Hearing God In 2Tim 1 (Nov 28)

God Keeps What’s Committed

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we will Pray For Others:
I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience… as I constantly
remember you in prayers (2Tim 1:3)
For the Spirit God gave us does not
make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline (v7).
For I know whom I have believed
and am persuaded that He is able
to keep what I have committed
to Him until that Day (2 Tim 1:12).

Lord, Help me to not forget anyone
in prayers, especially those who
are lonely and feel forgotten.
Bring specific people to mind
who need a miracle or deliverance.
Show me who needs to hear
Your voice guiding them. And
enable the people I pray to sense
Your love in their lives. Amen

Lord, what a great promise that
You give us your power. Grant me
the grace that when I turn to you,
I can find the right motivation
of Your love, the necessary
strength of your power and
also the self-discipline I need
to do Your will in a way that
brings you all the glory. Amen.

Lord Father, You are my provider;
Lord Jesus, You are my saviour;
Lord Spirit, You are my sanctifier.
And I dedicate and yield my whole
self to the Lord freely and forever.
At the cross Lord, You saved me;
and in the future, You will lead me.
I affirm that whatever I entrust to U,
You’re Able to keep what You have
Committed against that day. Amen!!

Hearing God In 1 Tim 6 (Nov 27)

God Desires Eternal Mindedness

Timothy ministered alongside 
Paul     as missionary & later received
 the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
 Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
 for building church leadership. 
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Godliness with Contentment is
great gain…We can take nothing
out of (this world). If we have food,
we’ll be content (1 Tim 6:6-8).
Fight the Good Fight of Faith.
Hold tightly to the eternal life
that God has given you (1T6:11-12)
Command those who are rich not be
arrogant nor put their hope in wealth,
but hope in God, who provides
everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good…
to be generous & willing to share.
By doing this they will be storing up
treasure for the future so that they
may experience True Life (v17-19)

Lord, You want Contentment to be
the virtue and goal for Your people.
Forgive us for the times when
we get discontented with life.
Teach me to focus on all that I have,
rather than on the things that
lack when competing with others.
Teach me to make connected
relationship with You & others be
priority over material things. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for your promise
of eternal life in Your presence.
I realise that the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to hold fast and stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in the
battles I face. Help me to seek
You continually to Fight the good
fight on my behalf. And grant me
faithfulness & perseverance. Amen

Lord, thank You for all You have
given including material provision.
Keep me from being covetous,
greedy or selfish. Help me find
balance in the stewardship of the
resources You have put in my care.
Show me practical and creative
ways to use the resources to
do good, to bless others and
to further Your kingdom. Amen.

Hearing God In 1 Tim 4 (Nov 26)

Be Thankful, Be Godly, Be Example

Timothy ministered alongside
 Paul   as missionary & later received he challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we aim Be Example of You:
Everything God created is Good
and nothing is to be rejected if it is
received with Thanksgiving (ITim4:4)
Train yourself to Be Godly. For
physical training is of some value,
but godliness for all things (v7-8).
Be An Example to all believers in
what you teach, in the way you live,
in your love, faith and purity (v12).

Lord, Thank U for all the wonderful
pleasures You created for us.
Thank You for Your beautiful
creation; for wind, rain & sunshine.
Thank You for the joy of friendship
and the intimacy of marriage.
Thank You for the enjoyment
of good and nourishing food.
Above all these joys, Thank You
for Your gift of salvation. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Be Godly,
though the world sees & thinks
external image is everything.
Forgive me for the times I’m overly
concerned with external appearance.
Grant me discipline to expend more
time & energy to care for the Soul.
Grant me grace so that You will be
pleased with my thots & intentions
as well as words & actions. Amen.

Lord, enable me to Be Example
of Your love, faith and purity.
Help me not to shy away from
using the gifts that You give me.
Thankful that Your opinion of me
is more important than any other.
Thankful that the work You do 
through me will be effective for 
I depend wholly on You. Amen.

Hearing God In 1 Tim 2 (Nov 25)

God Desires We Pray For All

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building the church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Pray For People In Need:
I exhort First of all that… prayers,
Intercessions and giving of thanks
be made of ALL men. (I Tim 2:1).
(Pray for those) in authority so that
we can live peaceful & quiet lives..
…This pleases God, who wants
everyone to be saved (1Tim 2:2-4)
I want men everywhere to lift up
holy hands in prayer, without
anger and doubting (v8). Amen.

Father, we bring before Almighty You
the troubles of peoples & nations,
the needs of the helpless refugees,
the hopelessness of the starving,
the frustrations of prisoners,
the helplessness of the weak,
the despondency of the weary,
the failing powers of the aged.
Draw near to each of them for
the sake of Christ our Lord, Amen.

Lord, it’s Your desire for all people
to be saved. And it is your will that
believers could enjoy peace thus
enabling them to share the gospel.
So cause us to remember to pray
for civil authorities so that they
govern well and there be peace.
Lord, have mercy on Hong Kong.
And may we use the opportunity
to share Christ to others. Amen.

Lord, we realise that sometimes
Christians quarrel among ourselves.
We get caught up in unimportant
debates and useless arguments.
Help us be so devoted to You that
we maintain oneness of the Spirit,
even if we disagree on certain things.
Help us to be unified in our belief
in Your Word so that we’ll be unified
in our prayers before You. Amen.

Hearing God thro His Word

Launch of Series 6 (May 20)

We have been utilising Scripture
to form prayers so that we learn
to think as God thinks; and pray
within His will thus pleasing Him.
Having prayed thro the Scripture
on Knowing Him, Praising Him,
Claiming His Promises, Seeking
His Truths and Thanking Him,
we continue this disciple walk
with our new and exciting series
to Hear God through His Word !

Our God is not silent; for He has
revealed Himself as the God
who guides, corrects, inspires,
encourages and reveals to us.
God has always been vocal and
He will surely continue to be so.
Listening to God is a process,
a journey and an adventure.
God promises that those who
seek Him will be rewarded with
His presence and His voice !!
And the words of the living God
are powerful & life changing. Amen!

Friends, you are highly encouraged
to read this series on Hearing God
in full at url PrayerThots.com.
For then you will appreciate better
the ways God Draws you to Him;
the different ways God Speaks
and His Key Messages for us.
And as you Respond to the Spirit,
you will deepen walk with God
and receive His blessings. Shalom.

Meditating thro Ps111-118(Nov 24)

Praise Our Praiseworthy God !!

The Fifth book of Psalms (P107-150)
is topically similar to Deuteronomy.
Just as Deut was concerned with
God and his Word, these psalms
are anthems of praise and thanks
– giving for God and His Word.
Praise permeates Psalm 111-118.
God is praiseworthy for His Care(111)
His commandments (112),
His name (113), His power (114),
His uniqueness(115),Deliverance(116),
His truth (117) and His Mercy (118).

Lord, Thank You for Psalm 111-118.
You are indeed worthy of all praise
for You are Good in every way:
Your name, Your truth, Your power,
Your commands, Your uniqueness,
and Your Care, Mercy & Deliverance.
Lord, we will Remember Your Care.
Lord, we will Believe Your Mercy.
Lord, we will Seek Your Deliverance.
In Jesus Mighty name we pray,Amen

Lord, we will Remember Your Care:
I will thank the Lord with all my heart..
How amazing are the deeds of
the Lord! All… should ponder them.
Everything he does reveals his glory…
His righteousness never fails. He
has made His wonderful works to Be
Remembered. The Lord is gracious
and full of compassion… He will ever
be mindful of His covenant (111:1-5).
Lord, Your loving deeds are amazing
and they truly reveal Your glory.
Let me never forget the wonders
You perform. Help me take fresh
delight in You as I ponder Your care.
Build our faith in You Lord even as
I remember Your faithfulness. Amen.

Lord, we will Seek Your Deliverance:
I love the Lord, for he heard my
voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
Because he turned his ear to me,
I will call on him as long as I live…
I believe in you, so I prayed, I am
deeply troubled Lord (116:1-2,10)
Lord, I take comfort in knowing
You hear my prayers. For Your
Word tells me You listen when I call.
Help me be patient to wait for answer
and not fear that You have not heard.
Help me trust You enough to want
to pray for all that concerns me.
Help me run to U when I am troubled,
like little children run to their fathers
when they don’t know what to do.
Increase my belief in Your fatherly
heart and my faith in You. Amen.

Lord, we will Believe Your Mercy:
In my distress I prayed to the
Lord and the Lord answered me
and rescued me. The Lord is
For Me, so I will not be afraid.
What can mortals do to me?
Yes, the Lord is For Me,
He will help me (Psa 118:5-7).
Lord, Thank You for answering me
and assuring me in my distress.
Thank You Your Mercy is unchanging
in the midst of changing condition
and this give me comfort & security.
Thank You for being For me; and
this truth assures me of Yr concern.
Help me resolve not to be afraid for
Almighty God is on my side. Amen.

Meditating thro Ps107-110(Nov23)

Be Grateful to Faithful God !!

5th book of Psalms (107-150) mainly
written by David is similar to Deut.
Just as Deuteronomy was concerned
with God & His Word, these psalms
are anthems of praise/thanksgiving
for God & His Word. And in Ps 107
to 110, there’s plenty to sing about.
First the song of the redeemed (107);
then a song to God of might (108),
a lament over attacks of enemy (109)
& remembering the Lord is King(110)

Dear Lord, we are grateful to You
for not only being our Priest and
King but also for Your Word, Your unfailing love & Your faithfulness.
Lord, we Cry to You for Help.
Lord, we Praise Your Faithfulness.
Lord, we Thank You for Rescue.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Lord, we Cry to You for Help:
Some wandered in the desert…
lost,hungry & thirsty they nearly died
Lord help! they cried in their trouble
& He rescued them fr their distress.
He led them straight to safety…
Let them praise the Lord for His
great love & for all His wonderful
deeds to them. (Psa 107:4-8).
Lord, help us to be wise to cry out
to You when in need for You will
give exactly what we need because
of Your Great and faithful love.
Help us lift up our eyes and see
the wonderful things you do
in response to our cries for help.
And help us when You do act,
to respond appropriately, giving
thanks, praising you and testify
about what You have done. Amen.

Lord, we Praise Your Faithfulness:
My heart is confident in U O God,
no wonder I can sing Your praises!
I will thank U in front of all people…
For Your unfailing love is higher
than the heavens. Your Faithful
-ness reaches to the clouds.
Be exalted O God above the
highest heavens. May your glory
shine all the earth (Psa 108:1-5).
Lord, thanks for drawing me to You.
I sing Your praises heartily because
of Your unfailing love & faithfulness.
Be exalted above the heavens. May
Your glory shine over all the earth.
Strengthen me so that I am secure
in Your Love and Your Faithfulness.
You truly deserved to be thanked
and praised by all people so that
Your name will be glorified. Amen.

Lord, we Thank You for Rescue:
Deal well with me, O Sovereign
Lord, for the sake of Your own
reputation! Rescue me because
You are so faithful and good.
For I am poor and needy, and my
heart is full of pain (Ps 109:21-22).
Lord, Thank You for hearing my
prayer of rescue because You
are faithful and good. Forgive me
for the times when I’ve exhausted
resources before calling out to You.
When I am needy and my heart
is full of pain, prompt me to run
to You first to find rest in Your
goodness and Your faithfulness.
For in You, I put my trust. Amen.

Meditating on Psalms Book 5

Meditating on Psalms Book 5

Whilst the Bible is arranged by
 types of writings, we meditate chronologically to get better flow:
Genesis on God’s Plan for creation; 
Job on Sovereignty of God; and
 Exodus, Leviticus, Num-Deut on
 Deliverance, Holiness & Obedience.
Then Joshua on Obedient Faith,  
Jdgs on God Restoring Repentant;
Ruth on Faithfulness/Redemption;
   1 Sam on Rule of God in our heart;
       2 Sam on Consequences of sin; and
   1&2 Chronicles on Genuine Worship.

Continuing, the 5 books of Psalms
inspired over period of 10 centuries
were essentially hymns of worship.
Authored by David and six other
 writers and used as the temple
hymnbook,these heart-stirring pleas
and praises capture the essence
of what it means to walk with God.
 Each of five sections bears a topical
likeness to a book of the Pentateuch. 
And Bk 5 (P107-150) resembles Deut
 on Praise & Thanksgiving.

We’ll meditate on Psalm Book 5 over
4 weekends in following 8 divisions:
P107-10: The Lord Is Priest & King
P111-18: Praiseworthy Name of God
Ps 119: God’s Multifaceted Word
P120-27: Peace Without & Within
P128-34: Praising thro Tough Times
P135-39: Wholehearted Praise
P140-45: Finding Refuge on the Run
146-50:Praise for Praiseworthy God
Friends, look out for it and let us
learn together from Psalm Book 5
to praise and worship God. Amen.

Hearing God In 2 Thess 3 (Nov 22)

Spread the Gospel of Christ

In his second letter to Thessalonians,
Paul commends their faithfulness
in persecution and encourages
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul clarifies the Day of the Lord
had not yet arrived & recounts the
events which must take place first.
Labouring for the Gospel, rather
than lazy resignation, can be the
only proper response to such truth.

Lord, we will Pray For Outreach:
Finally brothers pray for us that
the message of the Lord may
Spread rapidly and be honoured,
just as it was with you. Pray that
we may be Delivered from evil
people, for not everyone has faith.
But the Lord is faithful, and He will
Strengthen you and Protect you
from the evil one (2Thess 3:1-3).
But as for you brethren, do not grow
weary in doing good (2Ths 3:13).

Lord, use me to bring the good
news of salvation to others.
Equip me Lord with the right words
at the right time, so that those
hearts are ready to be drawn to You.
I also pray for people who need
the good news, that their hearts
would Be Open to receive all
that You have for them. Amen.

Lord, show us Your servants we
need to be faithful to support in 
prayer as they spread Your truth.
Strengthen the hearts of those
who preach the gospel and equip
them in every way to do Your will.
Above all may Your Spirit do Your
mighty work in hearts of people so
that Your name be glorified. Amen.

Lord, sometimes we’re overwhelmed
by evil beyond the realm of reason.
Help us turn to You immediately
for Protection and Strength. For
ultimately You will triumph and
Your name will be glorified. And
help us not be weary of doing good
but live in such a way that our faith
and lives will please Him. Amen.

Hearing God In 2 Thess 1 (Nov 21)

God Enables Your Calling

In his second letter to Thessalonians,
Paul commends their faithfulness
in persecution and encourages
them that present suffering
will be repaid with future glory.
Paul clarifies the Day of the Lord
had not yet arrived & recounts the
events which must take place first.
Labouring for the gospel, rather
than lazy resignation, can be the
only proper response to such truth.

Lord, make Effective our Calling:
We always thank You, O God,
for other believers and pray that
their faith would grow consistently,
demonstrating more… evidence of
that faith; and that their love for each
other would increase (2 Thess 1:3).
We keep on praying for you,
that our God will make you Worthy
of the life to which He Called you.
And we pray that God by His Power
will fulfill all your good intentions
and faithful deeds. Then everyone
will give honour to the name of our
Lord Jesus because of you (v11-12).

Lord, I lift up the needs of my
friends and loved ones to You.
I ask You will meet their physical,
emotional and spiritual needs.
Cause their faith to grow steadily
so that they would truly fear You.
Create In them a desire to love
others as they love themselves. And
I ask that You will help me to point
them to You in word & life. Amen.

Father, grateful that Effectiveness
in Your calling doesn’t depend
on my abilities. In Your grace,
impart Your power to me so that
I may live the life to which You Lord
has called me. Make me a vessel
of Your glory so that those who
see my works will look past me
and be drawn to You. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I realise apart from
You, I can do absolutely nothing.
So I humbly seek You in prayer,
admit my inadequacy and ask
for Your grace and sufficiency.
Grant me tenacious faith in You and
Empower me to fulfil my calling. For
U alone can make me worthy of the
life which U have called me. Amen