purpose in mind.
Help us to endure injustice with
patience and strengthen us O God.
Remember us & we appeal to Your
compassion to vindicate us. Amen.

Lord, we will Run Race Together:
Restore us O God; cause Your face
to shine, and we shall be Saved…
Come back, we beg You O God
Almighty. Look down from heaven
and see our plight. Watch over and
care for this vine that You yourself
have planted, this son You have
raised for Yourself (Ps 80:3, 14-15)
Lord, thank You for the churches
in my community. Bless their pastors
and leaders with strength & unity
and help their congregation to grow.
Help us to work together to reach
our community for You. Help me
to be an encouragement to my
brothers and sisters in Christ and
not to forget that we are all running
the race together. Amen and amen.

Lord, we will Listen & Follow You:
You Cried to me in trouble & I Saved
you; I answered out of the thunder-
cloud & Tested your faith when there
was no water at Meribah (Ps 81:7)
Oh, that my people wd Listen to me!
Oh, that Israel would Follow me,
walking in my path… And with
honey from the rock I would have
satisfied you (Psa 81:13-16). Amen.
Lord, help us not only wanting to
hear from You but to Listen to You.
Help us not to be skeptical and
passive hearers but willing listeners.
I know You Lord value discernment
but You value trust even much more.
You urge me in Your word to walk
by faith and not by sight. And so
I purpose to commit to Listen intently
and fill me with Your holy boldness
to act on what I hear from You. Amen.

Lord, we will Praise & Adore You:
Do not keep silent O God!
Do not hold Your peace.
And do not be Still O God! For
behold, Your enemies make a tumult;
And those who hate You have
lift up their head (Psa 83:1-2).
Let them be dismayed forever; Yes;
let them be put to shame & perish,
that they may know that You,
whose name alone is the Lord
are the Most Highly Exalted One
over all the earth. (Psa 83:17-18).
Lord, You are great & greatly to
be praised. Great is Your power,
and Your wisdom there is no end.
We who are part of what You
have created, desire to praise You.
For You have stirred our hearts
so that we take pleasure to praise U.
For You have created us for Yourself
and our hearts are restless until
they rest in You. Amen and amen.

Meditating thro Psa 73-77 (Nov 2)

Praise Source of Our Strength

In Psalms 73 to 77 by Asaph,
those who ignore God will find
their path slippery and their
prosperity short-lived (P73 & P75).
By contrast, those who order their
lives according to God’s Word will
discover hope in the midst of havoc
(P74) and resources to face every
situation in life victoriously (P76-77).

Lord, thanks for Book 3 Psalms that
show Your enthronement & holiness.
Because You are almighty, we can
turn to You for deliverance. And
Because You are holy, You truly
deserve our reverence & worship.
We Seek You Lord for Strength.
We Give You Thanks & Praise.
We Trust You Can Do Wonders.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, U are Our Strength & Shelter:
I Desire You more than anything
on earth. My health may fail and
my spirit may grow weak, but God
remains the Strength of my heart;
he is mine forever (Ps 73:25-26).
But as for me, how good it is to
Be Near God! I have made the
Sovereign Lord my Shelter, and
I will tell everyone about the
wonderful things you do (v28).
Lord, I want to Experience You in
fresh ways so that I can truly say
that I Desire You more than anything.
Lord You are the Strength of my
heart, and deep inside I know
I can rely on You in any situation.
Be Near Me! Help me to abide
in You & to stay anchored in You.
Grant me fresh vision to constantly
see Your love for me. Amen.

Lord, we give You Thanks & Praise:
We give thanks to You O God
we give thanks! For Your wondrous
works declare that Yr name is near.
When I choose the proper time,
I will judge uprightly. (Ps 75:1-2).
As for me, I will always proclaim
what God has done; I will sing
praises to the God of Israel (v9).
Lord, how I praise the wonders of
Your works. May I be found faithful
in proclaiming thro a heart of praise
all that You have done in my life.
You are so many things to me.
Thank You for the privilege of
receiving a heart that is able to
praise U every day of my life. Amen

Lord, we trust You can do wonders:
I will remember the works of the Lord
Surely I will remember Your works
of old. I will also meditate on all
Your work, and talk of Your deeds…
You are the God who does wonders;
You have declared Your strength
among the peoples (Ps 77:11-14).
O Lord, You are able to do miracles
and work wonders. Remind me of
Your limitless power. I know I serve
a God who can do anything. You
demonstrate Your infinite strength
as You choose. Display that same
might in my life in this season. But
if You choose not to deliver me yet,
then give me the strength to hang
on and keep trusting You. Amen.